Scubaspa Yang, Мальдивы
9,6 Изумительно
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- от $ 368/день
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“Отличный дайвинг и стандарт лодки, исключительная кухня и безупречный сервис”
Основные моменты
50-метровая яхта Scubaspa Yang является сестринским судном к Scubaspa Ying, которая предлагает круглогодичные дайвинг-каникулы на Мальдивах. Победитель множества наград, Scubaspa Yang предлагает действительно роскошный дайвинг-опыт на Мальдивах. На борту могут разместиться до 40 гостей в 10 каютах и 9 люксах, среди которых есть выбор конфигураций с односпальными кроватями, кроватями размера «queen» или «king». Один люкс и одна каюта могут быть переоборудованы в трёхместные для размещения 3 гостей. Все каюты имеют ванные комнаты и индивидуально контролируемые кондиционеры, и 9 люксов на главной палубе предлагают панорамный вид на море.
Ресторан расположен на главной палубе, где сервируются три блюда в формате шведского стола и есть меню а-ля-карт. Также есть станции живого приготовления еды, а международно квалифицированные повара могут удовлетворить все диетические потребности. Также на задней части главной палубы есть зона для ужина на свежем воздухе, и во время вашего пребывания будет возможность насладиться барбекю на необитаемом острове. Спа-салон на борту площадью 300 м² имеет 6 процедурных комнат, включая комнату для двоих для пар.
Дайвинг с Scubaspa Yang осуществляется с сопровождающего дайвинг-дони, где находится все оборудование, включая компрессоры для воздуха, станцию заправки нитрокса, баки для промывки и хранилище для дайвинг-оборудования. Опытные многоязычные инструкторы и дайвмастеры могут обслужить любых дайверов, независимо от их уровня и способностей. Как PADI 5 Star Dive Resort, на борту можно пройти разнообразные курсы, от начального до продвинутого уровня. Маршруты охватывают «Лучшее на Мальдивах», включая атоллы Мале, атоллы Ари, Расду и Вааву Атолы, и доступны круглый год, за исключением февраля и марта, когда яхта Scubaspa отправляется в «Глубокий Юг» для более удаленного дайвинга, подходящего для более опытных дайверов.
Забронируйте ваше идеальное роскошное дайвинг-сафари на Мальдивах уже сегодня.
Цены не включают НДС и Зелёный налог.
Выберите дату отправления
Включено: Трансфер в/из аэропорта, Питьевая вода, Приветственный коктейль, Чай и кофе, Пляжное барбекю, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Дайвинг-пакет, Stand Up Paddleboard, Каяки, Наземные экскурсии, Бесплатные банные принадлежности, Пляжные полотенца, Полотенца для использования вне кают, Полотенца для кают, Йога.
Обязательные дополнительные расходы: 27.6% НДС, Зеленый налог (12 USD в сутки).
Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Страховка дайвера (30-50 USD за поездку), Алкогольные напитки, Безалкогольные напитки, Памятный ужин, Аренда снаряжения, Дополнительные погружения (90-240 USD), Курсы дайвинга с найтроксом (300 USD), Курсы подводного плавания с аквалангом (70-890 USD), найтрокс (100 USD), Персональный дайв-инструктор (1,200-1,500 USD за поездку), Интернет WIFI (10-100 USD), Услуги стирки и глажки, Массаж, СПА.
Бронируйте сейчас, оплачивайте позже: Вы можете легко осуществить бронирование онлайн. Мы сохраним для вас места, и вы сможете подтвердить бронирование и оплатить позже.
* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя
Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн
Чертежи и макет судна

Типы кают
Scubaspa Yang Отзывы
- 9,6 Изумительно
- 9,2 Превосходно
- Charles V
Original dive experience not met because of aquited phydical injury but staff made it as good as it could be
Transition from purchased dive package to spa package unparalled. Staff bery solitous of my acquired physical limitations.
- Рекомендуется
- Since bak injured day spa staff incredible. Couldn’t dive all wel because of injury but staff very attentive. Omnoard spa addition not jjust frufru but more like start of needed physical thrrapy on board.
- 8,0 Отлично
- Maria Cristina M
What can I say beyond exceptional My sister and I have experienced both yang and most recently Yin and it has been super and magical! Highlights - close encounter with mantas and nurse sharks
- Рекомендуется
- 10 Изумительно
- Daniel W
Truly outstanding.
- Рекомендуется
- Staff. Massages. Dives.
- 10 Изумительно
- Kendra S
the best dive guides
All 17 dives were amazing and unique. The guides planned each dive thoughtfully, based on weather, current, water clarity, guests abilities and interests, etc. We saw mantas, sting rays, eagle rays, sharks, colorful fishes and corals, turtles, eels, dolphins, and even a tiny octopus.
- Рекомендуется
- diving sites, dive guides, all of the boat crew/staff
- 10 Изумительно
- Kendra S
the best dive guides
All 17 dives were amazing and unique. The guides planned each dive thoughtfully, based on weather, current, water clarity, guests abilities and interests, etc. We saw mantas, sting rays, eagle rays, sharks, colorful fishes and corals, turtles, eels, dolphins, and even a tiny octopus.
- Рекомендуется
- diving sites, dive guides, all of the boat crew/staff
- 9,2 Превосходно
- Heather B
Incredible experience!
My experience aboard ScubaSpa was fabulous! The staff were so kind, attentive and catered to your every wish. The food was absolutely delicious. One would not go on a Liveaboard for the food, but this was really a highlight of the trip. The dives were amazing. We saw so many things from mantas to rays to sharks and so many colorful fish. The dive guides were patient and the staff aboard the dive boat were so helpful. The attention to detail was impeccable and the staff really catered to your needs. I cannot wait to take another voyage with ScubaSpa.
- Рекомендуется
- Food, diving, friendliness of staff
- 10 Изумительно
- Guy C
Most Awesome Dive Trip Ever
So much to see, everything - the ocean was our looking glass and we say it all, dolphins, turtles, moray eels, fish - tiny to small to big to large - amazing, octopus, cuttlefish, sting rays, eagle rays - just floating by like a carpet ride, manta rays - so graceful, sharks - nurse, tiger, black tip, white tip, hammerhead, and of course the whale shark - WOW! WOW! WOW! A most comfortable space to sleep, rest, eat, brief, and relax - the Scubaspa Yang was awesome with the most professional staff ever, they had everything needed in mind - very personal to each guest, they always knew what we needed or wanted for the moment at hand. The extras were over the top with beach BBQs, evening entertainment, and the dining room displays - so thoughtful. Dive masters were very knowledgeable of every site we visited and always made it a point to explain why and where we dove and what we may see - its the ocean and nature - nothing is for sure. We did not know ahead of time this was Shark Week, it was absolutely amazing. We even had the opportunity to get a few PADI certificates for awareness on Sharks and Whale Sharks, and we learned about shark conservation for 2 special guests that were on board with us as divers. This was the most awesome, wonderful, exciting, entertaining, educational dive trip we have ever been on and will take the best opportunity to do it again in the future. Thank you LiveAboard for showing us this safari trip - a gift of a lifetime.
- Рекомендуется
- Location, Comfort, their advanced planning on sites
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Eric K
Its the little things that make the difference.
I have been diving for over 20 years and had not seen a manta ray up close. That was one of the main reasons for taking this trip and the mantas did not disappoint. They were graceful and amazing to watch. I could have watched them on every dive. We also loved the service in the dining room. They were always attentive and remembered what you drank with each meal and always made sure there was something you would like. Why only 3 starts for Value for money. Let's be honest, this boat isn't cheap. However, other than the diving, everything was extra. Coffee and tea were only free during breakfast. Are you kidding me? Want a soda or a beer, that will cost you extra. Want to go on the night dive but don't have your advanced certification (for which night diving is NOT a requirement), they will charge you for a 20 minute conversation. It felt like you were getting nickeled and dimed for everything. That was so disappointing.
- Рекомендуется
- The diving, the room and the service.
- 10 Изумительно
- Emily R
Exceeded all Expectations
Let’s start with… I booked this liveaboard as a solo traveler and I left the week with a new scuba family. Any and all expectations were exceeded on this trip. The staff, were always there to help you, serve you and anything you may need. The food is out of this world so good. The room is comfortable, has AC and is cleaned everyday. If you are looking to do a liveaboard, do not waste your time looking for a boat that isn’t this. This was a lifetime experience that I hope to do again as soon as possible. It was truly a dream come true!
- Рекомендуется
- The service is beyond any review. The dive sites were incredible and the accommodations and food were incredible!
- 10 Изумительно
- Michelle H
Unbelievably incredible dive trip!
Wow. This was my first liveaboard and bar is set high. I cannot express enough how awesome this trip was. What an amazing crew of people who work hard and keep smiling as they ensure you are happy, comfortable, and safe. It was very organized in every aspect. I saw everything I wanted to see during this trip. We were even lucky enough to see a whale shark. I met one couple who was on their 5th time doing this specific liveaboard and I can see why. I would definitely like to come back and do Scubaspa Yang again!
- Рекомендуется
- Dives, service, comfort