Caribbean Explorer II, Сен-Мартен
- 9,0 Превосходно
- Найтрокс
- от $ 236/день
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“Дайв-гиды Генри и Дензел и капитан Родни были для меня лучшей частью лодки. ”
Основные моменты
Круизный корабль Caribbean Explorer II предлагает круглый год дайвинг в Саба и Сент-Китс на северных Карибах. Благодаря сочетанию комфорта и качества, он вмещает 18 гостей в 9 каютах, каждая из которых оснащена односпальными или двуспальными кроватями, личными ванными комнатами, индивидуально регулируемым кондиционером и местом для хранения вещей. Пять кают расположены на нижней палубе, а 4 каюты — на главной палубе. На верхней палубе находится частично закрытая столовая, где гости могут насладиться гурманской кухней и потрясающими видами. Также есть кондиционированный салон с развлекательной системой. На солнечной палубе есть шезлонги для отдыха между погружениями. Большая дайв-платформа на задней части главной палубы оборудована индивидуальными шкафчиками для снаряжения, большим столом для камер с низкопробными воздушными шлангами, зарядными станциями, стойками для баллонов, ванной комнатой и отдельными пресноводными ваннами для промывки дайв-снаряжения и камер.
Маршруты погружений на борту Caribbean Explorer II изучают одни из лучших мест для дайвинга в северных Карибах. Саба и Сент-Китс, известные своими подводными вершинами, глубокими подводными горами, рифами и недавними обломками кораблей, предлагают дайверам многое. Погружения в морском парке Саба сочетают в себе крутые вертикальные стены и коралловые лабиринты. Ожидайте увидеть рифовых акул, черепах, скатов и многое другое. Защищенный в 1987 году, морской парк Саба охватывает воды и морское дно, окружающее весь карибский остров Саба, обеспечивая сохранение здорового состояния морской жизни парка. Погружения на Сент-Китсе представляют собой разнообразие обломков, древних артефактов и активных коралловых рифов. Некоторые из лучших мест для дайвинга здесь включают Wreck of the River Taw, Anchors Aweigh и Paradise Reef. Дайверы могут увидеть различную макрофауну, включая рыбу-лягушку и морских коньков, а также акул, черепах и осьминогов. Ночные погружения на рифах очень активны, а после них гостей ждут горячие полотенца и какао.
Kруизный корабль Caribbean Explorer II — отличный выбор для дайвинга в Саба и Сент-Китс. Забронируйте онлайн сегодня, чтобы зарезервировать место.
Этот корабль является частью флота Explorer Ventures.
Выберите дату отправления
Включено: НДС, Алкогольные напитки, Безалкогольные напитки, Питьевая вода, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Дайвинг-пакет, Полотенца для использования вне кают, Полотенца для кают.
Обязательные дополнительные расходы: Плата за вход в национальные парки (115 USD за поездку), Топливный сбор (140 USD за поездку).
Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Чаевые, Трансфер в/из аэропорта (15-30 USD), Аренда снаряжения, Курсы дайвинга с найтроксом (295 USD), Курсы подводного плавания с аквалангом (240-340 USD), найтрокс (10 USD), Наземные экскурсии (35-50 USD), снаряжение для снорклинга.
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* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя
Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн
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Caribbean Explorer II Отзывы
- 9,0 Превосходно
- 9,2 Превосходно
- Rebecca O
Amazingly awesome!!!!
Amazing experience overall! Captain Ian knew the best sites! Tony and Henry were awesome dive guides. Everyone on board from crew members to passengers were friendly and awesome! We bonded quickly. The amazing food was fresh and delicious…Chef Julian rocked every meal and snack!
- Рекомендуется
- Amazing guides (Tony and Henry). Delicious food (chef Julian). Dive sites.
- 10 Изумительно
- Crystal H
Great boat, great crew, great food, tons of fun dives
I fully enjoyed my liveaboard with the Caribbean Explorer II and all its crew. Dive guides Henry and Denzel and Captain Rodney were the best part of the boat for me. The food was also excellent. But from the moment of arriving to the boat at the port on Sat PM to disembarking on Sat AM, I felt like I was in excellent hands with a very customer service-oriented crew. The boat was clean and organized, my cabin was clean and comfortable with incredible AC, the diving was plentiful and fun (especially Saba...just gorgeous...reef sharks, nurse sharks, nudis, rays, queen angels, queen triggerfish, a couple octopus, a seahorse...just, so fun), the Saba land tour was great (that's the only one I did), and more. This was my first liveaboard experience, I went alone, and I fully enjoyed it. The other guests who joined on this trip were just a delight too. From this experience, I'm encouraged to do many other liveaboards in the future.
- Рекомендуется
- The ship was organized -- from the charging station to the saloon, it all worked well. The ship and my cabin were clean -- I was very comfortable in my room and anywhere in the boat. The crew were awesome -- I especially loved our dive guides and captain...they were all warm, friendly, and knowledgeable.
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Scott B
Awesome. Great crew, dive masters and location (St. Kitts/Saba/St. Maarten). Just awesome!
Turtles, turtles, and a few more turtles. Saba was amazing. Knowledgeable and experienced dive guides - always willing to answer questions.
- Рекомендуется
- Denzel/Henry fantastic dive guides. Diamond rock- Top 5 in my diving history. Great group of passengers
- 9,2 Превосходно
- David N
Pleasantly Surprised in St. Kitts/Saba
So, I am not new to liveaboards. I believe this is the 21st one, second time on the Caribean Explorer. I don't remember the diving being this good on my first trip. Possibly due to being more involved with taking photos at that time. I started diving in Nevis when I was a kid, so I have always had an attachmet to this area. I was pleasently surprised with the diving, especially in St. Kitts. sharks, turtles, various crabs, slipper lobsters and even flying gurnards. Saba is always fun, so no surprise there. Small, but well maintained boat and as always a good crew...
- Рекомендуется
- Great Diving, many critters I have not seen in years. Easy diving. Wonderful crew.
- 7,6 Хорошо
- William K
Nice trip, Saba dive sites were not as good as one would think
Diving sites in St Kitts, Guest Chef, Land tour of Saba
- Рекомендуется
- Meals were out this world. Service was tremendous. Night dives were great
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Courtney V
Amazing vacation
Seeing a dolphin very up close, lots of sharks and other smaller creatures. The crew on the boat put it over the top though, they were all very helpful and knowledgeable and made the entire trip fun!
- Рекомендуется
- Friendliness of dive guides, other guests on the boat, and the amount of dives that were offered
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Janette R
Great crew and food, pretty good diving and boat.
The land tour of Saba and the night dive at River Taw were the best.
- Рекомендуется
- The crew, the land excursions and the food.
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Michaela R
Wonderful Vacation
Great scuba diving
- Рекомендуется
- Staff, accomodations, cultural experience
- 10 Изумительно
The crew was amazing. From captain, boat crew, cook (who has lamb for lunch), and dive guides. I completed my advanced open water and enrich air certification during the trip. There were only 5 of us on board which made the trip that much better. I can't imagine having 18 passengers and having to share a room. The rooms are small but I went for the diving. And I dove all 26 times. From being up close and personal with a dolphin, sea horse (which was my main objective), sharks, octopuses, turtles, rays, and much more it was truly an amazing trip. The wrecks and night dives were fantastic too. Having the people I was on the boat with made it that much more enjoyable. Everyone got along and we had a lot of fun together. Especially, the late nights having a drink or two and discussing the days adventure. It was just an amazing trip.
- Рекомендуется
- Diving, other guests, crew
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Trevor M
Superb diving in the Caribbean
Booking with was easy and they took care of all communication with the dive boat operator. My husband and I chose explorer adventures because of the exciting opportunity to dive some of the best sites in St Kitts and Saba on a liveaboard. The conditions in December were remarkably good! We encountered numerous sharks, turtles, and lots of beautiful micro critters. The ship was comfortable and the dive staff and crew all prioritized safety.
- Рекомендуется
- Professional dive staff, comfortable rooms, delicious food