Golondrina, Галапагосы
8,7 Невероятно
- от $ 368/день
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“Увидеть сухопутных черепах в их естественной среде обитания, а также в питомниках на станции Чарльза Дарвина было действительно ос…”
Основные моменты
Присоединяйтесь к яхте Golondrina для увлекательного круиза на небольшом судне по Галапагосским островам. Обслуживая всего 16 гостей, она предлагает внимание к деталям, расслабляющую атмосферу и персонализированный сервис. Доступны восемь кают с двухъярусными кроватями, каждая с ковровым покрытием, смежными ванными комнатами, горячими душами и кондиционером. Общие зоны включают в себя комфортную столовую, где подаются блюда местной кухни а-ля карт, крытый салон и бар с развлекательными возможностями, а также солнечную палубу, идеальную для отдыха между мероприятиями.
Яхта Golondrina предлагает 5- и 8-дневные маршруты, спроектированные так, чтобы гости могли насладиться лучшим, что предлагают Галапагосские острова, и невероятным разнообразием дикой природы. Плавайте с морскими львами и пингвинами, ныряйте с черепахами и скатами, и отправляйтесь в походы к потрясающим смотровым площадкам. Маршруты также могут быть объединены друг с другом, чтобы увидеть всё, что могут предложить Галапагосы.
Опытная и профессиональная команда яхты Golondrina всегда готова помочь сделать ваш круиз на небольшом судне незабываемым. Забронируйте онлайн уже сегодня.
Выберите дату отправления
Подходит любителям снорклингаВключено: НДС, Топливный сбор, Трансфер в/из аэропорта, Питьевая вода, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Гид-натуралист, Наземные экскурсии, Полотенца для кают.
Обязательные дополнительные расходы: Визы и сборы (20 USD за поездку), Плата за вход в национальные парки (100-200 USD за поездку).
Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Чаевые, Местные перелеты (520 USD за поездку), Алкогольные напитки, Безалкогольные напитки, снаряжение для снорклинга (25-35 USD за поездку).
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* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя
Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн
Чертежи и макет судна

Типы кают
Golondrina Отзывы
- 8,7 Невероятно
Активный отдых
- 9,2 Превосходно
- suzanne B
Best trip ever!
I highly recommend this trip if you are considering it. Golinidria staff were excellent communicators from someone meeting us at the airport to get our pass to Galapagos and getting our boarding pass. As welll as meeting us at the airport and making sure we got on the correct bus. Once we arrived at our boat we met the crew who were welcoming and king. Roberto our guide was a wealth of information. He was patient and able to answer all of our questions. He made the most out of our 3 nights and 4 days, making sure we got see as many animals as we could and experiencing the different islands. This trip is a highlight of my life. I traveled with my son who has a visual impairment and I can't compliment Roberto and the staff for accommodating his impairment. I am so grateful to have been able to experience this. It is an unforgetable trip and you will not be disappointed. The Sea Lions were my favorite but it was such a joy to see all of the animals in the natural habitat. This trip filled my cup several times over. The food was plentiful and tasty and there was always fresh water available. I cannot recommend this trip and company enough. You will not be disapointed!! Just do it!
- Рекомендуется
- The expertice of out guide was invaluable. Everyday was full of information to increase our enjoyment of activities. The variety and pace of activities was perfect. I was never bored or too tired. Every hike and snorkeling event was enjoyable.. The staff was extremely welcoming and kind. They all went out of their way to make sure we were comfortable and well informed..
- 7,6 Хорошо
- Jonathan S
Wonder of a trip
The other passengers were wonderful, the islands are superb if not magical. Cruising the islands on the boat’s outdoor deck, the sun and breeze drying the salt water in your hair… bare feet and comfortable.
- Рекомендуется
- Food, excursions, and outdoor space on the boat.
- 8,0 Отлично
- Anonymous
We had a good experience, they kept us busy with snorkeling and hiking each day at a new location.
I liked the snorkeling the best. I saw sharks and sea lions and large schools of other fish.
- Рекомендуется
- Waking up at a new island each day. Snorkeling with lots of fish and sea lions. Hiking the islands and seeing the birds nesting.
- 8,0 Отлично
- Meredith P
Basic accommododies but great food, crew and guides
Snorkeling, tortoises and sea turtles galore! Did the 5 day but really only 3 days on boat, I wouldve booked the 8 day if I could go back in time, you see a lot more and is less time on the boat then I thought. Only recommend if you are ok with tight uncomfy sleeping quarters, rest of boat was nice and comfy.
- Рекомендуется
- places visted, guide knowledge and food
- 7,6 Хорошо
- Amy M
Safety and comfort were issues
Snorkeling was amazing. However the Boats to take us in to snorkel did not work properly Engines kept failing and was not safe. The crew did their best with what was given to them so not their fault but the owner of the boat needs to update engines and comfort of boat. No hot water for showers after freezing in ocean. Life jackets had a lot of broken clips.
- Рекомендуется
- The guide and crew did excellent job
- 8,0 Отлично
- Ofer Z
Ok, but switched to another boat
The Galapagos are nice but this itinerary has few highlights, lots of dead time and rather limited marine experience. Highlights were the iguanas and seals, and one of the two snorkeling trips
- Рекомендуется
- Nice surroundings, friendly staff
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Nora F
A lot in a small package
The ship was small enabling the crew to assist each of us almost on a one on one basis. This let me feel more comfortable attempting the lava fields and the ocean snorkeling. The knowledge of our guide about each island and animal species left me feeling as if I had lived in that area for years. I highly recommend the Golondrina and her wonderful crew.
- Рекомендуется
- The great support of the crew, the indegenious wildlife, the friendliness of the passengers
- 10 Изумительно
- Molly M
Our wonderful experience was on the Fragata
Living on the boat while being totally cared for and cooked for and having great conversations and hikes and snorkeling. It could not have been better
- Рекомендуется
- The crew, the itinerary and the guide
- 8,0 Отлично
Fantastic trip, great crew
Seeing the sea turtles,sharks and sea lions while snorkeling
- Рекомендуется
- Shore hiking, snorkeling and great crew
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Mark P
We got switched last minute to the "Fragata"...so review is for the "FRAGATA"...not "GOLONDRINA"...just FYI.
So...here's my take on a 'cruise in the Galapagos Islands' aboard the "FRAGATA". Again, we were moved from the 'GOLONDRINA', last minute, to the 'FRAGATA'...probably because of COVID & perhaps there were fewer bookings? Not sure. The 'FRAGATA' is a bit larger than the 'GOLONDRINA' but we didn't board the 'GOLONDRINA' so I cannot compare the 2. We were advised from friends who had been, that one doesn't go to the Galapagos & stay on 'land'...one takes a 'cruise' through the islands. Ok...well, we did both. We first spent 4 days in Puerto Ayora then 5 days on a cruise. I must tell you...for the price of the cruise (& this was one of the less expensive cruises), we would have been better off just staying put in Puerto Ayora & doing 'daily excursions' from there to other islands. Our main focus was doing things in the WATER...i.e, SNORKELING. I guess there are a few people who go to the Galapagos to do hiking treks on the islands. But that was NOT our goal. These islands, for the most part, are some of the UGLIEST islands we've seen. They are desolate, dry, scrubby, volcanic terrain. Yes, there are birds & iguanas & crabs that live on the islands themselves. But I suspect most people visit the Galapagos to be IN THE WATER. That is where the ACTION is. I was quite disappointed that we did not stop at more places to snorkel. It wasn't the crew's fault that we lost an engine...so most of the cruise we were playing 'catch up' to get to our destinations, sailing overnight. Flying into the Galapagos, one sees these beautiful turquoise lagoons hugging the coast of these islands. Makes a snorkeler's mouth water. Unfortunately, most of the places we snorkeled were not those places, for some reason. We were offered as many, if not more opportunities to 'hike' as to snorkel, which, again, was sorely disappointing. Like I said, we could have done SO MUCH MORE snorkeling if we had just stayed put in Puerto Ayora & did day trips to SNORKEL. Our very last day of this 5 day trip was the best. We stopped at Mexican Hat...a snorkel paradise. WHY there weren't MORE of these days is beyond me & again, a HUGE disappointment. I opted to STOP going on the boring hikes & just opted to jump into the water. I got a LOT more out of it by not going on the hikes. The sea life in the Galapagos is why most people go there. ONE hike would have been enough, if that. Honestly, I could have done without ANY land hikes. These islands are NOT 'Hawai'i' or 'Tahiti'...quite the opposite. Though I must say, Puerto Ayora is quite more near being 'tropical' as they grow pineapples, coconuts & bananas. The highlands of Santa Cruz are quite green & can produce a lot of food. Most likely why this is the most populated island. My advice, if you don't wish to spend $2,000.00/day on a cruise is to just stay in Puerto Ayora & do as many day trips as you want. I suspect we could have saved TONS of $$$ by doing that & would have experienced a LOT more sea life. It was a good experience, the cruise. The crew was outstanding, helpful, generous, kind, considerate & very professional. KUDOS to all of them, including our guide. This boat, the "FRAGATA", is an old vessel that has probably been refurbished more than once. Had a lot of old world charm...felt a bit like stepping back in time. Food was excellent, delicious & very healthy. They accommodated us vegetarians with delightful substitutes. We are grateful for their efforts in that regard. We realize these islands are quite remote & it is expensive & difficult to get parts & supplies for ANYTHING into these islands. That being said, I must say that the 'dingy rides' were a mixed bag. The dingy captains were amazing & very skilled at their jobs & very kind & very helpful. My only complaint was the ENORMOUS amount of POLLUTION that SPEWED OUT from each dingy motor. OMG! On top of sometimes choppy seas (thank all of the gods for DRAMAMINE!), the addition of breathing down gallons of pu
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- Crew, food, water activities