Conte Max 船宿, 马尔代夫
9.1 高超
- 互联网
- 免费高氧
- $ 164/天 起
- 现在预订
加入M/Y Conte Max,在马尔代夫体验独特的浮动酒店之旅。Conte Max将健康和潜水相结合,侧重于放松。船上有9间宽敞的客舱,可容纳17位客人(如果考虑三人入住,则为21位)。下层甲板有6间双人、双床或三人客舱。主甲板有1间双床客舱,另有一间双床客舱位于上层甲板,并享有海景。所有客舱均配有独立空调、充电端口和套房浴室。沙龙配有舒适的座椅区、电视和DVD播放机,而酒吧则提供各种软饮料和酒类。客人可以在室内和室外用餐区享受由厨师准备的意大利国际和马尔代夫美食的桌边服务。三层甲板提供放松区,设有舒适的座椅,包括日光躺椅、日光垫和甲板椅。
MY Conte Max全年安排前往马尔代夫最佳潜水地点的行程。由一艘独立的潜水多尼船护航,船上有充裕的装备空间,往返潜水地点也十分方便。为认证潜水员提供免费高氧气体,游艇还配有水下滑板车。根据季节不同,行程将探访中部和北部环礁(阿里环礁、哈奈法鲁湾、拉环礁和巴环礁)以及马尔代夫的南部和极南部环礁,潜水员有机会看到鲨鱼、海龟、蝠鲼等。
Conte Max浮动酒店是马尔代夫潜水的绝佳选择。今天在线预订吧。
包括: 增值税, 机场接送, 欢迎鸡尾酒, 茶&咖啡, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 高氧, 浮潜导游, 浮潜装备, 皮艇, 钓鱼, 陆上远足, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 沙滩毛巾, 甲板毛巾.
必选费用: 强制服务费 (120-140 USD), 港口费, 环境税 (12 USD 每天).
可选费用: 潜水保险 (15-35 USD), 酒店接送, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 饮用水, 沙滩烧烤 (10 USD 每天), 特别晚餐 (10-18 USD), 水肺深潜课程 (80-600 USD 单次活动), 私人深潜指导, 租赁设备 (35 USD 每天), 额外深潜 (40-80 USD 单次活动), 高氧课程 (200-380 USD), WiFi网络 (30 USD), 洗衣熨烫.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人

Conte Max 评论标题
- 9.1 高超
- 9.6 优秀
Magic Mantas, Friendly Nurse Sharks and Reef Aquarium
I joined this safari for the reputation of the quality of diving in the Maldives and it was incredible ! Mesmerising Mantas, and docile nurse sharks numbered 40+ weaving in / out of divers and resting at the sandy bottom. White and black tip sharks on every dive, the colorful varieties of reef fishes in the shallows, healthy corals and numerous annenmones with their clown fish residents All the dives are different and well planned that allow us to experience as much of the variety as possible.. Director Gianluca is very organized, knowledgable and experienced. Dive masters Ali and "Booze" are locals with 30 years experience who are very familiar with all the dive sites. The crew is very efficient, attentive, and friendly. They are always ready help. Chef made wonderful food - all delicious ! The barbecue on the beach was a perfect end to one of the days - food and setup was incredible - the crew made a sand whale shark for us ! Thank you ! The boat is very spacious, comfortable and well kept. Plenty of areas where one can retreat to, relax and rest after each dive. The library lounge is well stocked with interesting books - one comment maybe to have more English books instead of Italian ones. As you walk along the waterfront and the piers of Male, you already see schools of stingrays swimming near where the fishermen dock their boats. There are large schools of stingrays and even a guitar shark as we dove just outside Hulhumale, . The hypnotic Giant Manta dancing back and forth at the cleaning station is like a ballerina - in slow motion thoroughly enjoying itself her visit at the spa ! A good 20 minutes - so very lucky for us ! Contrasted by the Giant Mantas at the night dive who came for planton feeding - energeticly and vigoriously pursueing the plantons with back flips. They stayed for a good 40 minutes ! A nurse shark joined in the fun and passed in front of me not 12 inches away. I was totally in awe of these magnificent creatures. Earlier, we jumped into a school of 40-50 nurse sharks. As we descended, they wove through us to check us out. Some rested at the sandy bottom - peaceully resting and sleeping At first, it was very scary but they are not threatening at all. On the shallow reefs gathered the most colorful sweetlips, snapers, anglefish, fusilias, giant clams and many others. Brilliant anemonies with their brightly striped resident clown fishes and giant clams - a truely underwater aquarium.
- 推荐使用
- 10 优秀
- Marcela V
Beautiful boat, friendly staff, excellent food and amazing diving
Conte Max is charming cosy boat with diferent places to chill after dives. Crew is extremely helpful, kind and always with a smile. Atmosphere on the boat was very pleasant and food was incredibly good. Activities between or after dives like barbeque on desert island, swiming, fishing and lokal island visiting were just perfect and made this trip unforgetable. Dive guides Fabio, Diego and Boee were comunicative, profesional and experienced what made diving in sometimes stronger current feel me safe and I could enjoy the dives. From my experience highly recomended..
- 推荐使用
- Dives. Food. Activities.
- 8.8 极好
- Barbara G
Unforgettable experience
Availability of the boat leader was extraordinarily. Kitchen and cleaning personnel was hardly working to make our time on the boat an unforgettable experience.
- 推荐使用
- Dive sites. Friendliness of the boat staff. Food.
- 9.6 优秀
- Ai Qi Esther T
Excellent experience liveaboard in Maldive with Conte Max!
1. Night drive with Manta and nurse sharks 2. BBQ on Beach especially the 'table' created by the team. 3. the friendliness of the crew 4. Able to provide and cater gluten free diet 5. The availability of bigger tank (13L) at no cost
- 推荐使用
- 1. Dive guide was very helpful and supportive to the dive team. 2. Other itinerary such as BBQ on beach, city tour, island tour.. 3. the effort put in by the team to try to attract whale shark, Manta Ray and Nurse Shark.
- 9.2 高超
- Martina B
Paradisische Malediven
Wir haben jeden Tag auf der Conte Max genossen und haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt. Die Tauchgänge, Ausflüge und das Strandbarbeque machen den Aufenthalt zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Vielen Dank an die tolle Crew, die sehr aufmerksam, professionel und auserordentlich freundlich war!
- 推荐使用
- Tolle Tauchgänge, professineller Service und liebenswerte Crew
- 9.2 高超
- Scott W
Great dives around the classic central atolls route. Saw everything and more than we expected!
The local dive guides knew the sites very well and done very well to keep us diving away from other boats (some popular sites could see up to 8 boats diving). We saw a whale shark at Dhangetti, manta rays at two cleaning stations, guitar, reef, black and white tips and nurse sharks on other dive sites as well as a tiger shark out in the blue at fish tabk. The nurse shark dive at alimatha was insanely good. The nurse sharks also stayed at the back of the boat all night whilst we ate dinner and into the next morning and you could jump in and snorkel if you liked. We dives with 100’s of stingrays, bull rays and even came across a mobula during a safety stop. For me the bbq and football on the uninhabited island meerufenfushi was magical, watching the sunset and then the sky fill with stars and watching shooting stars rain down as we took the zodiak back to the boat. Would like to see the boat lessen its environmental impact. They're a bit behind some of the more expensive boats in terms of measures in place to offset customers impact. There is apetite for it from all divers. Overall a fantastic trip, the variety meant it was more an adventure than just a dive trip and I couldn't have asked for more in that respect.
- 推荐使用
- Dive guides, dive sites, friendly crew
- 8.8 极好
- Andras M
Good value for money, professional dive guides,
Mantas, sharks.
- 推荐使用
- Dive guides, underwater experience, atmosphere on board
- 7.6 好
- Roberto B
Magnifiques plongées
Plongée nocturne avec raies Manta
- 推荐使用
- Ce que l on a vu, requins, raies Manta, etc.