Raja Ampat Aggressor, Indonésia
9,1 Soberbo
- Nitrox disponível
- desde $ 331/ dia
- Reserve Já
“Mergulhos fantásticos com grande tripulação. ”
O Raja-Ampat Aggressor é uma embarcação de alta qualidade com capacidades de navegação incríveus muito conforto . Ela é uma embarcação moderna de 30m construída especificamente para mergulho. Ela foi projetada para navegar de forma segura, confortável e eficiente.
O Raja-Ampat Aggressor possui um deck para barcos na parte inferior do deck de mergulho, onde os botes são armazenados quando o navio está navegando e permitindo um fácil acesso à água para os mergulhadores. O Raja-Ampat Aggressor acomoda 16 passageiros em 8 cabines privadas, com ar condicionado controlado individualmente e muito espaço de armazenamento.
Você pode relaxar no salão ou no terraço e aproveitar as refeições em locais confortáveis. O Raja-Ampat Agressor também possui um centro de entretenimento bem equipado. O navio é alimentado por três motores diesel de 420Hp que conduzem três hélices, para uma maior segurança. A velocidade de cruzeiro do barco é de 10 nós, o que permite visitar vários locais de mergulho, mesmo em um único cruzeiro.
O Raja-Ampat Aggressor possui diversos certificados de segurança internacionais que, combinados com padrões de construção de alto padrão, irão fornecer cruzeiros de mergulho confortáveis e seguros em Raja Ampat, Cenderawasih Bay, Banda Sea e Triton Bay.
Não perca esta incrível de mergilho no Liveaboard Raja Ampat e reserve sua vaga hoje.
Escolher data de saída
Incluso: VAT, Traslado de/para o aeroporto, Traslado de/para o hotel, Água potável, Bebidas alcoólicas, Chá e café, Refrigerantes, Vinho no jantar, Lanches, Plano de refeições em pensão completa (todas as refeições), Pacote de mergulho, Produtos de higiene pessoal, Toalhas na cabine, Toalhas no deque.
Extras exigidos: Taxas de Parques Nacionais (250-260 USD por viagem).
Extras opcionais: Seguro de mergulho, Seguro de viagem, Gorjetas, Aluguel de equipamento, Curso de nitrox, Cursos de mergulho, Mergulhos extras, Nitrox, Equip. Snorkel.
Reserve agora, pague depois: É fácil fazer sua reserva online. Nós seguraremos as vagas para você e você pode confirmar com o pagamento depois.
* Taxas extras são exibidas por pessoa.
Pagar por transferência bancária/online
Planta da embarcação

Tipos de cabines
Raja Ampat Aggressor Comentários
- 9,1 Soberbo
- 9,6 Excepcional
- Danny W
Estados Unidos
I have Liveaboard few times and this is the best one ever, it really push my expectations to new level. I can feel the staffs are providing top quality service from hard
Everything within management is perfect. Every little details are well plan and executed throughout the trip. I will be back for the center and North part
- Recomendado para
- Staffs are very attentive and friendly. Dive management and operation are the best. Service is superb.
- 9,2 Soberbo
- Glenn S
Estados Unidos
Another great trip on Aggressor!
This was one of my all-time favorite live-aboards. I cannot say enough about how great the crew was. The cruise director, Pep, was outstanding. Such a fun person, yet we really learned a lot as well from his experience and tips. Seeing animals like walking sharks and woobegong sharks, only in Raja. Was just wonderful.
- Recomendado para
- Crew; including everyone from chef to engineers, guides. Diving; some 'only in Raja Ampat' animals were seen. Side excursions were nice way to see more Raja Ampat.
- 9,2 Soberbo
- Jamison G
Estados Unidos
First rate boat and crew delivered exceptional service.
Sailing around Raja Ampat and taking in the beautiful scenery.
- Recomendado para
- Food, boat and crew
- 8,4 Muito bom
- Alptekin A
Estados Unidos
Great crew and service, old boat
Fantastic dives with great crew. It was a superb experience. The boat needs maintenance and updates though.
- Recomendado para
- Crew, servic, dives
- 10 Excepcional
- Christopher E
Estados Unidos
First Time in Raja Ampat
This was my first time to Raja Ampat. I am glad I went with the Aggressor. A purpose built boat designed by divers for divers. The extended trip is so well worth it given its distance and how many sites are there. The crew and local guides were excellent. The social spaces are roomy and there was never a time where things felt cramped. So good I'm going again for round 2.
- Recomendado para
- Healthy Reefs, Other Divers, Comfortable Boat
- 9,6 Excepcional
- Vincent L
Estados Unidos
Epic Diving at World Class Dive Sites
Raja Ampat is one of those iconic places of lore among divers. The diving here routinely exceeds expectations and honestly cannot be described in words or pictures. The aggressor crew knows this and does an excellent job keeping you well-fed and prepared so that you can eat, sleep, and dive all day every day for the entire trip. The layout of the boat is well-designed to cater to photographers and streamline the pre- and post-dive process. The food on board is surprisingly good and the dive guides know exactly where to go on each dive to keep everyone happy. The crew on board is awesome and works very hard to make your vacation memorable. The boat is a bit old and is showing some wear and tear but is well-maintained by the crew for a boat her age.
- Recomendado para
- Diving, Crew, and People
- 9,6 Excepcional
- Mitsuko M
Estados Unidos
I loved the crew who were so helpful and kind.
woebegone sharks, walking sharks and manta rays
- Recomendado para
- Dive sights, crew and food
- 8,4 Muito bom
- Aaron M
Estados Unidos
A great way to dive Raja Ampat.
Incredible corals, fish, manta, sharks and pygmy seahorses. Urik, the cruise director, is a one many comedy show, expert photographer, problem solver and pro diver. He really made the trip even more fun than it would have been with another director. Very professional but hilarious. I would definitely go with this boat again to another trip in the region. It's pricey but they pamper you like a dive god.
- Recomendado para
- Great group, excellent cruise director, comfortable boat
- 8,4 Muito bom
- Mike M
Estados Unidos
Amazing Crew
The crew and food was amazing. The guides where good about spotting different fish and creatures. I have dove many areas in the world and the diving in Raja is good. Vast amounts of coral is impressive, and lots of fish. There where lots of wobbegong sharks however Raja lacked in the critter department compared to other areas that I have been.
- Recomendado para
- Crew, Food, Diving
- 10 Excepcional
- Recomendado para
- 1,体验了五星级服务,2,船上食物好吃,3,欣赏了不同潜点的海底五彩斑斓珊瑚和鱼类。