Ilikeダイブクルーズ, インドネシア
8.9 最高
- インターネット
- ナイトロックス用意あり
- から $ 200/ 日
- 今予約する
美しいIlike Indonesiaは、伝統的なフィニシ船で、年間を通じて美しいインドネシアの群島を巡るツアーを提供しています。旅程はラジャアンパット、東フローレス、フォーガットン諸島、アロー、トリトン湾、そしてコモド国立公園などのダイブエリアをカバーしており、5泊の短期ツアーから13泊の長期ツアーまで様々です。船上のダイブ設備には、船の前方に位置する広々としたダイブデッキ、水中カメラの準備とセットアップエリア、2隻のダイブテンダー船、およびニトロックス設備(認定者のみ、追加料金あり)があります。
ボート上では、MSY Ilikeのライブアボードはわずか16名のゲストを8室のキャビンで迎え入れます。各キャビンにはエアコン、専用バスルーム、そしてポートホール(窓)が完備されています。社交エリアには、室内のシーティングエリアと、ラウンジャーとハンモック付きの広々としたサンデッキがあり、ダイブ間のリラックスや、日没後にカクテルを楽しんでインドネシアの壮大なサンセットを満喫するのに最適です。船上のシェフは、インドネシア料理と国際料理を融合した食事を毎回新鮮に調理し、オープンキッチン付きのサロンや風から守られた屋外の座席エリアで提供します。
経験豊富でプロフェッショナルなクルーと共に、MSY Ilike Indonesiaで、この特別な場所で記憶に残るダイビング休暇をお楽しみください。オンラインで今すぐ予約を。
含む: 付加価値税, ホテルでの乗り換え, 空港での乗り換え, ウェルカムカクテル, ティー&コーヒー, 飲料水, スナック, 全ての食事が含まれたプラン, ダイビングのパッケージ, 追加のダイブ, ランド・エクスカーション, キャビンタオル, デッキタオル, 無料のアメニティ.
必要なエクストラ: Park, Port and Fuel Fees (30 EUR 1日あたり), 国立公園料金 (15-110 EUR 1旅程あたり).
オプションのエクストラ: クルーへのチップ, アルコール飲料, ソフトドリンク, ナイトロックス, プライベートのダイブガイド, レンタル 用品, シュノーケリング装備, WiFi インターネット, ラウンドリー / アイロン サービス, マッサージ.
今予約して、後で支払う: オンライン上で予約は簡単に取れます。空き状況や値段がすぐわかり、VISA、Mastercard、PayPal、銀行入金などで支払いが可能です。

Ilike レビュー
- 8.9 最高
- 8.8 最高
- Angela T
Good value for price
The only complaints I have is that they charged for soft drinks and there is no shade canopy on the sun deck so you stay inside the saloon or dining area most of the time instead of relaxing on a lounge chair in the fresh air
- にお勧め
- The Crew is super nice and helpful. The majority of the dive sites were really great for fish and macro. Good value for price.
- 9.6 特別
- Brendan E
Excellent all-around service, especially on dive planning
The manager made a huge effort to make sure we beat the crowds to the more popular dive sites. Dive briefings were highly detailed
- にお勧め
- Food, dive planning, cleanliness
- 10 特別
- Kathleen A
The most amazing trip of a lifetime
I cannot say enough about the crew and the adventure. Everything was carefully choreographed to ensure that you had the best experience. The crew went to great lengths to ensure that we were able to enjoy diving and I felt absolutely loved and cared for. It was an experience I’ve not had on any other live aboard and I’ve done many. Everything you needed was at your fingertips and everyone treated you as though you were the most special passenger. I was a solo traveler, but felt right at home. I was nervous to drive as I hadn’t been diving for a long time. Guides and the dive briefings were fabulous. Everyone was there to make sure I was safe and had an experience of a lifetime. I laughed so much. It was as though we were on a luxury boat without the cost. Everything you needed was done for you. You just had to breathe and jump into the water. If you want to experience the real treasures of Raja Ampat - this ship and its crew are for you. I will go again with this company - something I’ve never done before, because the experience was so profound.
- にお勧め
- Staff, boat, diving professionalism
- 8.0 とても良い
- John L
The dive guides and ships crew were excellent! Their service and hard work made the trip exceptional. The weak spot was the chef: either chicken or makerel and white rice for nearly every lunch and d
Koon, Misool, Blue magic and Melissa's Garden in Central Raja Ampat... and the crew lead by Jan: a superb cruise manager. Always organized and very punctual.
- にお勧め
- Excellent service, crew had tanks always ready, very consistent NO2 mix and carried the tanks, cameras, etc to the tenders for each diver 3-4 dives per day. The dive sites were excellent.
- 8.8 最高
- vincent L
Excellent and unforgettable
On last date with sunset dinner and celebrate safe diving!
- にお勧め
- Diving guide, crews devoution, safety
- 8.8 最高
- Sean C
Indo Diving
Plenty of diving with crew handling everything well. Cabins are basic which is fine as you just need to lay down and sleep. Plenty of food is available throughout the day.
- にお勧め
- Corals, dive locations and crew
- 9.6 特別
- Thomas O
Excellent liveaboard with excellent staff and comfort.
The long dives and the spacious boat with a very accommodating staff.
- にお勧め
- 70 minute dives, great staff, and spacious.
- 8.0 とても良い
- Owen P
Great tour, great crew, terrible visibility. Don't go in October
Schools of bluefish swirling as we moved our arms. It was like they were hugging us.
- にお勧め
- We always beat the other boat's customers into the water. We had air conditioning in the cabins and so did the crew. Interesting land excursions.
- 8.0 とても良い
- Lisa K
The best diving in the world!
The biggest schools of fish I've ever seen- a "tornado" of jacks, loads and loads of glass fish all around the bommies, and the most colorful, vibrant corals. Of all the places in the world I've dove, this was my most favorite and worth the 40+ hours of air travel to get here!~
- にお勧め
- Huge schools of fish, great friends, super fun crew
- 10 特別
- Jonathan L
Five-star service, five-star treatment and five-star diving.
The diving in Misool was world-class, as were our dive guides. The muck diving later on was fantastic and steaming up to and stopping and swimming on the Equator was a unique experience.
- にお勧め
- The diving, the diving and the diving