Kira Kira Tauchsafari, Indonesien
8,9 Klasse
- ab $ 160 / Tag
- Jetzt Buchen
“Die beste Crew und Tauchguides, die ich getroffen habe. ”
Der Komodo Nationalpark und Raja Ampat lassen sich am besten mit der 2014 gebauten Kira Kira Indonesia erkunden. Das Segelschiff bietet preiswerte Tauchsafaris in einem einzigartigen Naturschutzgebiet und überzeugt mit Stabilität, Komfort und Sicherheit. Das Schiff misst 22 Meter und kann bis zu 1000 Seemeilen am Stück zurücklegen.Die Kira Kira legt besonderen Fokus auf funktionale Gestaltung, Umweltfreundlichkeit und natürlich unvergesslichen Taucherlebnisse.
Die 4 Kabinen bestehen aus 2 Zweibettkabinen und 2 Doppelkabinen unter dem Hauptdeck. Sie verfügen über große Betten und sind natürlich belüftet. Es gibt 2 Bäder an Bord. Die Badezimmer werden gemeinsam genutzt und sind mit modernen Geräten und Haushaltstoiletten ausgestattet, nicht mit Schiffstoiletten. Alle Kabinen verfügen über Stauraum und Schränke für Taschen und Tauchausrüstung sowie reichlich Platz für Kleidung, persönliche Gegenstände, Laptops, Kameras und Gadgets.
Die Mahlzeiten sind eine Mischung aus frisch zubereiteten indonesischen und westlichen Gerichten, gepaart mit dem Fang des Tages und frisch gebackenem Brot. Die Küchenchefs der Tauchsafari stellen den ganzen Tag über schmackhafte Snacks zur Verfügung und sind gerne bereit, ihrer Kochtipps mit den Passagieren zu teilen. Taucher, die mit der Kira Kira auf Entdeckungstour gehen, können bei Ausflügen in den Komodo Nationalpark Warane und Mantarochen beobachten und sich von der umwerfenden Vielfalt Raja Ampats verzaubern lassen.
Buchen Sie ganz einfach online und sichern sich einen Platz für das Indonesien-Abenteuer.
Abfahrtstag auswählen
Inklusive: MwSt., Tee & Kaffee, Trinkwasser, Snacks, Strand-Barbecue, Vollpension (alle Mahlzeiten), Tauchpakete, Kajaks, Landausflüge, Kabinenhandtücher.
Erforderliche Extras: Nationalpark Gebühren (3,500,000-4,500,000 IDR pro Trip).
Optionale Extras: Trinkgelder (150,000-250,000 IDR pro Tag), Flughafentransfer, Hoteltransfer, alkoholische Getränke, Erfrischungsgetränke, Leihausrüstung, Schnorchelset.
Jetzt buchen, später zahlen: Sie können ganz einfach online buchen. Wir können Ihre Plätze dann unverbindlich reservieren, bis Sie diese später mit Ihrer Zahlung bestätigen.
* Extra Gebühren werden pro Person aufgeführt
Zahlen per IBAN oder Online mit
Kira Kira Bewertungen
- 8,9 Klasse
- 8,4 Sehr Gut
- Jörg P
Super Crew, gutes Essen und tauchen.
Ich hätte mir ein bisschen mehr Spontanität gewünscht, nicht nur alles genau nach Plan, aber ist auch Ansichtssache. Generell waren die 10 Tage sehr gut, würde ich auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.
- Empfohlen für
- Die köche und die crew. Familiäre Stimmung. Tour nach misool.
- 8,4 Sehr Gut
- Maxine G
Wunderbares erstes Liveaboard
Ich hatte einer sehr schöne Zeit an Board der Kira Kira. Bei der Buchung sollte klar sein, dass kein großer Luxus zu erwarten ist, aber das war für mich kein Problem. Ich habe meine Kabine mit einer anderen Frau geteilt, es wurde darauf geachtet, dass es das gleiche Geschlecht ist. In der Kabine war es nachts zum Teil sehr heiß, der Fan ist sehr laut. Ich habe manchmal an Deck geschlafen, da war es sehr angenehm. Die Situation mit den 2 Toiletten/ Duschen war kein Problem, es gab selten lange Wartezeiten. Das Essen war sehr lecker und abwechslungsreich, wer allerdings nicht gerne scharf ist oder Knoblauch nicht verträgt sollte das am Anfang sagen. Wichtig zu wissen ist, dass wir 18 Tauchgänge gemacht haben (1 Nightdive) und am letzten Tag KEINEN mehr. Das sollte man vor der Buchung des Rückfluges noch einmal explizit beim Boatmanager nachfragen, denn dann kann man schon am letzten Tag aus Labuan Bajo zurückfliegen und muss nicht wegen der 24h-Regel warten. Außerdem haben wir erfahren, dass auf dem Nachbarschiff 21 TG gemacht wurden bei gleichem Preis, wir konnten uns das nicht genau erklären. Die 18 TG haben sich aber alle gelohnt. Die Crew und die Tauchguides waren alle super nett.
- Empfohlen für
- Tauchplätze und Vielfalt. Atmosphäre an Board und Harmonie in der Gruppe. Essen.
- 8,0 Sehr Gut
- Timo H
Komodo Nationalpark entspannt genießen
Graue Riffhaie bei fantastischer Sicht und an einem gesunden Riff beobachten.
- Empfohlen für
- Traumhafte Tauchspots, gutes vegetarisches Essen und schönes Schiff
- 8,8 Klasse
- Philipp R
Into the blue
We had a great journey with kira kira Helpfull and friendly staff and great dives
- Empfohlen für
- Day 1,2,3,4,5...etc
- 8,0 Sehr Gut
- Petra F
Abzug bei der Bewertung gibt es aufgrund der Toiletten-& Duschsituation; keine Möglichkeit einer kurzen Frischwasser Dusche nach dem Tauchen,ausser abends.Badetuch wurde während 11 Tagen nie gewechsel
-Taucherlebniss in Raja Ampat! -Great Instructor & DM on board: a big thank you goes to yoyo & claire; these girls did an amazing job! will definatelly reccomend them👍🏼
- Empfohlen für
- People on the Boat (Crew&Guests),Diving and Food
- 9,2 Hervorragend
- Jennifer G
We had a wonderful week of diving, made new friends and gained 5 pounds.
The food on the boat was amazing after almost 3 months in Indonesia the absolute best local food we have had. The open space on the boat was very comfortable with bean bags on the deck and plenty of space in the galley. It was easy to get to your dive gear as everything was spread out well. Our small group felt like family at the end of the trip... and experience we have never gotten on a larger liveaboard. The diving was plentiful and well organized.
- Empfohlen für
- The food. The diving. The smaller group.
- 9,2 Hervorragend
- William B
Fantastic introduction to one of the wonders of the world - Raja Ampat
There were many highlights! Our dives on sites like Magic Mountain, Four Kings, and Blue Magic were probably the greatest of my life. I will never forget the sense of action and energy at these sites as tens of thousands of fish surrounded us, sometimes obscuring our view, sometimes producing a noise like underwater thunder when massed schools (silversides, fusiliers) would react as one to the predatory sallies by trevallies and jacks. Nearly as amazing were the numbers and colors of the sea fans, soft corals, and sponges (especially at the Misool sites). The topside scenery of jagged, rainforest covered, limestone islands was nearly as awesome as the diving, especially when we took sidetrips into the winding channels and shallow lagoons separating some of the islands. It was incredible to wake up in the morning in a sparsely inhabited wild place with the only sound being the dawn chorus of the birds! The Kira Kira itself was nothing fancy - no air conditioned cabins, and no frills. But there were plenty of comfortable bean bags on the shaded upper deck to lie down on while waiting for the next dive - or to sleep on during clear starlight nights. The meals cooked for us by culinary genius Muly were some of the finest I have ever eaten in Indonesia. The 8 guests, 5 crew, and 2 divemasters quickly established an easy rapport as we moved from one amazing site to another. Alex and Claire were wonderful underwater guides, showing us pygmy seahorses, mushroom coral pipefish and other macro wonders, while keeping an eye out on the blue for passing tunas and sharks and always making our safety their highest priority.
- Empfohlen für
- 1) The friendliness and hard work of the crew, cruise director and divemaster 2) The diving! 3) The incredible homecooked Indonesian meals that we ate!
- 10 Exzellent
- William V
A Great Crew, Fantastic Boat, Great Sights, Even Better Price
This is my second liveaboard for scuba diving. I booked through several months in advance. The booking process was quite smooth, to a degree (more on that in a moment). When I was looking for liveaboards in Indonesia, I had rough date range, price, and things I wanted to see. The Kira Kira had exactly what I wanted. The photos of the boat are accurate (and it looks even better in person). The itinerary hit all the points. I was all set. There is a document to fill out once your booking is accepted. The main issue that happened was I hadn't been told by the booking agency exactly what time and where to meet the crew! Luckily it was sorted in the end (as I had my phone on roaming and they called me while I was in the taxi in Labuan Bajo), but was pretty bad (that should be read as non-existent) at responding to emails leading up to the trip. Let's chat more about the Kira Kira. During times of strong currents and wake from other boats, she was super steady. The designer/builder was truly a craftsman and took great pride in his work. The intricate details will amaze you. The views were stunning! With a speed boat in tow, they can get anywhere around the islands as needed. Your advanced certification will come in handy, as you enter the water from the speed boat, dive in drifts constantly (it's a strong ocean after all), and see some amazing species up close and personal. You won't be disappointed at all. I had zero complaints about the food, except that I wanted them to cook for me after I had left the boat! The chefs have some incredible recipes. With their Indonesian heritage and knowledge of Western cooking, they can create some delectable dishes that will leave you wanting more. Be sure to try the coconut spread. I had to purchase some jars of it to take home because it was that good. The other crew do a fantastic job of ensuring the Kira Kira is operated safely. Paul (the owner) and Alex (the dive master) are great lads and do the very best to take care of you. They know these areas inside and out. Alex goes over the dive in depth before each dive (and be prepared to be impressed at his whiteboard drawing skills). Together, and with the crew, they do an amazing job of scouting out the areas, understanding the currents and weather patterns, and adjusting the dive schedule so that you get the most out of your diving experience. Being flexible with the schedule is a must! Things change, so go with the flow, and you will come away with a great experience, if you catch my drift. Overall, this is a ship, crew, and group who know what they are doing. They are masters at their craft and will make sure you have an amazing liveaboard and diving trip. The cost is super-effective, and don't be fooled into thinking you would be getting a substandard product. You won't. Enjoy the experience, and, as they say, Kira Kira.
- Empfohlen für
- Food, crew, price
- 8,0 Sehr Gut
- Caren L
fabulous diving
I have been diving for many years and did not know I could ever be challenged like this. The waters of Komodo are fast and fierce. The underwater life and terrain are incredible. Every dive was perfection. I am sure my experience was extra great due to Alex and Paul. They are young ,passionate and experts at their professions. The group is small and even with that they catered to each persons abilities. Alex is one of the most interesting dive masters I have ever experienced. He knows everything about every site and is excited and willing to take the time for each of the guests to experience all the underwater treasures. This you don't find often. Kira Kira may not be a luxury boat, although I was there for diving and am sure it was the best diving in all of Komodo. Thank you Paul and Alex
- Empfohlen für
- Alex the dive master, crew, adventure
- 8,0 Sehr Gut
- Mark R
Great diving but a bit sweaty in rooms.
This is a cheaper boat so no AC or en-suite. There was no problem with the shared bathrooms but the lack of AC made it really hot and sticky. The fans are really small and turn off after 10 mins. Also 2 of the twin rooms had leaks and it can rain a lot! The diving is from a tender so super easy and the dive guides worked hard to find cool stuff (cute nudis, Pygmy seahorses etc). I hired a bcd and reg and it was in good shape. Most dives were 1+ hrs and were well organised. The food is good and plentiful and cold beers can be bought. The staff were super helpful and really nice!
- Empfohlen für
- Great dive sites. Hard working guides. Good value for money.