Roatan Aggressor 船宿, 洪都拉斯

  • Rating 9.3 out of 10 9.3 高超
    • 提供高氧
  • $ 299/天 起
  • 现在预订


Natasha M, 国旗 美国 美国


  • 每天最多可在美丽清澈的海湾群岛水域进行 5 次潜水
  • 探索陡峭的海墙、生机勃勃的浅礁、迷人的沉船和离岸的海底山脉
  • 体验著名的 Aggressor 高水平船上服务

加入罗阿坦 Aggressor,开始 7 晚的行程,探索洪都拉斯海湾群岛清澈的水域。船上可容纳 18 位客人,设有 9 间带独立卫浴的舱房,其中 1 间是配有一张大床的主卧舱房,7 间为配有一张双人床和一张单人床的豪华舱房,1 间豪华舱房配有 2 张单人床。每个舱房都提供独立的空调控制、吹风机、浴袍、存储空间、带有媒体播放器的电视显示器和影片选项,并且提供卧床整理服务和晨间饮品服务,使您的入住尽可能舒适。 船上的所有餐食都包含在内,包括点餐早餐、自助午餐和晚餐时的桌边服务。此外,船上还提供新鲜的上午和下午点心。船上所有饮品(包括酒精饮料和非酒精饮料)均为免费。社交区包括带有娱乐系统的室内休息区、餐饮区、酒吧、户外有顶座位区以及配有热水浴缸的宽敞日光甲板。



包括: 增值税, 晚餐葡萄酒, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 甲板毛巾.

必选费用: 港口费 (145-150 USD 每次行程).

可选费用: 旅行保险, 潜水保险, 小费, 机场接送, 酒店接送, 水肺深潜课程, 租赁设备, 额外深潜, 高氧, 高氧课程, 浮潜装备.

立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。

* 额外费用是每人


  1. Visa 支付
  2. 万事达卡支付
  3. 支付宝付款
  4. 美国运通支付
  5. 支付宝付款
  6. Apple Pay 支付




Roatan Aggressor 评论标题

  • Rating 9.3 out of 10
  • 9.3 高超
  1. 船只
  2. 船员
  3. 食物
  4. 深潜
  5. 价格
  • Rating 9.2 out of 10
  • 9.2 高超
  • Janet S
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Fun diving with family in Roatan.

I had a blast despite the poor diving conditions. Poor visibility on most dives. My brother who is a beginner diver receive the iron diver award. That’s how much he loved it. My teenage nephew with brand new dive certification also loved every minute of it.

Diving with my family who are beginner divers. Fun and friendly crew. The food, especially Jana’s desserts.
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 优秀
  • Mickie N
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Fantastic Food, Devine Diving and Courteous Crew

Roatan Aggressor set the bar high for my first live-aboard experience. The food never fell short in supply or taste. Chef Jana and Franklin work some magic in that boat kitchen of theirs. Every flavor revealed her natural talent. The crew put everyone at ease and made sure we were safe. Captain's Eddy and Willie were present and helpful for any questions or concerns. Dive Master's Steiner and Kevin were great diving guides, pointing out the micro life and showing us everything they could find. Nightwatchman Brandon joined us for the afternoon dives on deck by helping with gear and keeping us safe throughout the night. The guests also made this trip great by mingling and conversing with each other. We enjoyed the company of each other and the entertainment by the crew. The icing on the cake was the number of high-quality photos and videos the dive team captured during our dives.

Food. Dive Finds. Crew.
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 优秀
  • John P
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Hardest-Working Crew in Roatán

Very friendly and professional crew. At every turn it was all hands on deck to maximize the experience of the guests. Very hard-working crew. The highlights of the trip for me was the two wreck dives and the shark dive.

Dives. Crew. Food.



  • Mylene Issartial
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Josue Zarco
  • Juliane Ball
  • Oksana Kovaleva
  • Laura Babahekian
  • Nicole Laughlin