
Ocean Quest, Австралия

  • Rating 9,0 out of 10 9,0 Превосходно
    • Найтрокс
  • от $ 201/день
  • Забронировать

“Я нырял во многих разных местах и должен сказать, был действительно поражен всем - от здоровья рифа, расположения лодки, простоты …”

Tim B, Флаг Новая Зеландия Новая Зеландия

Основные моменты

  • Ночной флюорографический дайвинг для знакомства с флуоресцентными цветами
  • Ночные погружения "Акула в темноте"
  • Сафари с китовым дайвингом, чтобы встретиться с норкой

OceanQuest Liveaboard - это 36-метровый катамаран, предлагающий круглогодичные дайвинг-поездки на великолепный Внешний Большой Барьерный риф Австралии. OceanQuest Liveaboard постоянно пришвартован у Внешнего рифа, а гостей доставляют на скоростном катере из Кэрнса.

Выберите дату отправления


Включено: НДС, Трансфер в/из отеля, Питьевая вода, Чай и кофе, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Аренда снаряжения, Дайвинг-пакет.

Обязательные дополнительные расходы: Портовые сборы (20 AUD в сутки).

Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Чаевые, Трансфер в/из аэропорта, Алкогольные напитки, Безалкогольные напитки, Закуски, Курсы дайвинга с найтроксом (269 AUD), Курсы подводного плавания с аквалангом, найтрокс, Персональный дайв-инструктор (120 AUD за дополнительные экскурсии и активный отдых).

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* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя

Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн

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  3. Платежи Paypal
  4. Платежи American Express
  5. Платежи Apple Pay
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Ocean Quest Отзывы

  • Rating 9,0 out of 10
  • 9,0 Превосходно
  1. Судно
  2. Команда
  3. Питание
  4. Дайвинг
  5. Цена
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Изумительно
  • Candice M
  • Флаг США США

Great experience traveling to the GBR

Loved this LivaAboard experience. It was our first time diving since becoming certified and it was lovely. Great safety checks before we went out. Very happy with the room size.

The variety of dive sites and experiences.. The night dives.. Warm drinks available to enjoy all day..
  • Rating 7,2 out of 10
  • 7,2 Хорошо
  • KC C
  • Флаг США США

Don't expect much dive site variety

The staff was great, very friendly and helpful. The boat conditions were on par with what you'd expect, and it never felt overcrowded. However, they advertise 14+ mooring sites on 3 different reefs (totally understand weather conditions can limit some locations), but we continually went back to the exact same dive sites which was frustrating.

Large dive deck with plenty of space. Air compressor on board so no tank switching. Always stayed on schedule.
  • Rating 6,0 out of 10
  • 6,0 Оценка
  • jayne P
  • Флаг США США

Best suited for a 1-2 night stay

I I think this boat is best for a one or two night stay. The Positive things were outlined above. There were several guides that were very good at pointing out interesting features along the dives. The ride out and dives were organized chaos. My sons regulator did not have a mouthpiece and my daughters first stage was not attached correctly. They did not want me to use my regulator on the two dives out because it was so hurried. The staff on Ocean quest were polite, but not overly friendly. We were all experienced divers with advanced certifications. We did do guided dives for every dive in the hopes that the knowledgeable guides would point out interesting features and creatures. We had several dives with knowledgeable guides that pointed things out and we had multiple dives, where the guide simply swam out to a point and swam back without stopping or showing any features. The guided groups were grouped at random. We had several dives with someone who burned through the air cutting our dive short by 20 minutes. We asked to be paired with similar divers yet were paired with this person on other dives. because new people were coming on every day we dove the same areas multiple times. We also had new diver briefings every day. They also required that you cash out every day usually within 15 minutes of your last morning dive. checkout was at noon for a boat transfer at 2:30 and during our last dive, they put all of our clothing and luggage on the floor to change the bedding by 11 o'clock. I think this boat is best for one or two night experience Where you wish to sleep on a boat and get as many dives as you can within a short period. They did not provide a very diverse diving experience. I feel people on self-guided tours, saw much more than we did on guided tours.

diving the barriee reef. the meals were very good. equipment overall was good.

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  • Oksana Kovaleva
  • Juliane Ball
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Laura Babahekian
  • Ester Canali
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Mylene Issartial