Amelie 船宿, 埃及
9.3 高超
- 免费上网
- 免费高氧
- $ 98/天 起
- 现在预订
Amelie Safari潜水船仅接待12名客人,为您提供更加私密的红海潜水体验。船上共有6间舒适的小舱房,位于下层甲板,每间舱房配有双层床、存储空间、充电区和舷窗。另外,船上还有2间共用浴室,配备淡水淋浴。社交区域包括温馨的室内休息室、餐厅和饮料站,届时将以自助形式提供新鲜烹制的埃及美食。整个顶层甲板是一个开放区域,设有户外遮盖的休息区。对于喜爱阳光的人来说,您可以选择3个日光浴区域,包括前甲板和高甲板,这些区域备有舒适的床垫,供您在潜水间隙中休息放松。
Amelie Safari是短途红海探险的理想选择,提供3晚行程以满足时间有限的旅客需求,也有7晚行程供希望享受完整一周红海潜水体验的旅客选择。船尾设有一个宽敞的潜水甲板,为潜水员准备装备提供充足空间,并且对于有认证的潜水员,行程费用中包含了高氧潜水的使用。Amelie Safari还可供私人包船,是小型好友及家庭团体的理想选择。
要安排您的红海Amelie Safari潜水旅程,请致电我们或在线预订。
包括: 增值税, 机场接送, 酒店接送, 欢迎鸡尾酒, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 高氧, WiFi网络, 客舱毛巾.
必选费用: 国家公园费用 (15 EUR 每天), 港口费 (20 EUR 每次行程), 燃油附加费 (8 EUR 每天).
可选费用: 小费, 酒精饮料, 水肺深潜课程 (210-370 EUR), 私人深潜指导 (55 EUR), 租赁设备 (32 EUR 每天), 额外深潜 (50 EUR 单次活动), 高氧课程 (132 EUR), 博物学者指南 (50 EUR 每天), 浮潜导游 (50 EUR 每天), 浮潜装备 (6 EUR 每天), 陆上远足 (35 EUR 每次行程).
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人

Amelie 评论标题
- 9.3 高超
- 8.4 很好
- MJ C
Great vacation
It was great
- 推荐使用
- Dives. Instructors. Easy.
- 9.6 优秀
- Megan C
Felt like home away from home in Egypt on the Sea!
The trip was an all around joy. The people were absolutely fantastic - five stars all around for the food, hospitality and dive guiding. It was my boyfriend's birthday the day after we finished our trip and the crew threw him a birthday party with a homemade cake! It was amazing. The dives kept getting better and we left not wanting it to be over. Can't wait to come back! The cabins were minimal and the ac wasn't always on but were simple and all we needed. If you're looking for luxury - look elsewhere but if you want a great boat full of a great people and superb dives then you're in good hands.
- 推荐使用
- Food!. Service and hospitality. Diving and guides.
- 10 优秀
- Sydney R
All around great trip
Even when the weather was bad the dives were amazing and the crew was very positive. The cook on board made sure we always had a variety of meals and constant snacks. There was always additional amenities available and all needs were met to the fullest extent. The only downside was the quality of rental gear but that is fairly normal for Hurghada.
- 推荐使用
- diving, food, and guides
- 7.6 好
- arpi K
Was expecting more for my money.
- 推荐使用
- Diving, food
- 8.0 很好
- Eric Y
Nudibranchs, reefs, turtles
- 推荐使用
- Divemasters
- 10 优秀
- Jacob S
Phenomenal. Best dive charter I’ve ever been on for the price
Community onboard the boat. Dive quality and quantity!
- 推荐使用
- Dive quality. Crew friendliness. Food.
- 10 优秀
- Stuart H
Great Experience
The diving was amazing, we saw so many different species and that was a huge highlight, but this was our first experience on a liveaboard and it couldn't have gone better. The crew was amazing and we loved the boat. They took great care of it and us and I was surprised at how great the food was. We had snacks available all the time, 3 meals a day and unlimited drinks. Absolutely loved it!
- 推荐使用
- Crew, Food, New People
- 9.6 优秀
- Bevlynn R
Great trip for the money
This was the most enjoyable liveaboard experience I have had. This was because the crew made this trip. They were so attentive and treated us like royalty. We were not allowed to lift a finger. They made this a true vacation. Also, the small amount of other divers was so nice. We pulled up to other boats with twice to three times as many divers and the deck seemed like chaos and the dive sites were so crowded. Our dive master and boat captain worked hard to keep us away from other dive boats and was able to modify the dive schedule to make sure we were not in the water with other divers from the other boats. There were just a few times this was unavoidable and it was crowded in the water. It made me really appreciate the attentiveness to this detail our dive master and captain made to truly make every dive an enjoyable one. Overall, this is a wonderful trip with a fantastic crew.
- 推荐使用
- The crew, the amount of people, the trip
- 9.6 优秀
- Silvard K
Great experience, great diving
Diving the two wrecks. Very impressive and a great experience to swim into the wrecks. The food was always absolutely delicious; good variety, too. The crew was wonderful; always in good mood, helpful, making you feel special. We were also lucky to have a great group of fellow divers; we all got along great and all left as friends. Overall a GREAT experience, even for divers with 150+ and 500+ dives!!
- 推荐使用
- dive spots, food, staff friendliness
- 8.0 很好
- Purushottam M
It was very nice trip. Everyone was very helpful. I wish all the best
Not sure
- 推荐使用
- Great crew