Ambaダイブクルーズ, モルジブ
9.0 特上の
- 無料ナイトロックス
- から $ 197/ 日
- 今予約する
AMBAは、経験豊富なダイバー向けに2週間のツアーを専門とする、整備の行き届いたサファリボートです。ツアーには50本以上のログ済みダイブと、海流での経験が必要です。 AMBAは、11室のキャビンがあり、各キャビンには専用バスルーム、調整可能なエアコン、そして質の高いリネンが備わっています。船内の共用エリアには、メインサルーンとダイニングルームがあり、そこで毎日3回、新鮮な食事が提供され、午後のスナック/ケーキ、飲料水、紅茶、コーヒーも用意されます。シェフは、朝食好きのために毎朝、新鮮なサワードウブレッドを焼いています。上甲板の屋外ラウンジはダイビングの合間にリラックスするのに最適で、部分的に覆われた広々としたサンデッキには、サンラウンジャーが配置されています。
32メートルのライブアボード(宿泊つきダイビングクルーズ船)は、モルディブの中央環礁であるマレ、ラスドゥ、アリ、ヴァーヴ環礁を巡航し、毎日厳選されたダイビングスポットを提供します。シーズンの始めには、AMBAはモルディブ北部を訪れ、ハニファル湾でマンタやジンベエザメと一緒にシュノーケリングをするという貴重な機会を提供します。Ambaは、最高の安全基準を保証するBAUER PureAir充填システムで際立っています。18メートルのダイビングドーニ(ダイビング船)は効率的なダイブ操作を提供し、小型のスピードボートは周辺の島々へのアクセスを簡単にします。経験豊富な多言語対応のクルーが、すべてのゲストにスムーズで個別のダイビング体験をサポートします。
含む: 付加価値税, 空港での乗り換え, ウェルカムカクテル, ティー&コーヒー, 飲料水, スナック, 全ての食事が含まれたプラン, Night Dives, ダイビングのパッケージ, ナイトロックス, フィッシング, ランド・エクスカーション, キャビンタオル, デッキタオル, 無料のアメニティ.
必要なエクストラ: サービス料 (28 EUR 1日あたり), 環境税 (12 EUR 1日あたり).
オプションのエクストラ: アルコール飲料, ソフトドリンク, レンタル 用品, シュノーケリング装備.
今予約して、後で支払う: オンライン上で予約は簡単に取れます。空き状況や値段がすぐわかり、VISA、Mastercard、PayPal、銀行入金などで支払いが可能です。

Amba レビュー
- 9.0 特上の
- 10 特別
- Kimberly P
Awesome Boat/Staff and Diving !!!
Wow...So many highlights. Stefan and his staff were great even before the trip started. Great communication ahead of time on little things about the trip. We were picked up promptly at the airport on Tuesday. Great briefings on the boat, typical diving, etc. This was the ONLY boat I've ever been on to actually do a safety drill on evacuating from the lower level. Food was awesome and very healthy. Amo and Neo were great guides and did most of the daily dive briefings. There is some challenging diving in the Maldives at certain sites (current, reef hooks necessary, etc), but the crew made sure we practiced in advance and were ready when we did hit those more advanced sites. Diving in the Maldives ranges from beautiful corals and small stuff like nudibranchs to sharks, turtles and Manta Rays ! I've done multiple liveaboards and this one is the best. The crew went out of their way to make us all feel welcome. Great trip and can't wait to go back ! Hats off to Stefan and all the crew for an awesome week !
- にお勧め
- Great diving in Maldives ! Staff was incredible ! Communication was excellent
- 10 特別
- Michael L
The most fun I have had on a drive trip EVER!!!
I am new to HOOK diving and didn't get it until we did the first one. I don't want to do Hook Diving on every dive but it is a fun and different experience. Diving off of a Dhoni boat was great, all you dive things stayed there and didn't take up any space on the living area. this was just a great trip and would recommend AMBA and it crew to anyone. Stephon is a spectacular human and make you feel like you are at home on his boat. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
- にお勧め
- The Crew was outstanding. The Dive sites were diverse and full of life. The Food was outstanding.
- 8.8 最高
- Angela T
Good Value for your money, very nice crew
The shared rooms and bathrooms are spacious compared to other liveaboards I've been on. The crew is very nice, polite, helpful and attentive. The smaller boat, from which we do the diving from, is also spacious and comfortable with bathroom, covered roof, and sundeck. Very good value for your money!
- にお勧め
- Crew, Food, Well Organized
- 6.0 レビュースコア
adequate but not great
manta rays
- にお勧め
- convenience experienced dive masters predictable
- 8.0 とても良い
- Greg F
Some good Some bad
The Manta dive was an awesome dive. The reefs were in very good shape for the most part and the amount of reef fish was mind boggeling!!
- にお勧め
- The crew on the dohni were very very good. 4 of the dives were good.
- 8.0 とても良い
- Jessica B
Great value and no crowds
The cabins are very spacious, and even the en suite was much larger than most liveaboards. The crew is fantastic and goes out of their way to keep guests happy. The main salon is large and comfortable and there are several outdoor areas to lounge. Our only complaint was that the smoking section was the one and only covered deck, just behind the salon. Made it difficult to find a place to hang out away from the smoke when it rained. Diving in the far north was amazing. We didn't have great visibility, but the life was so prolific. And we never had to share a dive site with another boat. Would highly recommend this trip!
- にお勧め
- Uncrowded dive sites, fantastic marine life, good crew
- 8.0 とても良い
- Adam W
Nice boat, good food, meh diving
Dives at 7am are a little too early as the sun's not high enough to pierce much of the water. Some dive spots should be abandoned altogether as they were uninteresting or nearly completely bleached. Wasted a lot of time over barren areas. Overall 18 dives: 3 great; 5 good; 5 ok; 5 quite dull.
- にお勧め
- Good food, boat is in good shape (but rooms smell), nice sun and shade areas
- 8.8 最高
- Isabelle T
Beau séjour aux Maldives
Bonne pris main par l'équipe. Les sites de plongées étaient bien. Dommage pour un site où les conditions marines n'étaient réunis. La visite d'une ile est sympathique et nous permet de voir un peu une autre partie du décor. La plongée de nuit était très surprenante et agréable avec les raies Manta. Beaucoup de requins et raies au rendez vous.
- にお勧め
- accueil, convivialité. organisation. Ambiance.
- 8.8 最高
- Eric A
alles in allem alles gut
soweit alles ok
- にお勧め
- Freudlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft des Personals. Kabine. Essen.
- 8.4 とても良い
- Marcin S
quite exciting but it but I expected something more
Many of reef fish but hard corals are not in good condition
- にお勧め
- mantas and nurse sharks attracted during two night dives. very strong currents,. many sharks in reef channels (straits) during the tides.