Alaskan Dream Круизные суда, Аляска
9,3 Превосходно
- от $ 712/день
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“Капитан Эрик, Сэнди и команда были очень полезны. ”
Основные моменты
Яхта Alaskan Dream идеально подходит для исследования диких и суровых уголков Аляски. Судно длиной 104 фута вмещает 40 пассажиров в 20 каютах. Во всех каютах с ванными комнатами имеются большие окна, бесплатные туалетные принадлежности и достаточно места для хранения. В двух люксах Vista View также есть наклонные стеклянные стены и уютная зона для отдыха для еще большего удовольствия от просмотра видов. Питание подается в столовой с панорамными окнами, а меню включает разнообразные блюда, включая мясо, морепродукты и вегетарианские блюда, в которых акцент сделан на свежей аляскинской кухне. Гостиная Vista View идеально подходит для отдыха и наслаждения захватывающими пейзажами Аляски.
Круизы проходят с мая по сентябрь и длятся 8 дней. Исследуйте Ледниковый залив Аляски и острова, включая остановки в Петербурге, заливе Томас и леднике Бэйрд, где вы можете принять участие в одном из нескольких походов по заливу, таких как тропа к водопаду Каскад, Сценерий Ков или долина, ведущая к концевой морене ледника Бэйрд. На 5-й день вас ждет круиз по Трэйси или Эндикап Арм в заповеднике Трэйси Арм-Фордс Террор, месте, которое известный натуралист Джон Мьюр назвал «Диким, незаконченным Йосемити.» Этот район славится своими нетронутыми водопадами, величественными айсбергами и множеством тюленей. Каждый день на вашем круизе на маленьком судне по Аляске приносит что-то новое и захватывающее.
Забронируйте онлайн сегодня, чтобы начать планировать свой круиз по Аляске на борту судна Alaskan Dream.
Выберите дату отправления
Включено: НДС, Трансфер в/из аэропорта, Трансфер в/из отеля, Безалкогольные напитки, Питьевая вода, Ужин с вином, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Гид-натуралист, Каяки, Бесплатные банные принадлежности, Полотенца для кают.
Обязательные дополнительные расходы: Плата за вход в национальные парки (180-208 USD).
Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Чаевые, Алкогольные напитки.
Бронируйте сейчас, оплачивайте позже: Вы можете легко осуществить бронирование онлайн. Мы сохраним для вас места, и вы сможете подтвердить бронирование и оплатить позже.
* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя
Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн
Чертежи и макет судна

Типы кают
Alaskan Dream Отзывы
- 9,3 Превосходно
Активный отдых
- 8,0 Отлично
- Chris L
Great small cruise adventure!
Intimate friendly and fun.
- Рекомендуется
- sea kayaking. beach bonfire. whales.
- 9,2 Превосходно
- Janet B
The trip of a lifetime
This was an epic trip that far exceeded my hopes. The captain and crew actively looked for opportunities to experience nature and wildlife and the results were astounding. My only regret was that nothing is done (other than wiping down tables and chairs) to minimize the spread of Covid. At least 7 of the 39 guests tested positive for Covid immediately after the trip. Several people were coughing in the dining room and lounge during the trip, and it would have been nice if folks had been offered the ability to test to keep from spreading it.
- Рекомендуется
- Humpbacks bubble net feeding. Watching bear go after salmon in the wild. Upclose views of glaciers calving.
- 10 Изумительно
- David O
Exploring the inner passage of Alaska on the Alaskan Dream was the best decision we made.
Seeing the glaciers and the wildlife were highlights. We enjoyed the focus on the culture and customs of the area. This trip exceeded our expectations.
- Рекомендуется
- The staff were competent, friendly, and so accomodating.. The captain communicated clearly and you could see the respect the staff had for the captain. The culture of the ship was positive and one of serving the customers.. The naturalists were knowledgeable and always available..
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Mark M
A great trip to Alaska on a small boat.
Overall, a great experience. Alaska was so scenic and interesting. We actually had sunny days on 4 of the 7 days afloat. With the smaller boat, we were able to go into the smaller waterways than if we were on one of those giant cruise ships. The smaller boat also gave us a more intimate relationship with both other clients on board as well as the staff. The "shoilet" (Shower and toilet in a VERY confined space) was interesting (at best).
- Рекомендуется
- Able to see all that was promised - glaciers, bears, whales, seals, great scenery. Staff outstanding. Friendly, helpful, knowledgable. May the trip very pleasant. Small group - only 37 clients. Got to know people. Much better than those large cruise ships..
- 9,6 Изумительно
- Monte I
"Alaskan Dream" Come True
I fretted about everything before this trip. Had I only known, I wouldn't have worried about one thing. If you want shows, casinos, being herded and bored, this trip is not for you. If you want adventure and experiences, jump on this opportunity. I never dreamed I would learn so much, try such different foods, kayak in the ocean bay while watching and hearing whales, eat s'mores on a beach at night, walk close to bear feeding on spawning salmon, dance with a native Alaskan, make good friends, see the Alaskan sky from top ship and so much more. Oh and feel the spray of the waterfall a few feet away! Captain knows his stuff! The ship is not shiny, new and fancy, but it was perfect. Be prepared to take advantage of the many opportunities to experience life here. It will be something I treasure forever.
- Рекомендуется
- The knowledge and capability of every crew member. They were so wonderful.. The stops in all the ports and the opportunity to enjoy learning from the locals. That was super special and memorable.. The small ship experience of getting to know your way around immediately, the food, the kayaking and other superb experiences like the bears..
- 10 Изумительно
- Janet S
Great trip. Great Crew, great fellow passengers and great wildlife encounters and scenery made for a wonderful adventure.
Every day had fabulous views out of our two, large cabin windows that stretched accross the entire width of our king size bed. Meals were usually on board, served between 7:30am-8am, at 1pm and at 7pm, which worked out great, in terms of not disturbing our activities and leaving lots of time to explore the area. Meals were also prepared by a chef, (unusual flavors & dishes), served by a caring & attentive staff, and were delicious! Best highlights were viewing from the top deck (and sometimes off the front bow) the humpback whale bubble feeding behaviors (accompanied by crew playing over our speqker system the live whale calls from the group we were observing, using an underwater mic), occassional breaching, and their tail slapping behavior. Also saw a small group of Orca Killer Whales, rafts of otter floating by, bald eagles, etc. Views into some of the glacier fiords were amazing, as mini icebergs floated by, and the mist, clouds and sunshine continued to change the surrouding views by the minute. Even the flowing patterns in the water behind the boat were amazing as they danced in the sunlight! There were three cultural presentations, all presented by members of that culture, so they were fabulous and so informative. I was most impressed at how much the teenagers expressed respect for their elders and pure joy at being able to be a member of such a close community that worked hard to ensure that their culture and traditions were be passed down to the nect generation.
- Рекомендуется
- The crew was warm, informed and friendly.. The adventures were great.. Cabins had large windows, good storage area and very clean!.
- 10 Изумительно
- Laura P
Great people, wildlife and food!
I really liked the fact that Allen Marine, which owns Alaskan Dream, is an Indigenous-owned business and demonstrated respect for the Native cultures with which we interacted. Erika was extremely knowledgable about wildlife, habitats, and all the natural beauty we saw - and we saw a lot of it ! - I learned so much from her! Meals were delicious, made-to-order, and accommodated everyone's dietary needs. There was a sense of fun and playfulness on the part of all crew members that put all the passengers at ease and made the trip FUN.
- Рекомендуется
- Competence, friendliness & responsiveness of crew. The amount of wildlife we were able to see - whales, orcas, bears, eagles, otters.... Ability to travel places (like Tracey Arm) that larger ships couldn't navigate.
- 9,6 Изумительно
- William R
A beautiful and unique small boat cruise in Alaksa.
We had four days of unusually warm and sunny weather, which was great. And even when more normal Alaska weather returned it was still pleasant. The itinerary was unique because the size of the boat allowed for smaller ports of call... incluidng Pelican and Petersburg... which we greatly enjoyed. And, the opportunity to get closer to the glaciers, the Anan hike to see bears fishing, the beach walks and kayaking, all made the experience exceptional.
- Рекомендуется
- The captain and crew were excellent. The itinerary and the ability for the captain to adjust to new opportunities was great. The small number of guests and opportunity to get to know crew and guests was great fun.
- 10 Изумительно
- Jeffrey M
Fantastic experience on land and at sea
Stunning views for nature and wildlife. Great to experience the local people and culture. The polar plunge! Great captain and crew making sure you had the best possible experience.
- Рекомендуется
- Eagles, whales, crew
- 8,8 Невероятно
- Patrick R
Captain Eric maneuvers Alaska Dream with precision for quintessential wildlife and glacier viewing.
Viewing Orca, humpback, sea otters and sea lions as well as land based goats, eagles, and of course the Sawyer glaciers.
- Рекомендуется
- Wildlife, scenery, and intimate vessel size.