
Photo Contest Winner May 2016


Kudos to Svend Guldbrandsen who was the winner of our locate-the-photo contest!

Svend was the lucky winner of a €500 voucher to spend on any of our liveaboards worldwide! We asked where this photo was taken [photo below] and Svend guessed correctly with the following answer;

'The "Manta Alley", one of the best dive sites in Komodo national park. It is the best place to dive with manta rays. Even if the manta rays are not around, the dive is still very good with many reef sharks, wrasses and schools of giant trevallies! Maybe the most luxurious and beautiful liveaboard in Indonesia is the "WAOW", and it will take you to Manta Alley.’

Congratulations Svend and we can’t wait to hear all about your exciting Liveaboard Adventure.

For those that didn’t win this time… stay tuned for our next competition coming soon!

Manta Alley, Komodo National Park
Manta Alley, Komodo