Thailand Aggressorダイブクルーズ, タイ
9.2 特上の
- ナイトロックス用意あり
- から $ 261/ 日
- 今予約する
M/V タイランドアグレッサーは、全長35メートルの世界クラスのライブアボードで、アンダマン海での年中ダイビングトリップを提供します。16名のゲストに対応可能なタイランドアグレッサーには8つのステートルームがあり、各部屋には専用バスルームとシャワー、十分な収納スペース、ヘアドライヤー、新しいタオル、テレビとメディアプレーヤー、個別の空調が備わっています。上部デッキには広々とした屋内ダイニングルームがあり、西洋料理と地元のタイ料理が楽しめる美味しいメニューを提供します。ソフトドリンク、アイスティー、ビール、ワインは無料です。ゲストは、オープンエアラウンジでリラックスし、ジャグジー、ラウンジャー、デッキチェア、バーサービス、CD/ステレオプレーヤー付きのサンデッキを楽しむことができます。
含む: 付加価値税, 空港での乗り換え, ソフトドリンク, ティー&コーヒー, ディナー用ワイン, 飲料水, スナック, 全ての食事が含まれたプラン, ダイビングのパッケージ, キャビンタオル, デッキタオル, 無料のアメニティ.
必要なエクストラ: ビザと料金, 国立公園料金 (95 USD 1旅程あたり).
オプションのエクストラ: ダイブ保険, 旅行保険, クルーへのチップ, ホテルでの乗り換え, ローカルフライト, スキューバダイビングのコース, ナイトロックスのコース, レンタル 用品, 追加のダイブ, シュノーケリング装備.
今予約して、後で支払う: オンライン上で予約は簡単に取れます。空き状況や値段がすぐわかり、VISA、Mastercard、PayPal、銀行入金などで支払いが可能です。

Thailand Aggressor レビュー
- 9.2 特上の
- 10 特別
- Robert B
We will be back!!
Probably the best boat crew I’ve experienced in the small number of liveaboards (7) completed. Bobby, Janine, Tu were excellent as well as the rest of the crew. Loved the chef and his assistant! Great variety of meals as well. Didn’t see any mantas or whale sharks this trip, but it was still an awesome adventure.
- にお勧め
- The crew. Thailand. Dive sites.
- 8.4 とても良い
- Kenneth T
The Thailand Agressor doesn’t disappoint!
From pick to final dinner it was magnificent trip with an outstanding crew and staff.
- にお勧め
- Organization. Attention to detail. Cleanliness.
- 9.6 特別
- Bernie W
Awesome liveaboard. Great staff and service. Good diving.
Very good.
- にお勧め
- Staff was amazing. Diving was very good -- although no pelagic. Dive facilities was very good.
- 9.6 特別
- Georgia K
An amazing experience.
Good value of the money when diving in Thailand. The crew and good were amazing
- にお勧め
- Safety. Cleanliness and amazing dives.
- 9.6 特別
- Alexander F
Probably the best organised liveabord and best dive team that I have experienced.
Koh Bon, Koh Tachai, Surin Islands Most dramatic thermoclines I have ever experienced.
- にお勧め
- Outstanding service from everyone, brilliant dive briefings and divemasters, comfortable boat and excellent food.
- 9.2 特上の
- Cynthia M
The Crew Was Great
We had issues with visibility and current on our trip. The crew was very good about assessing the current conditions and move the boat to more favorable conditions, even if that was a couple hours away. We did all drift diving and the crew was very quick to pick divers up via Zodiac. Very Helpful!
- にお勧め
- The food, the crew, the service.
- 5.6 レビュースコア
- Renee P
Thai experience is friendly & inviting
I was fortunate to have a room by myself. I had an incident on a dive site when a 3rd diver joined my pairing where he left me at a dive site, the DM was busy helping a difficult diver decent & current drifted me away from the group as I descended quickly, my normal buddy diver was going down slower due to ear sensitivity. Afterwards the DM/cruise director handled my frustration with the situation professionally/quietly with me & didn't interrupt the trip being enjoyable.
- にお勧め
- Thai food prepared was good, seeing the rocks be moved by ocean current, good dive buddy pairing
- 10 特別
- Kathy M
A fantastic dive experience!
Being guided by the amazing dive masters to see so many wonderful marine creatures. The ambiance on the boat was fun and enjoyable because of the other divers and our mutual love of the ocean. This is a very interactive crew, they spent an amazing amount of time ensuring our comfort and enjoyment. We received extensive briefings, safety is number one concern, and the boat and dive schedule was run so efficiently to ensure maximum dive time. A special thank you and recognition to Cruise director Glen, dive guides, Leann, Natalia, Dan, Jai and Camille. Your are professional divers and fantastic people. The facilities, dive deck and support crew were excellent and the food delicious and plentiful thanks to Ginny and her staff. I highly recommend taking a trip on the Thailand Aggressor with this great crew.
- にお勧め
- Absolutely...The crew, the diving because of the crew and the food, because of the crew.
- 8.0 とても良い
- Jaimie O
I've never been on a live aboard scuba diving tour, I would highly recommend this company any where you get a chance.
Weather, diving conditions, food
- にお勧め
- The crew were very professional, house cleaning was impeccable, dive masters very knowledgeable
- 10 特別
- Jaimie O
I've never been on a live aboard scuba diving tour, I would highly recommend this company any where you get a chance.
Weather, diving conditions, food
- にお勧め
- The crew were very professional, house cleaning was impeccable, dive masters very knowledgeable