Emperor Serenity, Мальдивы
9,3 Превосходно
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- Включен найтрокс
- от $ 241/день
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“Дайв-гиды очень профессиональны, а все экипажи на лодке хорошо организованы и очень любезны на протяжении всего периода путешестви…”
Основные моменты
Присоединяйтесь к MV Emperor Serenity для дайвинга мирового класса на Мальдивах. Современный и стильный лайвборд легко размещает 26 гостей в 13 каютах. На нижней палубе расположены 8 кают с двуспальными кроватями. На главной и верхней палубах находятся 2 люкса с королевской кроватью, односпальной кроватью и потрясающим видом на океан. В каждой каюте есть отдельный кондиционер, собственная ванная комната, место для хранения вещей и зарядные порты.
На главной палубе находится большой крытый салон с кондиционером, ТВ и развлекательной системой, который выходит на открытую террасу и лаунж-зону. В крытой обеденной зоне подаются блюда по принципу шведского стола с разнообразными местными и международными блюдами, подходящими для всех. Большая солнечная палуба имеет частично крытую зону и множество шезлонгов для всех.
Дайвинг с M/V Emperor Serenity проводится с большой, полностью оснащенной дайвинг-дони, предоставляющей вам больше места на борту и доставляющей вас к идеальному месту для погружения. Нитрокс предоставляется БЕСПЛАТНО, а 4 профессиональных дайв-гида и 13 опытных и дружелюбных членов экипажа Emperor Serenity помогут вам создать незабываемое дайв-отдых на Мальдивах. Как правило, маршруты продолжаются 7 ночей и исследуют лучшие места на Мальдивах, включая остановки в атолле Расду, на Северном и Южном Ари, а также на Северном и Южном Мале, где вы сможете нырнуть с крупной рыбой, такой как акулы и манты, а также черепахи, мурены и разнообразная макрожизнь.
Поездки на Emperor включают все портовые и парковые сборы, бесплатный нитрокс и даже бесплатное вино, и вам никогда не придется платить дополнительно за маршруты или топливные сборы. Что видите, то и оплачиваете.
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Выберите дату отправления
Включено: НДС, Зеленый налог, Портовые сборы, Трансфер в/из аэропорта, Питьевая вода, Ужин с вином, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Памятный ужин, Пляжное барбекю, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Дайвинг-пакет, найтрокс, Гид для снорклинга, Наземные экскурсии, снаряжение для снорклинга, Полотенца для использования вне кают, Полотенца для кают.
Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Страхование путешествующих, Страховка дайвера (6 EUR в сутки), Чаевые (150 USD), Алкогольные напитки (5 USD), Безалкогольные напитки (3 USD), Аренда снаряжения, Курсы дайвинга с найтроксом (284 USD), Курсы подводного плавания с аквалангом (101-466 USD), Интернет WIFI (31 USD).
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* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя
Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн
Чертежи и макет судна

Типы кают
Emperor Serenity Отзывы
- 9,3 Превосходно
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Randall B
Wonderful Experience!
What a great experience! The staff was superb. They were extremely thoughful and 100% customer-focused. Dives and food (in fact the overall experience) were superb. Improvement opportunity: Internet access was expensive, quirky, and almost as bad as dial-up. Guests should verify that its been upgraded (eg, w/ Starlink) or use an eSim.
- Рекомендуется
- Staff. Dives. Accomodation Comfort.
- 8,0 Отлично
- Kurt P
Very nice dive holiday
Manta showcase night dive and tuna sashimi was the best ever!!
- Рекомендуется
- New friends, good food, competent dive guides
- 6,8 Оценка
- Arisa K
Cons outweighed the Pros
The diving was good, but not as great as I was hoping/expecting. I'm glad to check the Maldives off my wishlist, but Palau is better. We did see manta rays, which was a highlight. The first day of diving was also more challenging than I had expected. Aside from the first check-out dive, they started the trip with 100-ft dives with currents. One dive specifically STARTED with a strenuous swim into a challenging current. Fortunately, the second half of the trip consisted of more shallow (and interesting, IMO) reef dives. As a nonsmoker, I probably would not opt to go on a live aboard again unless I can find one that is completely smoke free. Even though smoking was restricted to one section of the boat, smoke travels! It wafted up to the hallway in front of our cabin, and there was a strong odor of cigarette smoke IN our cabin for the first 3-4 days. Also, the designated smoking area was a prime seating area just outside the main dining/lounge room. Since most of the smokers were staff/dive guides, this basically became a staff lounge. It was an area I could not enjoy 80% of the time because of cigarette smoke. The smoke also drifted into the dining room every time someone opened the door. Our second major issue was our assigned dive guide. She was a very skillful diver, and she was great at spotting macro-life like tiny nudibranchs. However, there were times when I or my dive buddy had gear issues or ear-clearing issues, and she seemed annoyed and impatient when anything came up. She was very quick to descend (I need to descend slowly), and she is a fast swimmer. And there was often current. So yes, I found it challenging to keep up with her. I did communicate this to her, and asked if it would be OK if my buddy and I ended up joining another group if we couldn't keep up with her in the middle of a dive (because there were other groups going at a pace that would have been more comfortable for us). Her response was that my buddy and I "didn't have to stay with the group" -- and we could do what we wanted. This was our first time diving in the Maldives, so no, we didn't want to go off on our own; we were hoping for a guide who would actually look out for us and not leave us in the dust. We also felt like we were in an awkward position because it was apparent that our assigned dive guide was the significant other of the trip manager. We tried to make the best of a less-than-ideal situation, but it definitely soured the experience for us. We did have a little bit of interaction with another dive guide, who was really lovely. The rest of the staff was great as well, especially the barman and waiter. And the food was great -- at least 3 salad options, 2 meat options, and sides for every meal! I ate well.
- Рекомендуется
- The boat is spacious and generally comfortable. The meals were excellent, exceeded expectations. The waitstaff and chefs were outstanding. The boat crew was also great.
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Megan P
The diving was awesome and well organized.
Diving with the Mantas and beach barbecue.
- Рекомендуется
- Close access to dive sites. Well organized dive boat. Crew was great!
- 10 Изумительно
- Scott K
Great trip
Night dive with mantas was excellent. Fish head dive site was full of fish life. I loved a dive that had 15 sharks swimming back and forth, with a squadron of seven eagle rays passing by. Kudos to our divemaster Deano for his ocean stewardship and his enthusiasm for finding sea life.
- Рекомендуется
- Diving, food, crew
- 10 Изумительно
- Martin A
Far Exceeded our expectations!
The cabin was much larger than expected, the ship was very nice and in good condition, the main dive guide, Deano, was very knowledgeable, helpful, friendly and his main priority was safety. The food was plentiful and excellent. The dives were outstanding and we saw even more marine life than expected. I would highly recommend. We came all the way from New York and didn’t regret it at all!
- Рекомендуется
- Main dive guide Deano, amazing dives, great food
- 9,6 Изумительно
- William S
Wonderful first live aboard experience!
The well planned, perfectly executed and thoughtful dives were the highlight of the trip. Each dive led us brilliant coral and remarkable sea life. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire trip.
- Рекомендуется
- Dives, excellent food and interesting people
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Christopher R
10/10 would do it again!
The dive guides’ respect of the ocean animals and willingness to help with new things (like reef hooks) was amazing. The food was great, the dining room team was friendly and knew our habits within a few meals.
- Рекомендуется
- Diving, making new friends, new experiences
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Eric B
Excellent Adventure
Night Manta encounters, great dive sites, excellent guides
- Рекомендуется
- Diving, diving, diving
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Roger B
Emperor Serenity - highly recommend
First - 4 stars for value for money... live aboard boats are expensive... they just are. And Serenity was awesome. Serenity is big and spacious. We had 22 (of 24 possible) divers and there was never a time I couldn't find space for myself where I wanted to be. The diving was good and we timed our trip for good weather... but I would recommend booking your trip to end no later than late April to get best weather. Food was excellent. Kitchen and bar staff went all out to make special meals to avoid food allergy issues. The Dhoni boat crew were amazing in that they were almost invisible... our dive gear and tanks were always perfect. Fills were 3000 PSI and consistent Nitrox every single time. The crew was intuitive in meeting our needs.. every time I was reaching for something, there was a helping hand... invisible, which made them perfect. They also dealt with an engine problem through middle of the night so it wouldn't impact our diving. Dive guides were great. They divided up the divers and made minor adjustments so the divers could be in groups of 'like' divers. I'm very slow and enjoy the 'stroll'... and we had fast divers, some on air, some on Nitrox and the dive guides accommodated everyone's needs as far as I could see. Highly recommend. One of the best dive experiences of my 30 years of diving.
- Рекомендуется
- boat arrangements; Kitchen and housekeeping staff; Dhoni boat crew