
Sunshineダイブクルーズ, エジプト

  • Rating 8.8 out of 10 8.8 最高
    • フリーインターネット
    • 無料ナイトロックス
  • から $ 95/ 日
  • 今予約する

“The ship is a bit old, but other things make up for it. Also, reasonable prices and good routes cover everything.”

nakmin C, 国旗 韓国 韓国

Sunshine liveaboardは紅海で格安で最高のダイブサファリを提供しています。20名様までご利用可能の船内には、ダイビングの合間にもゆっくりとリラックスしていただける、たくさんの部屋がございます。エアコン付きの室内サロンには、お客様皆様にゆったりと座りながら、絶品のエジプト料理、西洋料理を味わっていただけるバーとエンターテインメントエリアがございます。また、室外ラウンジや、一部屋根付きのラウンジャーのあるサンデッキもございます。客室はシンプルですが快適です。部屋にはツインベッド、エアコン、収納スペースが備えられています。



含む: 付加価値税, 国立公園料金, 空港での乗り換え, ウェルカムカクテル, ソフトドリンク, ティー&コーヒー, 飲料水, スナック, 全ての食事が含まれたプラン, ダイビングのパッケージ, ナイトロックス, 追加のダイブ, WiFi インターネット, キャビンタオル, デッキタオル, 無料のアメニティ.

必要なエクストラ: クルーへのチップ (60 EUR), 港湾税 (50 EUR 1旅程あたり), 環境税 (60 EUR 1旅程あたり).

オプションのエクストラ: プライベートのダイブガイド (50 EUR 1日あたり), レンタル 用品 (15 EUR 1日あたり).

今予約して、後で支払う: オンライン上で予約は簡単に取れます。空き状況や値段がすぐわかり、VISA、Mastercard、PayPal、銀行入金などで支払いが可能です。



  1. ビザによる支払い
  2. マスターカード決済
  3. ペイパル決済
  4. アメリカン・エキスプレスのお支払い
  5. アップルペイ決済


Sunshine レビュー

  • Rating 8.8 out of 10
  • 8.8 最高
  1. 船舶
  2. クルー
  3. 食事
  4. ダイビング
  5. バリュー
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 特別
  • nakmin C
  • 国旗 韓国 韓国


The ship is a bit old, but other things make up for it. Also, reasonable prices and good routes cover everything.

Good guiding, delicious food, diving route
  • Rating 8.8 out of 10
  • 8.8 最高
  • Hugo F
  • 国旗 スペイン スペイン

Probably best Price/Quality in the Red Sea

Food and staff the best of the trip by far, super friendly, gentle and attentive. A small remarks on drinks, they don't have alcoholic drinks aboard like other boats do so they don't make business with this, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks for the trip. Rental equipment absolutely remarkable with almost all brand new and high-standard brand. Scuba diving platform is huge, plenty of space to equip yourself and diving procedures in general are very good. Nitrox equipment more than sufficient for this kind of trip, some dives are with air and % is not spot on as they do it manually but nothing to worry about. Cabin is probably the worst of the boat as they have 8 cabins in the lower part of the boat, beds are around 1.90m, and the toilet is pretty small with the shower being the toilet itself, but it is the best they can do with 8 cabins in the same level. Upper level cabins bigger but they only have 2 available for guests, I did not see the toilets of the upper cabins. Still, you just need to get used to it and it is not terrible at all, we need to think that we are on a boat, not on a 5-star luxury resort! The boat could maybe be a little bit more clean, but nothing terrible. Don't get scared when jumping on board as their harbor spot is next to an abandoned ship full of dogs that you need to go through to jump in the Sunshine, so first impression can be shocking but then it is even fun if you stay on the boat during the resting day. Dive spots are a little bit different than boats departing from Sharm-al-Sheik as they need to make the way back to Hurghada. The rout is quite well optimized and you can see places than Sharm-al-Sheik boats don't go as Carnatic and Giannis-D wrecks, but for me there were some dives in average spots while we could have diven in other better places arriving a little bit later back to Hurghada. But I am not an expert as well on anchoring spots, so maybe there are some other limitations that I am not aware off. Lastly, this boat is very well known in Russia and normally more than half of the divers will be russian. This is not an issue at all but just as a though, as attitude and way of being is quite different to Europeans, so don't expect much interaction with other divers as they tend to stay within their own group and English level is not great on average. All in all, I would come back to this boat always if the price stays like this. Probably even if the price would go up slightly it would still be worth it as the more expensive boats don't offer that much of a diference on quality. Thanks to Hamada, Mahmut, Captain Mahmud, Ahmed, Bibu and all the rest crew, it was an awesome week!

Food, guide, rental equipment.
  • Rating 9.2 out of 10
  • 9.2 特上の
  • Wagner Thales S
  • 国旗 ブラジル ブラジル

Muito satisfeito

Viajei sozinho e me senti muito confortável, apesar de ser o único brasileiro no barco. O staff estava sempre preocupado em nos atender da melhor maneira possível, os pontos escolhidos foram os previstos e quando mar ficou mais agitado eles se colocaram a segurança em primeiro lugar e mudaram o ponto de mergulho preciso para uma enseada protegida até que o mar acalmasse, onde mergulhamos e não fomos prejudicados. No tocante ao valor tenho certeza que o custo benefício é muito vantajoso e certamente indico fazer um cruzeiro no SUNSHINE

Equipe, pontos de mergulho, ambiente saudável



  • Andrea Martinez
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Juliane Ball
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Oksana Kovaleva
  • Josue Zarco
  • Ester Canali