
Galapagos Aggressor III

  • Rating 9,1 out of 10 9,1 Превосходно
    • Найтрокс
  • от $ 667/день
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“We had an amazing trip thanks to the awesome crew and unique location. Highlights from diving include seeing a whale shark, coun…”

Nicholas P, Флаг США США

Основные моменты

  • Погружайтесь на знаменитых сайтах Дарвин и Вольф с стайками молотоголовых акул и игривыми морскими львами
  • До 4 погружений в день
  • Ужины, приготовленные шеф-поваром, с бесплатным местным пивом и вином

Жилой корабль Galapagos Aggressor III предлагает комфорт и высокий уровень обслуживания во время исследования мировых дайв-сайтов Галапагосских островов. Galapagos Aggressor III рассчитан на 16 гостей в 9 каютах. К каютам относятся 4 каюты делюкс с раздельными кроватями на нижней палубе и 4 мастер каюты с раздельными или двуспальными кроватями на верхней палубе. Во всех каютах есть отдельные ванные комнаты, индивидуально регулируемый кондиционер, монитор с медиаплеером и фен. Мастер каюты предлагают вид на море с большими панорамными окнами. Общественные зоны на Galapagos Aggressor III включают большой салон и обеденную зону, где подается разнообразное меню американской и местной кухни. Завтрак и обед - в формате шведского стола, а вечерний прием пищи - приготовленный шеф-поваром и сервированный. Верхняя палуба включает в себя большой затененный солярий с гидромассажной ванной, шезлонгами, стульями, баром и грилем.

Выберите дату отправления


Включено: НДС, Трансфер в/из аэропорта, Алкогольные напитки, Безалкогольные напитки, Питьевая вода, Ужин с вином, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Дайвинг-пакет, Бесплатные банные принадлежности, Полотенца для кают.

Обязательные дополнительные расходы: Визы и сборы (20 USD за поездку), Плата за вход в национальные парки (100-200 USD за поездку).

Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Страхование путешествующих, Страховка дайвера, Чаевые, Местные перелеты, Аренда снаряжения, Дополнительные погружения, Курсы дайвинга с найтроксом, Курсы подводного плавания с аквалангом, снаряжение для снорклинга.

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* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя

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Galapagos Aggressor III Отзывы

  • Rating 9,1 out of 10
  • 9,1 Превосходно
  1. Судно
  2. Команда
  3. Питание
  4. Дайвинг
  5. Цена
  • Rating 9,6 out of 10
  • 9,6 Изумительно
  • Nicholas P
  • Флаг США США

Would highly recommend

We had an amazing trip thanks to the awesome crew and unique location. Highlights from diving include seeing a whale shark, countless hammerhead, Galapagos, and silky sharks, gorgeous coral reefs, and a litany of other unique, endemic wildlife. What made this trip possible and enjoyable was a top notch crew. The guides provided good briefings for each dive site and great guidance underwater. Despite a challenging dive environment, safety was never a concern. The panga (chase boat) drivers were the best we've ever seen. The stewards and cooks saw to our every desires before we could even think of them. The boat was kept very clean. We were impressed by the crew's overall teamwork and friendliness.

Wildlife/the diving. Staff. Food.
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Изумительно
  • Robert B
  • Флаг США США

Trip of a lifetime!

The Aggressor exuded excellence at every opportunity. I was truly amazed. Diving was world class. Highly recommend this operator!

Amazing service, amazing diving, amazing people!
  • Rating 9,6 out of 10
  • 9,6 Изумительно
  • Phillip P
  • Флаг США США

Galapagos Exceeded Expectations

Drift diving, cave diving and side trips. Sharks! Sharks! Sharks! Galapagos, Reef, Hammerheads, Tiger and WHALE! Manta Rays, Pilot Whales, Dolphins, Eagle, Marbled and common Rays, Sea Lions, Fur Seals, Turtles, Eels and SO MUCH MORE. We are advanced/technical divers but this was our first trip to Galapagos. Liveaboard accommodations were the obvious choice to reach Darwin, Wolf and other remote locations. We chose the Aggressor III due to reviews and availability. The LiveAboard staff were easily reachable via phone and email during trip planning and offered guidance regarding hotels in Ecuador and flights to and from Galapagos and Ecuador. They were also able to prepare for and accommodate onboard equipment requests such as DIN tanks, air selection and tank size during the planning phase of our trip. FYI GEAR/EXPERIENCE LEVEL TIP: To stay SAFE and ensure all guests have an enjoyable dive experience on the Galapagos Aggressor I agree with most reviews here: Divers should have 100+ dives and experience in currents/drift diving. This should NOT be an inexperienced diver's early destination. Buoyancy control is a must. We struggled deciding on type of diving suits to bring but ultimately decided to forego drysuits and took our 7mil and 3 mil wetsuits. Water temperatures were generally warm (27C/81F) but inside the currents the temperature could be as low as 23C/73F. If you run hot a 3 mil would likely suffice but a 7mil was more than adequate and even kept my wife warm (who is a bit of a freeze baby.) Galapagos is a remote and protected marine reserve - wildlife does not scatter at the first sight of human presence. The birds, fish, turtles, seals and sharks were generally oblivious to our presence (you could actually swim INTO and WITH schools of fish AND SHARKS!) which was simply amazing. Galapagos had the entire western coast of the archipelago closed to vessels due to H1N1 concerns (still not sure whether there was actually an outbreak) so we missed the opportunity to visit sites known for Marine Iguanas and Mola Mola. Although this forced the captain and crew to alter their normal 7 day travel route they planned alternative dive sites to fill the gap that were fantastic on their own merit. On a couple of occasions during dive intervals Lenin (our dive guide) would spot an opportunity to explore the ocean surface to experience snorkeling with dolphins and pilot whales or ride the skiff into the middle of a feeding frenzy with boobies above and tuna below the waterline. We loved these impromptu adventures and the entire crew's enthusiastic approach to exploring and fully experience the islands. The food was fresh and plentiful during our stay with plenty to eat and yet very little waste by the chef and his staff. The menu throughout the week consisted of Ecuadorian/Galapagos dishes - fresh but not exceptionally seasoned. Winter (our Steward) was timely and courteous - greeting us for all meals, snacks between dives and beverages after our last dive each day. The entire ship, guest cabins and all restrooms were cleaned or refreshed by the staff throughout the day every day. The dive deck was kept organized with the help of our crew and had secured cabinets for charging and storing dive equipment. There was ample space for hanging rinsed gear on the dive deck and fresh warm towels were available after every dive. The positive attitude and welcoming demeanor of the staff and crew were more than enough to compensate for any deficiencies onboard - although I struggle to think of any! If you're well trained and considering a bucket list trip of a lifetime the folks at LiveAboard and the Aggressor III are capable and waiting for you!

Dive sites, organization and service

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  • Laura Babahekian
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  • Oksana Kovaleva