Odyssey Live aboard, Austrália
8,8 Fabuloso
- desde $ 396/ dia
- Reserve Já
“As águas azuis e límpidas e o ambiente intocado.”
O customizado live aboard MV Odyssey de 24m oferece viagens de mergulho limitadas para Rowley Shoals, Austrália. O avançado design do catamarã garante que o Odyssey seja extremamente estável, silencioso e espaçoso.
Até 20 hóspedes a bordo do M/V Odyssey são atendidos em seis cabines deluxe e quatro cabines duplas compartilhadas, cada uma equipada com AC individual, espaço de armazenamento e frigobar. A espaçosa área de jantar pode acomodar todos os hóspedes a bordo do MV Odyssey, ou você pode escolher jantar ao livre no deque externo superior. Todas as refeições são preparadas na hora e restrições alimentares podem ser atendidas se avisadas previamente. Há três outros deques exteriores para mais relaxamento e conforto e o MV Odyssey também é equipado com sistema de entretenimento de ponta, telas LCD/plasma e DVD.
O Odyssey é acompanhado pelo “Homer”, uma embarcação de 12m que garantirá que você chegue aos melhores pontos de mergulho e snorkel com conforto e facilidade.
Deixe que a experiente equipe do MV Odyssey ajude a criar uma viagem de mergulho inesquecível em Rowley Shoals, onde menos de 200 pessoas por ano têm o privilégio de experimentar as condições incríveis do Parque Marinho. Não perca esta aventura exclusiva e reserve hoje!
Escolher data de saída
Incluso: VAT, Sobretaxa de combustível, Taxas portuárias, Traslado de/para o hotel, Água potável, Chá e café, Refrigerantes, Jantar especial, Lanches, Plano de refeições em pensão completa (todas as refeições), Guia de snorkeling, Pescaria, Serviços de lavanderia / passadeira, Toalhas na cabine, Toalhas no deque.
Extras exigidos: Taxas de Parques Nacionais (145.40-259 AUD).
Extras opcionais: Traslado de/para o aeroporto, Bebidas alcoólicas, Caiaques.
Reserve agora, pague depois: É fácil fazer sua reserva online. Nós seguraremos as vagas para você e você pode confirmar com o pagamento depois.
* Taxas extras são exibidas por pessoa.
Pagar por transferência bancária/online
Planta da embarcação

Tipos de cabines
Odyssey Comentários
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- 10 Excepcional
- Eli R
Estados Unidos
Pristine and exciting divning in a remote part of the world.
Hidden Australian gem of diving. It takes a 20 hr boat ride from the nearest city at the far end of the world to get to, but totally worth it! Pelagics, Tiger shark, hammerhead, juvenile black tips, schools of sweet lips, sharks on almost every dive. Even got some of the small stuff, found a pygmy seahorse. Considering only 200 people get to dive this park every year, get early on the list to dive as its totally unencumbered of people and the Odyssey provides everything you need to have a great time.
- Recomendado para
- Top notch operator, no crowds, variety of diving
- 9,6 Excepcional
- Hilma V
Estados Unidos
Dream trip, exceptional diving experience.
Abundance of marine life. Acquiring new dive buddies.
- Recomendado para
- Pristine reef condition. Clear, warm water. Unplanned encounters with whales/dolphins
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- Kate T
Well traveled diver loved Odyssey trip.
This dive trip to Rowley Shoals was on my bucket list for many years. We were lucky to be blessed with really great conditions. I did get a cabin to myself which was great. The crew were excellent - very experienced and happy to accommodate our needs. Remember to take your sea sickness meds, the toilets and showers are shared on the back deck. Water from all taps is drinkable from a desalinator. The team did their best to ensure we got the most dives possible and I was impressed that they assessed conditions before we got in. They called 2 dives off for safety reasons but added one on our last day when conditions had improved. All dives were on air which was clean. Extra snorkel activities were offered. Odyssey was a great experience for a well traveled diver. Obviously the excellent dive conditions helped to make this a fantastic trip.
- Recomendado para
- The staff were amazing. The food was excellent. The boat seemed to be in great condition.
- 8,4 Muito bom
- Philip J
Pristine and healthy marine environmen at Rowley Shoals
I would rate the diving at Rowley Shoals 7/10 overall, with Mermaid Wall being the highlight dive site. Both hard and soft corals were very healthy with no sign of bleaching. Small fish life was abundant, with some larger fish species like milkfish, bump headed parrot fish, dogtooth tuna and a couple of mantas. Reef sharks, mainly white tips were seen on the majority of dives. I would have like to have seen more pelagics at Mermaid Reef, it being a complete no-take zone. Macro life was almost non-existent, saw only one of 2 nudibranchs across 6 days of diving. I did the one night dive that was offered, I rated it as one of the least interesting of my 1000+ dives. The boat itself was in good condition, the only drawback being the absence of ensuites in any of the cabins, all 4 toilets/ showers being situated at the dive deck at the stern of the boat. My lower deck cabin had a bar fridge but no sink / wash basin, & toilets were a steep climb up a flight of stairs. The boat itself is quite tall, as a result it is a bit rolly in sideswells & windy conditions. Boat and dive staff were very professional, with very high levels of attention to safety commensurate with the remoteness of the area. Food was good quality and plentiful, I gained a couple of kilos over the course of the week 🤭. My main suggestion for the operator would to provide information about rental gear on their website - they don’t stock their own hire gear but do have an arrangement with a sporting goods store in Broome - but I had to contact Odyssey by phone to get that info. Overall I’d rate Rowley Shoals as being good coral reef diving in a pristine but remote location.
- Recomendado para
- Pristine marine environment of Rowley Shoals. Food was good quality and plentiful, soft drinks were free.. Very safe diving operations.
- 8,0 Muito bom
- Debbi S
Excellent snorkelling in atoll
Snorkelling in atoll Accommodating my needs to ensure best possible experience
- Recomendado para
- Crew accomdating changes to improve experience.
- 10 Excepcional
- Anonymous
Beyond my dreams.
Horizontal Falls, fishing, wildlife.
- Recomendado para
- Scenery, Fishing, food.
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- Greg S
Awesome Wall Dives with friendly crew
Large variety of dives, seeing an abundance of fish swimming in an endless field of coral. Visibility to 50m+. Lots of swimthroughs to explore at depths of 5-40m.
- Recomendado para
- Rich diversity of Fish and Coral, and great crew
- 8,4 Muito bom
- Stuart Y
Nova Zelândia
Fantastic trip
Great crew and guests made this a fun and relaxing trip. Reef is in great condition, seas were warm and calm. We had a fantastic trip with great diving, fishing and water sports
- Recomendado para
- Staff, health of the reef, weather
- 7,2 Bom
- Charmaine H
Pretty good.
I liked being free to swim with my dive buddy instead of as a big group. A little bit lacking in large animals and dive site variety. Lovely crew. Laid back schedule. I only gave 3 stars for the boat comfort because the showers were often cold and I had to use the same towel for the whole trip and make my own bed - it's not a silver service boat but it's also affordably priced.
- Recomendado para
- Pretty coral, cool swimthroughs and caverns, away from it all
- 8,8 Fabuloso
- Kathryn T
Nova Zelândia
A very special unspoiled place which will always be in my memory
The blue clear waters and the unspoiled environment.Drifting together in the water in the current at the end of the trip.Walking on the Sand on the final day. The 2whales wandering around the boat at the first mooring made it feel very special All the dive sites were good .Plenty to see
- Recomendado para
- The diving.Sitting out at night watching the stars.The crew were very pleasant and accomodating