Pawaraダイブクルーズ, タイ
9.0 特上の
- 無料ナイトロックス
- から $ 153/ 日
- 今予約する
全長35メートルのMV Pawaraは、鋼鉄製の船体を持つシミラン諸島専用のライブアボードです。10月から5月にかけて、シミラン諸島のトップダイブサイトやリチェリューロック、コボン、コタチャイを巡る4泊のクルーズを提供します。ダイバーは、巨大なジンベエザメやマンタ、ヒョウモンザメ、美しいハードコーラルやソフトコーラルに出会えることを期待できます。広々としたダイビングデッキからのダイビングは、ギアの収納スペースも十分で、資格を持ったダイバーは無料のナイトロックスを利用できます。
船上では、MV Pawaraライブアボードは、共有バスルーム付きの2つの格安キャビンと、専用バスルーム付きの10つのキャビンを提供しています。各キャビンにはエアコンが完備され、タオル、トイレタリー、セーフティボックスが用意されています。ダイビングの合間には、テレビ、DVD、サウンドシステム、カラオケ、ゲームなどが備わったエンターテインメントルームや、柔らかいマットレスが並んだ日光浴デッキでリラックスすることができます。ダイニングルームでは、毎日3食の美味しいタイ料理と国際料理が提供され、クッキー、新鮮な果物、紅茶、コーヒー、飲料水は終日利用可能です。
経験豊富でプロフェッショナルなMV Pawaraのクルーが、忘れられないシミランダイビングホリデーをお手伝いします。オンラインで今日予約して、席を確保しましょう。
含む: 付加価値税, ダイブ保険, ホテルでの乗り換え, 空港での乗り換え, ティー&コーヒー, 飲料水, スナック, 全ての食事が含まれたプラン, ダイビングのパッケージ, ナイトロックス, キャビンタオル.
必要なエクストラ: ビザと料金, 国立公園料金 (1,500-2,300 THB).
オプションのエクストラ: クルーへのチップ, アルコール飲料, ソフトドリンク, レンタル 用品.
今予約して、後で支払う: オンライン上で予約は簡単に取れます。空き状況や値段がすぐわかり、VISA、Mastercard、PayPal、銀行入金などで支払いが可能です。

Pawara レビュー
- 9.0 特上の
- 9.6 特別
- ross N
i would do it again only stay longer in Thialand to rest before the dives. if anyone reads this i am 68 so i need my rest lol.
it was a great experience the crew was great the food was very good except for the Sauage it was different from my American taste however i have to remember i was someplace exotic.
- にお勧め
- the crew. the training. getting to know other divers.
- 10 特別
- Gerson M
It was amazing! 🤩
The moment we left the trip, we wanted to get right back on the boat and do another trip. That’s how good it was! Vincent and the crew were awesome, they answered any concerns we had and were flexible with everyone’s needs on the boat. The amount of money you pay doesn’t equate to the level of comfort you get - the crew went out of their way to make every single day and dive super fun, enjoyable and relaxing for us. We are already making plans for our next trip which will be very soon 😎
- にお勧め
- The food, the crew, and the dive sites
- 10 特別
- Matthew P
Champaign experience on a beer budget
Vincent and his staff ensured the best experience. The dives sites were quite good although visibility and surges weren’t always the most cooperative. The dive guides and boat crew worked together being flexible with time and location to ensure the best experience. Food was delicious and overly abundant. We can’t recommend this boat and crew enough, a fantastic time.
- にお勧め
- Amazing staff all around. Great diving. Wonderful food.
- 10 特別
- Bianca G
I felt in paradise the whole 5 days! Loved everything and would book the Pawara again in the future!
- にお勧め
- Boat size and layout was perfect for 5 days, whole crew was professional, efficient and friendly. Cabin was comfortable (I had a deluxe cabin).
- 10 特別
- Darryl B
Best liveaboard of the 11 I have done!
Feeling as safe and comfortable diving as I ever have in my 1500 dives. As my dive master taught me things I had never learned and, can’t believe in all my Dives no one else had pointed out.
- にお勧め
- Crate dedicated dive boat layout. Great food. Great staff.
- 10 特別
- James M
Awesome diving and so fun.
This is a very fun crew. The boat was great. They were so helpful. We saw our first Sea Snake, and a Giant Grouper. This is our 3rd liveabord and they will be our first choice next year.
- にお勧め
- The Dive Masters, the Crew, dive sites
- 7.2 グッド
- Lisa O
Richlieu Rock is the best dive
First day of diving not great but Riclieu Rock is unbelievable.
- にお勧め
- Food, diving, meeting new people
- 7.6 グッド
- Patricia D
Fun and beautiful dives
Dive locations, Rooms are much to be desired. I am so so so extremely thankful that I did upgrade my room, the Budget ones were HORRIBLE.
- にお勧め
- Dive location, Food, and customer service
- 10 特別
- Philip S
Very knowledgeable DMs.
Love the wildlife we saw during the trip. Crew was great
- にお勧め
- It was cheap, accommodations for pickup from hotel were very easy and food was amazing
- 8.8 最高
- Mir T
I had very good time
Seeing whale shark and Montana ay
- にお勧め
- Crew, foods, and dive site even visibility was not good