Odyssey Live aboard, Austrália

  • Rating 8,8 out of 10 8,8 Fabuloso
  • desde $ 396/ dia
  • Reserve Já

“As águas azuis e límpidas e o ambiente intocado.”

Kathryn T, Bandeira de Nova Zelândia Nova Zelândia


    • Refeições diárias frescas com requisitos alimentares
    • Acompanhado pelo navio de expedição de 12m 'Homer'

O customizado live aboard MV Odyssey de 24m oferece viagens de mergulho limitadas para Rowley Shoals, Austrália. O avançado design do catamarã garante que o Odyssey seja extremamente estável, silencioso e espaçoso.

Escolher data de saída


Incluso: VAT, Sobretaxa de combustível, Taxas portuárias, Traslado de/para o hotel, Água potável, Chá e café, Refrigerantes, Jantar especial, Lanches, Plano de refeições em pensão completa (todas as refeições), Guia de snorkeling, Pescaria, Serviços de lavanderia / passadeira, Toalhas na cabine, Toalhas no deque.

Extras exigidos: Taxas de Parques Nacionais (145.40-259 AUD).

Extras opcionais: Traslado de/para o aeroporto, Bebidas alcoólicas, Caiaques.

Reserve agora, pague depois: É fácil fazer sua reserva online. Nós seguraremos as vagas para você e você pode confirmar com o pagamento depois.

* Taxas extras são exibidas por pessoa.

Pagar por transferência bancária/online

  1. Pagamentos Visa
  2. Pagamentos MasterCard
  3. Pagamentos PayPal
  4. Pagamentos American Express
  5. Pagamentos Apple Pay
Melhor Preço Garantido

Planta da embarcação


Tipos de cabines

Odyssey Comentários

  • Rating 8,8 out of 10
  • 8,8 Fabuloso
  1. Embarcação
  2. Equipe
  3. Alimentação
  4. Mergulho
  5. Valor
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Excepcional
  • Eli R
  • Bandeira de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Pristine and exciting divning in a remote part of the world.

Hidden Australian gem of diving. It takes a 20 hr boat ride from the nearest city at the far end of the world to get to, but totally worth it! Pelagics, Tiger shark, hammerhead, juvenile black tips, schools of sweet lips, sharks on almost every dive. Even got some of the small stuff, found a pygmy seahorse. Considering only 200 people get to dive this park every year, get early on the list to dive as its totally unencumbered of people and the Odyssey provides everything you need to have a great time.

Recomendado para
Top notch operator, no crowds, variety of diving
  • Rating 9,6 out of 10
  • 9,6 Excepcional
  • Hilma V
  • Bandeira de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Dream trip, exceptional diving experience.

Abundance of marine life. Acquiring new dive buddies.

Recomendado para
Pristine reef condition. Clear, warm water. Unplanned encounters with whales/dolphins
  • Rating 8,8 out of 10
  • 8,8 Fabuloso
  • Kate T
  • Bandeira de Austrália Austrália

Well traveled diver loved Odyssey trip.

This dive trip to Rowley Shoals was on my bucket list for many years. We were lucky to be blessed with really great conditions. I did get a cabin to myself which was great. The crew were excellent - very experienced and happy to accommodate our needs. Remember to take your sea sickness meds, the toilets and showers are shared on the back deck. Water from all taps is drinkable from a desalinator. The team did their best to ensure we got the most dives possible and I was impressed that they assessed conditions before we got in. They called 2 dives off for safety reasons but added one on our last day when conditions had improved. All dives were on air which was clean. Extra snorkel activities were offered. Odyssey was a great experience for a well traveled diver. Obviously the excellent dive conditions helped to make this a fantastic trip.

Recomendado para
The staff were amazing. The food was excellent. The boat seemed to be in great condition.

Estamos aqui para ajudar 24h / 7 dias

Contate nossos consultores especializados antes ou durante sua viagem.

  • Juliane Ball
  • Josue Zarco
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Ester Canali
  • Oksana Kovaleva
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Laura Babahekian