
Bahamas Aggressor 船宿, 巴哈马

  • Rating 8.6 out of 10 8.6 极好
    • 提供高氧
  • $ 274/天 起
  • 现在预订


DERRICK Z, 国旗 澳门 澳门


  • 宽敞的100英尺豪华游艇
  • 在虎滩与加勒比礁鲨、柠檬鲨和虎鲨一起潜水
  • 每天最多可进行5次潜水




包括: 增值税, 晚餐葡萄酒, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 甲板毛巾.

必选费用: 港口费 (160-208 USD 每次行程).

可选费用: 旅行保险, 潜水保险, 小费, 机场接送 (30 USD), 酒店接送, 水肺深潜课程, 租赁设备, 额外深潜, 高氧课程, 浮潜装备.

立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。

* 额外费用是每人


  1. Visa 支付
  2. 万事达卡支付
  3. 支付宝付款
  4. 美国运通支付
  5. 支付宝付款
  6. Apple Pay 支付




Bahamas Aggressor 评论标题

  • Rating 8.6 out of 10
  • 8.6 极好
  1. 船只
  2. 船员
  3. 食物
  4. 深潜
  5. 价格
  • Rating 9.6 out of 10
  • 9.6 优秀
  • 国旗 澳门 澳门

You can always trust aggressor in liveaboard.


船上的服务,船上的食物,水下的Caribbean reef
  • Rating 4.8 out of 10
  • 4.8 评分
  • Kevin B
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Would not recommend to book the Bahamas Aggressor.

As far as my cabin, The privacy glass film was scratched away (baseball sized hole) in a section revealing the shower/toilet inside and being that I was sharing with a stranger, that was a bit uncomfortable. On the first day, I ripped a piece of duct tape that was being used to keep the glass within the shower door frame because it was broken. I ripped apart several pieces of the duct to cover up the see through holes. Next, our toilet leaked toilet water into our shower every time we flush the toilet I checked with another guest and their toilet did not do this. Gross. The boat was dated and you could tell. The food 90% of the time was awful. One of the sauces was melted peanut butter… With snapper. Everything was seasoned and spiced which is an indication that someone can’t cook. A lot of the fruit was either spoiled. I had mold on some of my raspberries / blackberries. I didn’t think it was very sanitary that meat like chicken was left out all night in the sink to thaw and by the following day it was room temperature. On the last day back in Port the morning that we woke up the boat was a mess And the water was shut off, so no one could flush their toilets all night. The crew was decent. I felt that the captain didn’t care at times. Prior to one particular night dive, The divers, including myself were all talking about this one night dive site. The seafloor was 80 feet we had been diving deep for the day. The visibility was extremely poor, There was a decent current, and the water was chummed for the sharks all day. We didn’t want to dive here. We wanted to dive somewhere shallower. The captain insisted that this is where we’re diving and it’s going to be the same conditions everywhere. After some discussion, we persuaded the captain to move dive sites, which was about a 5 to 6 minute boat ride. Upon entering the water in the 18 foot depth, 35 minutes in, the swells picked up, there was lightning, and a storm was coming here. The captain did jump in the water to aid in getting everyone out, but the communication was not great. There should have been nine taps on the ladder in groupings of 3 to communicate to cancel the dive. The captain jumped in the water and ate it and getting everyone to the ladder. One young girl (15 years old) had her gear removed and was tossed towards the ladder, resulting in smashing her knee into it, and it kept her from diving For the remainder of the trip, two days. My gripe is that if we had dove that 80 foot dives site with the current ripping and the storm coming in it would’ve either been a search and rescue. There’s a possibility that we would have divers. I understand that things happen, but I don’t feel that safety was the biggest concern here. After speaking to other divers about this boat, they all had the same consensus, and they were from all From different parts of the world. They have done other aggressors in the past, and they all said That This was the worst aggressor. Oh, I almost forgot the AC stop working one night into the following day, which was a bummer. They got it fixed though. On three separate occasions, my buddy and I had to come back a little early for the dive maybe 25-30 minutes. There was no one on deck watching for divers, No assistance. Other than that, the diving was great Although no tiger sharks, but it is what it is. It’s hard for me to recommend other aggressors because this was my first Aggressor and livaboard so if this is any indication of the Aggressors, I won’t be back and I won’t recommend.

Diving. Diving. Not having to breakdown my gear.
  • Rating 7.6 out of 10
  • 7.6
  • John M
  • 国旗 美国 美国

My travel was a nightmare, and the boat experirnce was mixed due to old boat

Mixed. Great crew but old (1974)boat needing complete refitting. Lost A/C 3 nights out of 7 in stifling heat in dining salon and 4 cabins, including ours. Similar problem with nitrox compressor resulting in yo-yo percentage of O2. Weather was good after blowout on first diving day.

Crew. Location. Rented equipment.



  • Josue Zarco
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Ester Canali
  • Juliane Ball
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Oksana Kovaleva