Elegante Live aboard, Djibouti
8,1 Muito bom
- desde $ 177/ dia
- Reserve Já
“Boa comida, atmosfera descontraída e encontros verdadeiramente surpreendentes com os tubarões-baleia.”
O lindo MSY Elegante é uma tradicional escuna de madeira que oferece viagens de mergulho no Djibuti entre novembro e janeiro todos os anos. Durante esta época especial, os mares em Djibuti estão repletos de plâncton rico em nutrientes e os tubarões-baleia param para se alimentar nestas águas como parte da sua migração anual. Além de tubarões baleia, os mergulhadores poderão encontrar raias manta, recifes espetaculares e naufrágios, longe das multidões do Mar Vermelho.
O MS/Y Elegante atende apenas 14 hóspedes em 7 cabines. Cada uma oferece camas de casal ou solteiro, banheiros privativos e AC. As áreas comunais incluem o lounge interno com área de entretenimento e um lounge e área de jantar externo, ótimo para relaxar e desfrutar da brisa marinha e de vistas incríveis.
Junte-se ao live aboard MSY Elegante para uma viagem de mergulho fantástica no Djibuti. Agende online hoje para reservar sua vaga.
Escolher data de saída
Incluso: VAT, Traslado de/para o aeroporto, Água potável, Chá e café, Lanches, Plano de refeições em pensão completa (todas as refeições), Pacote de mergulho, Toalhas de praia, Toalhas na cabine.
Extras exigidos: Sobretaxa de combustível (40 EUR), Vistos e taxas (100 EUR por viagem).
Extras opcionais: Seguro de mergulho, Gorjetas, Bebidas alcoólicas, Refrigerantes, Aluguel de equipamento, Cursos de mergulho, Equip. Snorkel.
Reserve agora, pague depois: É fácil fazer sua reserva online. Nós seguraremos as vagas para você e você pode confirmar com o pagamento depois.
* Taxas extras são exibidas por pessoa.
Pagar por transferência bancária/online
Planta da embarcação

Tipos de cabines
Elegante Comentários
- 8,1 Muito bom
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- Werner B
Ich habe mir gleich mehrere Träume erfüllt. Eine 2. Tour zu anderen Plätzen in diesem Gebiet ist von großem Interesse
- Recomendado para
- Die Tauchpläze. Die Mannschaft. Harmonische Teilnehmer.
- 9,6 Excepcional
- Rudolf H
Begegnung mit Walhaien
An Bord herrscht eine herzliche, familiäre und fröhliche Atmosphäre. Wir wurden mit absolut leckerem und abwechslungsreichen Essen verwöhnt. Der Kapitän versteht meisterhaft sein Handwerk. Seine Gelassenheit und Ruhe ist wohltuend. Unser Tauchguide Alice: Noch nie zuvor haben wir einen Tauchguide mit langjähriger Berufserfahrung gesehen, der immer noch mit solch großer Freude und Begeisterung mehrmals täglich tauchen geht. Ihr Unterwassergesang wird uns immer in Erinnerung bleiben. Wir kamen wegen der Walhaie und wurden von der Vielfalt an Groß- und Kleinfischen unter Wasser überrascht. Wer tauchen pur ohne Massentourismus sucht, ist hier absolut richtig! Wir kommen gerne wieder!
- Recomendado para
- Tauchspots. Essen, Freundlichkeit und Service. Tauchguide Alice 🫶.
- 5,6 Nota
- Halis A
Not overcrowded with tourists, well suited for explorers
The team is very friendly and very helpful. We had great weather in November with a water temperature of 30 degrees. We were even able to watch 5 sharks together one evening. It was very difficult to find any during the day, but we were lucky twice, even if it was for a very short moment. After all, they are wild animals and are not tied to one place. On board the understanding of hygiene is different, as almost all of the course participants with stomach problems discovered. So be sure to take your medicine with you when traveling.
- Recomendado para
- whale shark. intact underwater world and corals. species-rich.
- 6,8 Nota
- Elyes A
Bateau atypique et sympa
Session snorkling très sympa avec requin baleines. Malheureusement une semaine avec une visibilité très pauvre et seulement un dive Master pour 10... Encadrement sous marin décevant. Staff du bateau très présent et serviable.
- Recomendado para
- Équipage- repas- bateau
- 10 Excepcional
- Simon H
A unique experience
We spent an incredible week on the Elegante. The crew was adorable and we really had fun with them. The food was delicious (quality and quantity) with various menus. Dives were various as well and the underwater life there is rich (many pods, big fishes, turtles, rays, dolphins...). We had the chance to swim with whale sharks while snorkelling AND diving which will remain quite a great memory. We also really appreciated the vintage style of the boat which contrasts with the now usual big white yachts. We definitely want to come back to discover sudanese waters ! Thanks for these precious moments. Marine & Simon
- Recomendado para
- Dives, Kindness of the crew and whale sharks
- 6,8 Nota
- Petter Kvinge T
Great whale sharks
Whale sharks
- Recomendado para
- Whale sharks, guitar sharks, healthy corals
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- Yuchen W
Great liveaboard for swimming with whale sharks
We had basically a private liveboard for just 3 people (myself solo and another couple). The crew was very friendly and catered to all our needs, especially with regards to the delicious food! Often for dinner we'd eat whatever fish we freshly caught during the day. The highlight of the trip was swimming with whale sharks. We didn't consistently find them everyday, but on one day we had two excursions where we encountered 10+ whale sharks feeding. The experience was incredible, especially during the week, when there weren't any day boats from Djibouti City and we were able to enjoy these magical animals alone. The diving itself was also good and its tranquility balanced out the tiring effort of swimming with whale sharks. There were lots of colourful fish and coral, but it did get a little repetitive after a while, although I suppose that's because the focus was staying at the best spots where whale sharks feed. Overall, highly recommended trip especially if you're looking for a good value-for-money liveboard for whale sharks.
- Recomendado para
- whale sharks, food, crew friendliness
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- Dieter V
World class whale shark experience
Great diving on unspoiled reefs. We've been lucky to find whale shark on every attempt, thanks to the amazing crew who were very experienced in finding them. Apart from the the whale sharks, we've seen turtles, rays (including manta ray), an much much more. Good food, relaxed atmosphere, and truly astonishing encounters with the whale sharks.
- Recomendado para
- Whale sharks, Unspoiled coral reefs, great helpful crew
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- Elisabeth U
Bescheidenes Tauchen mit netter Crew in Djibouti
Freundliche Divemaster,Kapitän,Crew, hilfsbereit, Interessanter Ausflug zu Lac Assal und Djibouti Town Mehrmalige Versuche Walhaie zu finden, leider nur 2 kurz gesehn Essen wirklich sehr abwechslungsreich und nett angerichtet Probleme und Wünsche werden sofort gelöst oder versucht Lösung zufinden. Aber--- In die Jahre gekommenes Segelschiff, Probleme in der Kabine- defekte Türschnalle,WCSpülung werden aber von Crew repariert Nur 15l Stahlflaschen! Damit über Leiter zum Zodiak sehr beschwerlich, Equipment ständig in der Sonne, Tauchplätze bescheiden, fast alle Taucher an Magendarmbeschwerden erkrankt
- Recomendado para
- Freundliche Crew,gute Essen, beeindruckende Landschaft
- 8,4 Muito bom
- Nadine F
intakte, artenreiche Unterwasserwelt
sehr freundliche Crew, immer bemüht dass es einem gut geht leckeres, abwechslungsreiches Essen super Erfahrung mit den Walhaien sehr schöne Tauchplätze, intakte Riffe mit vielen Fischen/ große Fischschwärme und sehr schönen teils riesigen Korallen
- Recomendado para
- Walhaie, intakte riesige Korallen, Artenreichtum unterwasser