Akomo Isseki 船宿, 印度尼西亚
9.4 高超
- $ 160/天 起
- 现在预订
“我们特别想强调我们的潜水向导 Alex 令人难以置信的专业知识,他让每一次潜水都难以忘怀。”
- 传统手工打造的印尼帆船(Phinisi)
- 由南苏拉威西的布吉水手操帆
- 提供新鲜烹制的印尼和西式餐点、海滩烧烤、新鲜烘焙面包、点心和热咖啡
登上Akomo Isseki游船踏上印尼探险之旅。这是一艘传统手工打造的木质帆船,由南苏拉威西的布吉水手操帆,并提供在拉贾安帕和科莫多国家公园的极佳潜水行程。船上设有四间自然通风的双床舱室,可容纳8位客人。公共浴室配备现代化设施,并饰有传统手工艺品。社交区域包括共用餐厅和一个大型部分遮阳的日光甲板。您可享用新鲜烹制的印尼和西式餐点、海滩烧烤、新鲜烘焙面包、点心和热咖啡。在潜水间隙,您可以在日光甲板上放松、划皮划艇、浮潜、参观岛屿,傍晚时分观赏壮丽日落,感受海风,与您的潜水伙伴一起喝着冰啤酒放松身心。
Akomo Isseki帆船前往的潜水目的地包括拉贾安帕、科莫多国家公园以及班达至安汶之间的航线。在科莫多,您可以在卡朗马卡萨潜水,与成群的曼塔鳐近距离接触;在帕劳西亚巴进行黄昏潜水,欣赏美丽的曼达林鱼表演它们的求偶舞;还可以在科莫多岛上与巨蜥同行。拉贾安帕的行程安排在11月至4月,是潜水者的天堂。这里拥有世界上生物多样性最丰富的潜水环境,您可能会遇见地毯鲨、豆丁海马、大量海蛞蝓、儒艮、曼塔鳐以及座头鲸。对于更冒险的旅客,从安汶到瓦伊萨伊(或相反方向)的香料岛航线不容错过。这是一次远离人迹的潜水机会,探索未受破坏的美景,同时有机会与成群聚集的双髻鲨一同潜水。
无论您选择哪种行程,充满热情的潜水向导和体贴的船员都将为您带来一次难忘的旅程。 立即在线预订。
包括: 增值税, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 沙滩烧烤, 零食, 潜水套餐, 皮艇, 陆上远足, 客舱毛巾.
必选费用: 国家公园费用 (3,500,000-4,500,000 IDR 每次行程).
可选费用: 小费 (150,000-250,000 IDR 每天), 机场接送, 酒店接送, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 租赁设备, 浮潜装备.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人
Akomo Isseki 评论标题
- 9.4 高超
- 10 优秀
- Lewis D
Visit Raja Amat
An amazing trip with spectacular diving. Some of the best I seen in 35 years of diving all over the world
- 推荐使用
- Great crew. Really good food and plenty of it. Arrive as a guest leave like family.
- 8.0 很好
- Kyle B
Better than the Luxury live abords.
Me and my husband had the best time on the Akomo Isseki. It is a beautiful wooden boat of small size that we went around to many remote islands in Raja Ampat. After our retirement we traveled extensively staying in hostels to make our dollars go farther. This boat was of that norm, so if you are looking for upscale, this is not the boat for you. The great things about this boat was the unpretentious of it. There were only 8 divers, and with only one launch, it would take one group out, come back for the other group, so on most dives it was just our small group of 5. As opposed to luxury boats we have been on where they drop 14 people on the same reef at the same time. As good breathers we were aloud to stay as long as we had air, rather than being limited by a predetermined time limit. That was especially nice for us. The dive masters ate dinner with us at the same table every night, so we all got to share and talk about the diving that day together. On the luxury boat the DMs were eatting with the crew, so we missed the evening chatter. By the end of the trip all the crew felt like friends, as opposed to servents. With fans instead of A/C, there was none of the going into the cold for dinner. There is limited water, but when we ran out, due to 5 girls with long black hair, we simply went to a port and refilled. I would love to go on another trip on the Akomo Isseki!
- 推荐使用
- Small dive groups. Low use of resources. Great crew and Dive Masters.
- 10 优秀
- David A
Loved It
great experience. While technically I had more dives than the others in the group, I actually felt the least experieinced, especially when we were in stronger currents. But Alex always made sure everyone was safe and confortable underwater. The boat is not a luxury experience, but it has everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable trip. The gear was always in great shape and the crew had everything ready for us whenever we needed it. Would definitely book again
- 推荐使用
- Dives (celebrating my 400th). Crew & Guide. Food.
- 8.4 很好
- Toby M
Great value for the money! The same diving as other boats, but with on-board comforts lacking
Reef mantas at magic mountain and oceanic mantas at blue magic!
- 推荐使用
- Great crew, afternoon excursions, diving sea mounts
- 9.2 高超
- Ling C
Exceptional and beyond my expectations
Staring into the souls of mantas The guests, the guides, and the crew Getting inked by a squid
- 推荐使用
- The diving, the people, and the games
- 10 优秀
- Camilla S
Eleven days in paradise 🙏♥️
Highlights for me was seeing Oceanic Mantas, the great vibes on the boat and very tasty food 😋
- 推荐使用
- Seeing so many variances and amounts of fish and corals. The good vibes on the boat. Great food.
- 9.6 优秀
- Stanislau K
Our diving trip to Raja Ampat aboard the Akomo Isseki was absolutely amazing
Our diving trip to Raja Ampat aboard the Akomo Isseki was absolutely amazing. Everything about the experience exceeded our expectations. We especially want to highlight the incredible expertise of our dive guide, Alex, who made every dive unforgettable. The crew also deserves a huge round of applause for their excellent work and warm hospitality. Their kindness and attention to detail made our journey truly special. Highly recommended!
- 推荐使用
- Excelent crew. Good food. Alex.
- 9.6 优秀
- Krishna Tulasi Choudhary G
Trip to Paradise
The trip was very well arranged with good gear for diving, knowledgeable instructors, friendly staff and great food. The island trips were well arranged and the staff ensured we had a lot of fun both on and off the dives. It has been a pleasure being on Akomo Isseki Banda sea-Raja Ampat trip. The sunsets were gorgeous, the whales and dolphins are a bonus on this trip. The dive sites were stunning with beaming life, colorful corals and a ton of fishes. Definitely something that one should witness in their lifetime
- 推荐使用
- The behaviour of the staff especially the dive guides. The food was really yummy and well catered to. The island trips.
- 10 优秀
- Amber K
Desperate to book our next trip with Akomo Isseki!
If you're on the fence, do it!! Overall this liveaboard exceeded all expectations! The crew and dive guide looked after us so well. Alex (DG) was very knowledgeable and did a great job teaching us the ropes with current and spotting all sorts of things! The rest of the crew went above and beyond every step of the way. We had so much fun! It is also amazing value for money - we are all planning when we will be back for Banda! Definitely recommend Akomo Isseki!
- 推荐使用
- Amazing dive guide and crew!!! We were ao well looked after!!. The dive sites were incredible!!!!. The boat was well set up and food was delicious!.
- 10 优秀
- Mirjam B
This trip truly was an extraordinary adventure, and we highly recommend the Akomo Isseki for anyone looking to explore the wonders of Komodo in the best possible way.
We recently embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime trip aboard the Akomo Isseki dive liveaboard to Komodo, and it exceeded all our expectations. Our family group, including two teenagers, had an unforgettable experience, thanks in large part to our amazing dive guide, Alex. His extensive experience and attentive care ensured that everyone felt safe and comfortable, even in the most challenging dives. The diving in Komodo was among the best we've ever done, easily on par with Raja Ampat. The vibrant marine life and stunning underwater landscapes were truly breathtaking. The boat crew was extremely experienced and professional, keeping us safe even with high wind and rough seas. The food on board was fantastic, with a variety of delicious options that satisfied everyone in our group. The atmosphere was always lively and welcoming, making it easy to relax and enjoy every moment. The boat itself is ‘basic’ in its amenities, with fan cooled rooms and shared bathrooms, but kept in pristine shape and is extremely comfortable with lovely shared spaces (great sun deck & dining area) so that we didn’t miss any luxuries at all. We would love to come back to make it a twice in a life time adventure 😃
- 推荐使用
- Super experienced dive guide. Amazing boat crew. Amazing food.