Emperor Raja Lautダイブクルーズ, インドネシア
9.3 特上の
- インターネット
- 無料ナイトロックス
- から $ 297/ 日
- 今予約する
Emperor Raja Lautに乗り、インドネシアでのエキサイティングなダイビングライブアボード冒険に参加しましょう。ダイビングは一年中、この地域の最高のスポットで提供されています。6月から9月にかけては、コモド国立公園でのスリリングなダイビングを楽しめます。世界クラスのダイビングスポットであるキャッスル・ロック、クリスタル・ロック、マンタ・アリーを訪れ、コモドドラゴンやマンタ、サメ、その他多くの生物に出会えるチャンスがあります。11月になると彼女はコーラルトライアングルの中心地であり、世界でも特に生物多様性が豊かな海洋エリアとして知られているラジャアンパットの多様な地域へ移動します。また、限られた年数回のクロッシング・トリップもあり、Emperor Raja Lautが目的地の間を移動し、ほとんどダイビングされていないスポットで知られているバンダ諸島を訪れます。ここではハンマーヘッド、活火山、素晴らしい生物や壮大な外洋生物のアクションを見ることができる、人生で一度の貴重な体験が待っています。ダイビングは2台の大型RIBボートから行われ、ナイトロックスは認定ダイバー向けに提供されます。
トップサイドでは、Emperor Raja Lautライブアボードは熱帯の木材を使用して建てられた伝統的なインドネシアン・ピニシで、インドネシアの海を航行する際の王族のような気分を味わえます。彼女は6つのエンスイート・キャビンで最大12名のゲストを収容します。ツインルームが3つ、ダブルルームが3つ、各キャビンにはミニセーフ、収納スペース、エンスイートバスルーム、個別調整可能なエアコンが備わっています。社交エリアには完全に空調の効いたラウンジがあり、49インチのTV、ライブラリー、ゲーム、映画、ミニバーがあり、キャビンと同じデッキにすべて集められています。サンデッキは上部デッキにあり、日向と日陰の両方にサンラウンジがあり、大きなテーブルでインドネシアの景色を望む野外ダイニングをお楽しみいただけます。
ラジャアンパットでの忘れられないダイビングアドベンチャーに、Emperor Raja Lautで参加してください。今すぐオンラインで予約して、スペースを確保しましょう。
含む: 付加価値税, 国立公園料金, 港湾税, ホテルでの乗り換え, 空港での乗り換え, ティー&コーヒー, ディナー用ワイン, 飲料水, スナック, 全ての食事が含まれたプラン, ダイビングのパッケージ, ナイトロックス, ランド・エクスカーション, キャビンタオル, デッキタオル.
オプションのエクストラ: ダイブ保険 (5 USD 1日あたり), 旅行保険, クルーへのチップ, アルコール飲料, ソフトドリンク, スキューバダイビングのコース, ナイトロックスのコース (170 USD), レンタル 用品.
今予約して、後で支払う: オンライン上で予約は簡単に取れます。空き状況や値段がすぐわかり、VISA、Mastercard、PayPal、銀行入金などで支払いが可能です。

Emperor Raja Laut レビュー
- 9.3 特上の
- 9.6 特別
- Carolyn B
Amazing boat, crew and dives!
What a magical experience diving in Komodo. The dive sites were great, the crew was wonderful and we were well fed throughout the entire trip. Every time we came back on the zodiac we were greeted with a warm welcome. The newly dried towels were much appreciated after the chillier dives. Our DM Chris was extremely experienced and pointed things you would've blown right past. We did have an awkward encounter with our cruise director at dinner the last night. His behavior was a bit off putting but feedback was provided to the company and made us feel heard, and addressed the issue right away. I would not hesitate to book another trip again on this boat!
- にお勧め
- Dive sites were fantastic. Crew and food was great. Our DM Chris was excellent.
- 10 特別
- iouri M
Very good Trip, nice Crew command, professional Diving Instructors, so many friends around team
Perfect to meet new divers and old friends in team! Nice professional diving team, crew and kitchen!!! Very pleasant to come back at soon and see you team again!!!! High recommended this boat to diving adventure to Komodo Islands!!!!
- にお勧め
- All diving sites are amazing, prefer to come back at soon
- 9.6 特別
- Katherine K
Marvelous diving, friendly and competent crew, pretty boat, and surprisingly good food!
Our nine-night itinerary allowed more diving and relaxation than typical seven-night trips. The boat schedule was good, with dives at 7:00, 11:00, and 15:00. We found many fantastic macro creatures during daytime dives, including pygmy seahorses, and both night dives were outstanding. A few dives had higher current, which challenged some on our boat, and the water was a bit colder in the southern part of Komodo National Park - we were happy to have brought 5 mm wetsuits in addition to our thinner ones. The two land adventures were fun, as were the mealtimes, including special steak night, burger lunch, and hot pot dinner. The best part was the super-friendly and competent crew, especially our dive guide Pablo and the hilarious cruise director Tony. It was absolutely worth it - highly recommended!
- にお勧め
- An amazing night dive, eating every meal family-style on deck, and the hilarious cruise director (Tony)
- 9.6 特別
- Matthew M
Fabulous week in Komodo
We had a fantastic week aboard Emperor Raja Laut diving in Komodo for our honeymoon. Flor and Sophie guided us safely through 20 dives at a variety of sites with knowledge of and respect for the local reefs and wildlife. We saw a huge diversity of wildlife, including manta, turtles, octopus, cuttlefish, and countless nudi, among others. Sprinkled in were land excursions to see a local village, a pink sand beach, and two hikes - one with an incredible view of Padar island. The boat staff was lovely and kept us comfortable throughout our stay. FYI there can be strong current at some sites in Komodo, so this is not an itinerary for freshly certified divers.
- にお勧め
- Diving, land excursions, dive guides
- 9.2 特上の
- Rebecca M
Went as a 'snorkeler only'. Dive guide was not available to join however when possible and necessary for 'buddy' a member of the service crew was always willing to join.
Seeing the dugong! And of course the corals and fish in a color spectrum unlike any other
- にお勧め
- CREW CREW CREW - and the dive/snorkel sights were nice too
- 9.6 特別
- Sherry W
A beautiful boat in a beautiful location
We visited a variety of sites, enjoying both macro life and pelagics like mantas and sharks. When we were in south Komodo, we were virtually alone; only one other dive boat was in the area. The reefs were so healthy with brilliant colors and abundant life. Our divemasters, Sophie and Flo, were wonderful hosts and guides. I enjoyed our shore excursions, hiking a tall peak for a great view and also seeing the Komodo dragons in the park. My week, we only had 7 divers out of the 12 possible, so we got very individualized service (and I had my own cabin!).
- にお勧め
- The reefs were in fantastic shape, our divemasters were fun and knowledgeable, and the boat was newly renovated.
- 10 特別
- Kim S
Amazing experience! Really recommend!
Beautiful divesites, wholesome homey feeling on the boat. Flexible and easygoing crew and schedules. Clean, fresh and spacious.
- にお勧め
- Diving & Diveguides. Crew Service & Friendliness. Food & drinks.
- 10 特別
- Marjorie L
Wonderful experience with Raja Laut
I had a wonderful experience on Raja Laut. The crews were extremely helpful, they were accurate on daily diving plans, providing clear instructions on each dive, very tentative on security and always fast on responding everyone's needs. The food was tremendous considering the fact that the kitchen was tiny, the chief must have tried all he could to serve the guests with good food. Anyone who would love to enjoy a family vibe for a liveaboard trip, I'd highly recommend raja laut.
- にお勧め
- the great services. clear instructions of diving plans. good food.
- 8.4 とても良い
- Trang N
Lovely boat with little guests
Diving in Komodo on this liveaboard was spectacular. It was clean, spacious (despite its smaller size!) with friendly staff. I wish there was more local food on board as opposed to western food, though
- にお勧め
- Sparking clean. Nice and spacious cabins. Beautiful boat.
- 10 特別
- Jérémie R
les plongées à Cape Kri, Blue Magic, Melissa Garden et Magic Mountain
- にお勧め
- Beauté et variété des spots; gentillesse de l’équipage ; charme du bateau