Nortada Дайвинг-сафари, Галапагосы
8,5 Невероятно
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- Найтрокс
- от $ 412/день
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“Дайвинг на Галапагосских островах был потрясающим. ”
Основные моменты
Лайвборд Nortada длиной 26 м предлагает уникальный опыт дайвинга на Галапагосах. На борту всего 4 каюты, рассчитанных на максимум 12 гостей, что позволяет предложить более интимную и персонализированную атмосферу. Платформа для дайвинга с лавкой и столом для камер была тщательно спроектирована с учетом нужд дайверов, а два тендера и два выделенных гида обеспечивают небольшие группы и внимательное отношение.
Полные 7- или 14-ночные маршруты к мировым знаменитым местам для дайвинга, включая Вольфа и Дарвина, практически гарантируют гостям незабываемое погружение. Пелагические обитатели, такие как молотоголовые акулы, галапагосовые акулы, гигантские манты, китовые акулы и рыбы луна (мола-мола), встречаются достаточно часто, а гости могут также рассчитывать увидеть нелетающих бакланов, галапагосских пингвинов, морских игуан и несколько других эндемичных видов во время круиза. Найтрокс доступен за дополнительную плату, как и поддержка ребризеров и технического дайвинга. Для гостей, не занимающихся дайвингом, Nortada предлагает маршрут для натуралистов в течение всего года.
Лайвборд Nortada доступен для индивидуального бронирования и аренды под полные чартеры. Позвоните нам или забронируйте онлайн сегодня, чтобы начать свое удивительное путешествие на Галапагосах.
Выберите дату отправления
Включено: НДС, Безалкогольные напитки во время еды, Питьевая вода, Приветственный коктейль, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Night Dives, Дайвинг-пакет, Дополнительные погружения, Гид-натуралист, Наземные экскурсии, Бесплатные банные принадлежности, Интернет WIFI, Полотенца для использования вне кают, Полотенца для кают.
Обязательные дополнительные расходы: Визы и сборы (20 USD), Плата за вход в национальные парки (100-200 USD).
Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Чаевые, Трансфер в/из аэропорта (50 USD), Алкогольные напитки (3-6 USD за единицу снаряжения), Безалкогольные напитки (2 USD за единицу снаряжения), Ужин с вином (20 USD за единицу снаряжения), Аренда снаряжения, Курсы дайвинга с найтроксом (210 USD), найтрокс, Персональный дайв-инструктор, Гид для снорклинга, Каяки, снаряжение для снорклинга.
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* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя
Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн
Чертежи и макет судна

Типы кают
Nortada Отзывы
- 8,5 Невероятно
- 6,8 Оценка
- Stephen W
Galapagos dives are incredible however the boat needs a major remodel.
The Galapagos dive sites are fantastic. You see once in a lifetime wildlife. The chef created satisfying and tasty meals. She also had a personality that lit up the room. The crew including the waiter, panga crew, and dive prep team were excellent. That being said, the ship is old and dated, and it shows. This could be overlooked id not for the lack of air conditioning. The biggest issue was the air conditioning ventilation system of the cabin rooms. Two of Four rooms had no air-conditioning whatsoever. It made sleeping very challenging if not impossible. Proper ventilation of the cabins is an expectation, not an optional extra. The crew was unable to rectify the situation despite multiple complaints. This should not be considered a luxury cruise. One of the cabin rooms windows leaked when the waves crashed up against the boat. The guests rooms had a bad odor that emanated from the guest bathrooms.
- Рекомендуется
- Galapagos Dive Sites. Waiter and Cabin Stewart - Angel. Boat staff was extremely helpful..
- 9,2 Превосходно
- Ke T
Very good way to dive the Galapagos!
Pros: - Dive sites are absolutely amazing - The chef was fantastic, all the food was awesome, plus snack and beverage service. - We were a group of 7, and bc of the roomy sun deck the boat didn’t feel crowded at all. - Crew was so welcoming and helpful, great tenders, took our minds off of the little things and ran the boat smoothly. - Dive guide was attentive and passionate, had a lot of interesting information before, during, and after the dive. Cons: - Bring your own equipment. My rental mask fogged constantly despite burning/scrubbing, at one point my BCD had a leak and would not inflate during a dive, and the torch I was given died within minutes of use underwater. - Cabins smell musty and like toilet cleaner. AC control is all over the place so sometimes it’s very hot, others it’s super cold. Overall 4/5, worth the money and the small inconveniences to be able to dive at one of the coolest places in the world and see hammerhead sharks, rays, marine iguanas, sea lions, batfish, mola molas, etc.
- Рекомендуется
- Good dives, good food, good crew
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Anita J
I cannot imagine another dive experience coming close to this Galapagos experience!
Schools of hammerheads, swimming with dolphins, playing with sea lions, seeing sunfish, increasing skills as dive conditions were sometimes rough, night diving In caves entered thru lava tunnels
- Рекомендуется
- The amazing dives, the remoteness of our dive sites (no one else around), the dive masters’ knowledge of the diving conditions and the marine life.
- 9,2 Превосходно
- Benjamin S
Amazing diving around the Galapagos. Great crew, very friendly and helpful.
- Рекомендуется
- Dive Guides, Crew, Dive Sites
- 8,8 Невероятно
- John G
Good value for the money
Albino Mola mola, several manta rays, swimming with sea lions.
- Рекомендуется
- Small group size, food and staff flexibility
- 9,2 Превосходно
- Patick W
Diving in the Galapagos you will see hundreds of hammerheads, marine iguanas and schools of many different types of fish.
Seeing schools of hammerhead sharks at Darwin and Wolf Island Swimming with marine iguanas and seeing them eat green algae underwater at Fernandino Island Swimming with Galapagos sea lions and how playful they were. Seeing flightless cormorants dive for fish. Seeing Mola-Mola. The food and juices on board were great. The boat was very clean and the staff were friendly. The dingy rides around the smaller islands that allowed us to observe endemic birds was really cool.
- Рекомендуется
- Diving at Darwin and Wolf Islands with schools of hammerhead sharks. The food on board was spectacular. At each of the islands after diving, they took us on the dingy to see the edemic birds.
- 8,8 Невероятно
- mark J
A delightful trip .. 20 dives in a week with amazing wildlife. Everything was seen .. water temp in Nov was just fine. The bedroom was fine, Aircon, but a very hard Matress
- Рекомендуется
- The diving was spectacular. The way the crew helped getting in and out of the water. Structured day well planned.
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Michael N
If you want to have warm water, go for january - If you want to see everything you dreamed to see, go in august
It is my third time to Wolf and Darwin Island. The trips before I did in january / february. This trip in august you have to be aware of colder water temperatura, however this trip I saw everything what Galapagos is famous for - whale sharks, manta rays, humback whales, mola mola, and all the rest. Everything that is posible to see in Galapagos, this time we saw - uncomparable experience!
- Рекомендуется
- The dive guide and her way to spot out every attraction. The small size of the boat and therfore small diving group. The service brindered from all the crew.
- 10 Изумительно
- Marek P
great trip
Sharks, sea lions, iguanas, mola mola
- Рекомендуется
- everything was great
- 7,2 Хорошо
- Isabelle V
Good trip, not great
Good dives, especially the Western side. Unfortunately Darwin and Wolf were very empty at the start of April and we saw only a few sharks. We were very disappointed. At the West side of Isabela and at Fernandina we found Mola Mola, marine iguanas and even a penguin which was great. At the East side of Isabela we found an oceanic manta, mobula rays and golden rays, which was also a really good dive. Unfortunately the crew was very nice, but did not know very much about the dive gear. The guides were ok and knew what they were doing, but the zodiac guys did not know how to fix last minute equipment questions, they were not experienced. Also, a few of the tanks malfunctioned causing two of us to have to use the dive guides spare reg. The cook was very kind, food was simple but good. All in all, this was the cheapest boat option for us and I think if we would have done the more expensive boats, it would have been a but more comfortable. If you know what you are doing and you have your own gear, and do not need the comfort of a luxury liveaboard, this is a good boat. They go to the same dive sites as the others, so the diving will be the same anyway.
- Рекомендуется
- Friendly crew, good dives, comfortable boat