Palau Siren, Micronésie

“Merveilleux voyage offrant le meilleur de la vie marine de Palau des épaves, des reliques de la 2e guerre mondiale, des requins de…”

Michael G, Drapeau de Australie Australie

Points forts

  • Conçu par des plongeurs
  • Explorez des sites de plongée vierges et isolés
  • Plateforme de plongée ombragée massive avec rangement personnel
  • Nitrox disponible à bord

Le S/Y Palau Siren est un navire de 40 m, conçu par des plongeurs pour des plongeurs, qui offre un haut niveau de confort. Les plongeurs auront l’occasion d’explorer des sites de plongées magnifiques et reculés, et tout en profitant des aménagements de qualité à bord du Palau Siren. Les 12 membres de l’équipage sont à l’écoute des 16 passagers pour leur offrir un service sans reproche. Ce bateau de croisière accepte un petit nombre de personne afin de pourvoir de grands espaces à bord, dans ses 8 grandes cabines chacune équipée d’une climatisation individuelle, d’un système multimédia et d’une salle de bain privée.

Choisissez votre date de départ


Inclus: TVA, Transfert aéroport, Transfert hôtel, Boissons non-alcoolisées, Eau potable, Thé & café, Collations, Formule repas pension complète (tous les repas), Pack plongées, Excursions terrestres, Kayaks, Produits de toilette offerts, Serviettes de cabine, Serviettes de pont.

Extras obligatoires: Taxes du Parc National (200-270 USD).

Extras en option: Pourboires, Vols intérieurs, Boissons alcoolisées, Brevet Nitrox (100 USD), Brevets plongée sous-marine (50-200 USD), Guide de plongée privé, Matériel de location, Nitrox, Service blanchisserie / repassage (1 USD par élément), Wi-Fi (80 USD), Massage (60 USD).

Réservez maintenant, payez plus tard: Vous pouvez réserver en ligne très facilement. Nous bloquons les places pour vous et vous payez votre réservation plus tard.

* Les frais supplémentaires sont affichés par personne.

Payer par virement bancaire ou en ligne

  1. Paiements par Visa
  2. Paiements par MasterCard
  3. Paiements Paypal
  4. Paiements par American Express
  5. Apple Pay payments
Meilleur prix garanti

Plans et configuration du bateau


Types de cabine

Palau Siren Avis

  • Rating 9,1 out of 10
  • 9,1 Superbe
  1. Bateau
  2. Équipage
  3. Nourriture
  4. Plongée
  5. Valeur
  • Rating 5,2 out of 10
  • 5,2 Evaluation
  • François R
  • Drapeau de France France

On s’attend à des voiles quand on réserve sur un voilier

Les plongées

Recommandé pour
Beauté plongées, équipage sympa, organisation
  • Rating 9,2 out of 10
  • 9,2 Superbe
  • ERIC B
  • Drapeau de France France

Très beau bateau , confortable

Beaucoup de requins : gris , corail , léopard , nurse , bullshark . Superbe fond . Grande biodiversité . Grande cabine . Seule inconveignant les hublots ne s’ouvre pas ....

Recommandé pour
Plongée requins extraordinaire!!
  • Rating 9,6 out of 10
  • 9,6 Exceptionnel
  • James R
  • Drapeau de Etats-Unis Etats-Unis

The best way to experience diving in Palau

This was our first trip to Palau. As avid SCUBA divers we are always on the lookout for new and amazing destinations and Palau is certainly one of those. Liveaboard diving is perhaps not for everyone, however if it is your goal to have the best possible experience and maximize your dive time and number of dives, there is no other way to go. I have seen others state they don't see the point, all I have to say is they probably have not experienced it to see the point. Being able to wake up, dive, breakfast, dive, lunch, dive, rest, dive, dinner - with rests in between and the ability to relax and have the crew see to your every need is beyond compare. The Palau Siren crew is no exception. The boat may be a bit dated - however it's a lovely ship with a great dining area in the aft section and a nice lounge amidships. The only thing I would love to see is AC in the lounge - I realize this may not be possible on this type of vessel - however it would be very nice. All the cabins are below deck in the forward part of the boat. we had one of the two bow berths and the cabins were large enough for our needs and the bow berths have larger bathrooms and double beds. The mattresses are not phenomenal, however they are absolutely fine and we slept well throughout the 10 night trip. Each cabin has AC and the controls are centralized - we apparently had a small freon leak in our system and the engineer needed to fix it twice, however it was unobtrusive to us as they made the repairs while we were out diving. The entire crew aboard the Palau Siren are top notch! They saw to our every need. From the captain and cruise director to the chef and housekeeping staff, we wanted for nothing the entire trip. They were all friendly and 100% concerned for us to have an amazing trip. The skiff driver was awesome - very skilled and a local Palauan - Lloyd was phenomenal with the skiff. I had an equipment malfunction on one dive and aborted two minutes in and Lloyd took us on a little scenic tour around the islands nearby. The generator that works the compressor was under repair to the crew had to transfer tanks from shore for each day - they did this seamlessly and without any interruption to our experience. Again, a phenomenal job done by all. The boat also has decent internet service available at a reasonable rate - we choose to go off grid on our trips, however many of the guests were connected throughout the trip. The diving was amazing - from Grey reef sharks to macro critters, we saw a great variety of ocean wildlife and had an amazing time - all dives were conducted safely and to the brief. As a 36 year diver and 31 year dive professional, I was thoroughly impressed. Dive Palau the right way - do it on a liveaboard!

Recommandé pour
The crew were all TOP NOTCH. The chef made excellent meals for us all. The location of being on a liveaboard enabled us to relax in between dives and have a better experience and more dives.

Nous sommes là pour vous aider, 24/7

Contactez nos consultants de voyage expérimentés quand vous planifiez un voyage ou voyagez.

  • Oksana Kovaleva
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Ester Canali
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Juliane Ball
  • Laura Babahekian