Princess Dhonkamana, Maldivas
9,4 Soberbo
- Internet
- Nitrox disponível
- desde $ 200/ dia
- Reserve Já
“Locais de mergulho incríveis, comida perfeita, muito bem gerido, tripulação muito agradável e prestativa. ”
O M/Y Princess Dhonkamana é um iate live aboard de luxo com 31m e uma equipe de 13 que trabalha para garantir que os hóspedes vivenciem uma viagem de mergulho excepcional.
O Princess Dhonkamana apresenta nove cabines duplas equipadas com camas com dossel, AC e banheiros privativos. Grandes áreas comuns internas e um lounge são o lugar perfeito para descontrair depois de um emocionante dia de mergulho. Há também uma área de jantar coberta externa e três deques ao sol, incluindo uma jacuzzi. Café da manhã, almoço e jantar são um misto de culinárias maldivana, continental e italiana. Todas as refeições são servidas em estilo buffet.
Os mergulhos nas Maldivas oferecem descobertas fenomenais nas ricas águas do Oceano Índico. O MY Princess Dhonkamana possui três experts de mergulho a bordo para assistir em até três mergulhos espetaculares por dia. Os mergulhadores explorarão recifes incríveis que atraem raias-manta, tubarões-baleia, tartarugas, arraias e tubarões de recife. O Princess Dhonkamana realiza viagens de mergulho o ano todo.
Uma viagem de mergulho live aboard com o Princess Dhonkamana Maldivas é uma aventura incrível. Reserve hoje.
Este barco faz parte da frota Macana Maldives.
Escolher data de saída
Incluso: VAT, Taxas portuárias, Traslado de/para o aeroporto, Água potável, Chá e café, Coquetel de boas vindas, Churrasco na praia, Lanches, Plano de refeições em pensão completa (todas as refeições), Pacote de mergulho, Excursões em terra, Guia de snorkeling, Guia Naturalista, Pescaria, Toalhas de praia, Toalhas na cabine, Toalhas no deque.
Extras exigidos: Imposto ambiental (12 EUR por dia), Taxa de Serviço Obrigatória (90-128 EUR por viagem).
Extras opcionais: Seguro de mergulho (20-30 EUR), Voos locais, Bebidas alcoólicas, Refrigerantes, Vinho no jantar, Aluguel de equipamento (175 EUR), Curso de nitrox (200 EUR), Cursos de mergulho (370-850 EUR), Guia de mergulho particular (500 USD por viagem), Mergulhos extras (35 EUR), Nitrox (70 EUR), Equip. Snorkel (25 EUR), Internet WiFi (20 EUR).
Reserve agora, pague depois: É fácil fazer sua reserva online. Nós seguraremos as vagas para você e você pode confirmar com o pagamento depois.
* Taxas extras são exibidas por pessoa.
Pagar por transferência bancária/online
Planta da embarcação

Tipos de cabines
Princess Dhonkamana Comentários
- 9,4 Soberbo
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- Matthew W
Estados Unidos
A beautiful, friendly, feel-good experience with amazing dives
Dhonkamana has visiting the islands down a rhythm. The core is based around about three dives a day, and three square Italian style meals a day. Each day we jump to a new location such as an atoll and get in between 2-4 dives from her support dhoni, Savari. Dives are amazing, including pinnacles, coral reefs, cleaning stations, and much more. Maldives still have an abundance of color fish, sharks, mantas, and much more. Feasting from the on board chefs happen on the back deck, and we never wanted for ample good quality pasta, fish, meats, fruits and more. In between that we fit in some visits to tiny islands, beaches,sandbars, a local town, and a nighttime barbecue. The dive guides are capable and friendly and we even got some additional PADI training and certifications. The top dives were probably the night dive with a dozen car-sized mantas doing underwater flips to eat, and a pinnacle with thousands of yellow snappers. All this for a very competitive price too. No guarantees, but this trip the guests had a very friendly vibe and team spirit too. All told a Dhonkamana trip is an easy recommend.
- Recomendado para
- The incredible dive sites and dive experiences. Relaxed and friendly atmosphere on board. The beauty of the islands and navigating between them (often on the sun deck).
- 9,6 Excepcional
- Ryan V
Estados Unidos
Perfect liveaboard trip.
The diving was fantastic with guides going above and beyond to choose beautiful and fun routes on the sites. The family style Italian meals were fun and the crew were very helpful for the fishermen on board as well.
- Recomendado para
- Wonderful diving, great Italian food and fishing.
- 7,2 Bom
- Shahin F
Estados Unidos
Good trip except for the end
Great food, Seeing sharks, and massive coral reefs. The other divers were also pleasant people. I do need to mention some downsides though. Our dive guide was not so great. He didn’t have the ability to make our dive group fee like a team and he spent a lot of time critiquing and critiquing dive techniques especially in the morning at breakfast in front of everyone else. don’t expect to enjoy your morning coffee with him. These dive trips aren’t cheap and your dive guide is the person you’ll spend the most time with in the water, so it’s worth really considering how a poor dive guide will influence your overall experience.
- Recomendado para
- Food, fish, coral
- 10 Excepcional
- Kelsey W
Estados Unidos
Experience of a Lifetime
I’ve been fortunate to experience both the Princess Dhonkamana and Princess Haleema. Both weeks were such a breathtaking experience. The staff and boat crew are simply amazing and do everything possible to ensure all guests are happy and comfortable. The food is wonderful, and the chef takes such pride in making sure every guest has something to enjoy. The diving/snorkeling guides are also incredible and take the time to bring the guests to the most beautiful sites to see an array of fish, mantas, turtles, and sharks. I can’t recommend these boats highly enough, and I will keep going back!
- Recomendado para
- Diving/snorkel guides, amazing food, swimming with Manta rays
- 7,6 Bom
- Matilde S
Estados Unidos
Snorkeling in the Maldives is a wonderful experience!
Snorkeling was the best! Although no one informed or tried to create awareness about the health of the reefs we visited. There should be more information about this as all but one reef we visited was healthy. After 16 snorkeling locations no one informed us at all. After asking we received different information as to why the reefs were dead from crew and cruise leaders.
- Recomendado para
- 1. Visiting and swimming on sandy islands. 2. Snorkeling. 3. Views from the roof top of the boat. Sunsets were beautiful!
- 8,4 Muito bom
- Daniel B
Estados Unidos
Great trip
Tiger shark dive. Whale sharks coming to the boat at night and the mantas
- Recomendado para
- Big cabin, great staff and amazing diving
- 10 Excepcional
- Gillian P
Estados Unidos
Absolutely Fantastic!
Manta rays and sharks, sharks, sharks and a whale shark too. So many fish and sea life. Many different types of dives and dive conditions. Great Dive Masters and boat crew, fantastic food, daily stops to deserted islands. I had such a good time, can't wait to book again.
- Recomendado para
- The diving, the crew and shipmates, the food.
- 10 Excepcional
- Bruce K
Estados Unidos
Great Trip
This was a fabulous trip with a great crew and great diving. Highly recommend.
- Recomendado para
- Whale Sharks, Manta Rays, Amazing Night Dive
- 9,6 Excepcional
- Anthony M
Estados Unidos
Great boat and wonderful food.
Mantas, sharks, frog fish and the mantis shrimp.
- Recomendado para
- Food, diving and the overall crew
- 10 Excepcional
- Michael B
Eine tolle Erfahrung!
Eine tolle Woche mit sehr familiärer Atmosphäre auf dem Boot. Das Tauchprogramm wurde den jeweiligen Verhältnissen angepasst - sehr flexibel. Leihausrüstung: Ich hatte Glück und habe ein ganz neues BCD bekommen. Zu empfehlen: Nitrox. Die gesamte Tauchausrüstung bleibt auf dem Dhoni (Begleitboot) - das ist super. Professionelle Crew. Kulinarisch top - ein grosses Lob an die Küche!
- Recomendado para
- Nachttauchen mit Mantas. Adlerrochen und verschiedene Haie. Atmosphäre auf dem Boot.