Running on Waves, Греция
9,1 Превосходно
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- от $ 200/день
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“Потрясающий корабль в хорошем состоянии и со всеми удобствами. ”
Отправляйтесь в морское путешествие по Средиземноморью на комфортном и стильном круизном судне Running on Waves. 64-метровая яхта может принять на борт 42 пассажира, которые с комфортом разместятся и отдохнут, путешествуя по живописным греческим островам. Три просторные палубы с современными удобствами позволят пассажирам наслаждаться путешествием по Греции без проблем. На средней палубе расположены 13 стандартных кают, камбуз и место для водных видов спорта с прямым доступом к воде. На главной палубе расположены мини-сьюты и каюты премиум-класса, а также ресторан, бар и видовая площадка. На солнечной палубе находятся удобные шезлонги, затененный лаундж и бассейн с джакузи на 6 человек. Каждая каюта оборудована ванной комнатой, кондиционером, телевизором и местом для хранения вещей.
Круизы на борту Running on Waves охватывают самые яркие жемчужины Средиземного моря. Вы проплывете мимо античной красоты островов Корфу, Лефкаса, Кефалинии, Закинфа, Итаки и других. Новый день на борту начинается на восходе солнца с купания, йоги или просто чашечки кофе, после чего вас ждет плотный завтрак и первая остановка. Вы можете в своем темпе прогуливаться по острову самостоятельно или заказать экскурсию. В любой момент можно вернуться на судно. Вечером на борту вам будет предложен вкуснейший греческий ужин, а после, в компании других пассажиров, вы сможете зависнуть в одном из баров или в одиночестве понаблюдать за звездами.
Отправляйтесь в незабываемое морское путешествие по Греции, а для этого позвоните нам или закажите круиз онлайн.
Выберите дату отправления
Подходит любителям снорклингаВключено: НДС, Питьевая вода, Приветственный коктейль, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Stand Up Paddleboard, Гид для снорклинга, Каяки, Рыбалка, снаряжение для снорклинга, Бесплатные банные принадлежности, Интернет WIFI, Пляжные полотенца, Полотенца для использования вне кают, Полотенца для кают.
Обязательные дополнительные расходы: Портовые сборы (350-430 EUR).
Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Чаевые, Алкогольные напитки, Безалкогольные напитки, Ужин с вином, Вейкбординг, Водные лыжи, Водные мотоциклы, Гид-натуралист, Наземные экскурсии, Услуги стирки и глажки, Массаж.
Бронируйте сейчас, оплачивайте позже: Вы можете легко осуществить бронирование онлайн. Мы сохраним для вас места, и вы сможете подтвердить бронирование и оплатить позже.
* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя
Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн
Чертежи и макет судна

Типы кают
Running on Waves Отзывы
- 9,1 Превосходно
Активный отдых
- 8,4 Отлично
- Julianne L
Beautiful ship, attentive crew, love small ship cruising.
It was a very relaxing trip. The islands were beautiful, several route changes due to various conditions. definitely recommend.
- Рекомендуется
- Small ship. Small group. Small islands.
- 8,0 Отлично
- Stephanie T
Wonderful Sailing.
The sailing experience was outstanding. We loved the boat and the crew was very attentive. We loved swimming once anchored. The visits to the islands and ports were not interesting because we were not told about any highlights of places to visit or given guides to show us those places. We had to find the places to visit during our stops. A guide to direct us once we were at these islands or ports would greatly enhance the trip.
- Рекомендуется
- The appointment of the boat.. The geniality of the crew.. A great group of passengers..
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Joseph G
Great Experience, Every day brought something new and interesting
Not a highlight but the orientations for the various islands should have been more detailed. For example telling us where the taxi stand were and information about the local bus service. A simple map would have been elpful
- Рекомендуется
- 1. Sailing on a large square masted boat. . 2. The many places visited 3. The polite, helpful and competent crew and officers
- 10 Изумительно
- Bill L
Treated like royalty!!!!!!!!
So many highlights!!!! The crew interaction and hospitality, the sailing, the sites, going under the Rion-Antirion bridge, thru the Corinth Canal, Olympia, jumping off the boat, dingy rides to other islands, swimming in beach on Kefalonia, the amazing passengers we bonded with from different countries!!!! We highly recommend! We will be back again!
- Рекомендуется
- The crew, the food, the boat!
- 10 Изумительно
- Austin T
Unforgettable cruise through the Cyclades!
Running on Waves was amazing! The destinations were truly breathtaking. I appreciated that they took us to some less visited islands, like Folegandros and Serifos. The crew were so friendly, informative and accommodating. Access to the tender (the motor boat launch) all day to go back and forth between ship and port at each island was a great feature and allowed for much flexibility. The ship itself is gorgeous and the cabins and common spaces are comfortable and nicely appointed. When the sails are up it's a breathtaking sight. Being a smaller vessel also allowed us to go into smaller harbors where the big cruise ships cannot go. Food was awesome and plentiful and meals were always relaxed and fun. The watersports platforms was nice to have, but there was so much to do on the islands that we didn't use it much, also some harbor areas did not allow it, but still a great resource. We had planned to dive on this trip, but due to the small number of divers on our cruise (only 4 in total), there was no diving from the ship and they had to organize custom trips with local dive guides. However, the two they chose were fantastic. The boarding and de-boarding processes were smooth and easy. Overall, my family and I had a fantastic time. It was a truly amazing experience!
- Рекомендуется
- The destinations, the crew, and the beautiful ship
- 10 Изумительно
- Cecilia M
Magical Experience
I thoroughly enjoyed the quiet mornings watching the sun rise over the islands and marveling at the crew readying the ship to enter the different ports. In addition, our Hotel Manager, Robert, went out of his way to ensure the guests expectations were met while focused on safety. As an example, we arrived back on the ship a few minutes before departure and we wanted to jump off the back of the boat for a refreshing dip in the Aegean Sea. Robert connected with the Captain to ask permission and then stayed with us to be sure we were back on the boat in a timely manner to ensure the crew could ready the boat for departure - priceless! This was the trip of a lifetime and we were so pleased with every aspect of the experience.
- Рекомендуется
- There were so many highlights it is hard to narrow it to three items. 1) Running on Waves staff/crew went out of their way to ensure everyone had a wonderful time. 2) Running on Waves sailing crew were top notch and moved in poetic rhythm when raising/lowering the sails as well as focused on everyone's safety when boarding and leaving the ship. 3) Each meal was thoughtfully prepared, aesthetically pleasing to the eye and delicious!
- 10 Изумительно
- Kathleen D
Fantastic Experience!
The ease of traveling on the boat from island to island. The staff were fantastic and the boat is amazing!
- Рекомендуется
- Boat, staff and locations visited
- 9,2 Превосходно
- Sarah R
Новая Зеландия
would book again in a heart beat
excellent trip, loved the shore excursions with a variety of history, charm , shopping and good food available.
- Рекомендуется
- being on the water on a beautiful ship. staff friendly and helpful. food and service- fabulous.
- 7,6 Хорошо
- Martin J
Comfortable and relaxing way around the Peloponnes.
Relaxing trip with friendly guests. Highlights: Epidauros theatre and Delphi; great swimming from the boat and beaches.
- Рекомендуется
- Route in general. Life on board, including swimming from the boat. Excurions.
- 8,0 Отлично
- Zoe C
Stunning Ship
Stunning ship well maintained and all amenities catered for. Staff were very good throughout as was food. Service in all areas were good. Dissapointed with at least 2 stops and the lack of actuallly being in port along with itinerary changes was a bit of a pain. However some stops were stunning. Our trip to Olympia with tour guide was fantastic. I do feel that a detailed actual itinerary would be beneficial at the start oc cruise, i am aware however that there can be changes but we did have quite a few, which was frustrating. The swim stops were enjoyed by many so a plus there. Overnight port stops might be good and possibly less meals so that people can enjoy the local ambience and food on offer. Overall a lovely trip on a beautiful ship and yes we would definately do it again. Thank you to all staff,and crew.
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- Sailing experience. Meeting new people. Relaxation.