Soleil 2 船宿, 马尔代夫
9.2 高超
- 提供高氧
- $ 25/天 起
- 现在预订
- 船上配有富氧潜水设备
- 船上设有热水浴池
Soleil 2 是马尔代夫的一艘游船,提供14间带空调的舱房,可容纳28位宾客。每个舱房都配有独立浴室和热水淋浴。船上设有空调室内用餐区,而在顶层甲板上则设有露天遮阳座位,供希望在星空下用餐的客人使用。船上还有空调休息室和一个大型日光甲板,供客人在潜水间隙或欣赏日落美景时放松身心。潜水活动在一艘装备有压缩机和潜水设备储存空间的Dhoni船上进行,以最大限度地增加Soleil 2的内部空间并保持其安静。
Soleil 2 会航行穿越中部、北部和南部环礁。在北部环礁,蝠鲼和鲸鲨会在Hanifaru湾捕食浮游生物。北部和南部环礁更受经验丰富的潜水员欢迎。在深南航线中,客人可以与鲸鲨、蝠鲼和护士鲨一起进行夜潜。在每次潜水中,潜水员都有机会遇见特别的海洋生物,从海龟到拿破仑鱼和礁鲨等。
立即预订您的Soleil 2之旅吧!
包括: 增值税, 港口费, 燃油附加费, 环境税, 机场接送, 欢迎鸡尾酒, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 浮潜导游, 钓鱼, 陆上远足, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 沙滩毛巾, 洗衣熨烫, 甲板毛巾.
必选费用: 小费 (15 USD 每天).
可选费用: 本地航班, 酒店接送, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 沙滩烧烤 (5-10 USD 单次活动), 水肺深潜课程, 私人深潜指导, 租赁设备, 额外深潜, 高氧 (6 USD), 高氧课程, 浮潜装备, SPA, 按摩, 瑜伽.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人

Soleil 2 评论标题
- 9.2 高超
- 9.6 优秀
- Michael P
A fabulous trip that delivered even more than I expected.
Outstanding dives with an excellent dive master.
- 推荐使用
- Great dives, great staff, and great accommodations!
- 9.2 高超
- Loras F
Superior Diving Trip
The crew were outstanding taking care of our every need. The diving was OK. I hadn't researched a lot about the condition of the reefs in the Maldives and was saddened to find out they suffered extensive bleaching. So the dive guides focused more than I'd like on finding and viewing the larger marine life (sharks, rays, eels). I would prefer to still check out the reef to see what we could find but the guides wanted to spend most of the dives waiting and watching the sharks. I know others loved this, but I'd prefer equal time exploring.
- 推荐使用
- Staff, Food and dive boat size
- 10 优秀
- Adam L
Best decision ever!!!
Whale sharks at night!!! Beautiful sunsets Everything I could have hoped for and more😃😃😃😃😃
- 推荐使用
- The crew was amazing! Faya was the best guide and Shahid was great at running the boat.
- 10 优秀
- dorne C
Great boat, fantastic crew, attentive and caring, plenty of good food
The night dive with manta rays, island bbq, whale sharks, giant manta rays, numerous grey sharks, and the amazing crew. The owner Saiad was on-board and available all day. He worked hard to find whale sharks, and he did! He is friendly, mingled with everyone and enjoys he enjoys making sure we all had a great trip. The group I was with from around the world [Australia,England, Spain and France] bonded immediately. Fresh water snacks available all day. Rooms cleaned each day. Comfortable air con dining room. Thanks Saiad for making this a FANTASTIC experience for my first live-aboard!
- 推荐使用
- crew, room and boat
- 9.6 优秀
- Frank M
Great Value
This is a very large dive boat with lots of deck room to spread out on. I think getting a balcony room was worth it. Great dive guides and lots of marine life! No whale sharks on this trip, but tons of mantas and sharks. Some of the best diving of my life!
- 推荐使用
- Big boat, Great guides, Amazing diving
- 9.6 优秀
- Florian D
Sie werden mehr auf dieser Reise sehen, als Sie sich erträumen können.
- 推荐使用
- Tigerhaie. Mantas. Walhaie.
- 7.6 好
- Malgorzata S
Big diving Big waves Big boat
Despite the really awful weather and very rough sea conditions - August/ central route - the dive team gave us all the best and all that was possible out of accessible dive sites and the diving was awesome! We had mantas, whale shark, all kinds of sharks including guitar sharks , beautiful reefs and creatures! It the boat was a bit disappointing - it is very big so as for me there was to many divers (+/-30) although there was enough space for everyone on the boat and the doni , on the main all the furniture was not fixed to the boat as it should be so it was moving a lot during this very wavy trip , beds were sliding from side to side in all the rooms as were the sofas tables and chairs all over the boat, I was feeling not very comfortable and safe… The food was pretty average or even poor comparing to other liveaboards in Maldives but the Diving Crew was amazing! They know everything about diving in Maldives so I would come back only because of them ! In general the boat is clean but needs much renovation and improvements .
- 推荐使用
- Diving. Diving. Diving.
- 8.4 很好
- Siu Kwan W
Professional and caring dive guides
Great Maldivan dive guides! They were professional and try hard to found something amazing to the guests. They even arranged a crew member to wait for the whaleshark coming to the backside of the boat! When every guest was asleep at 12:00am, they knocked on every door to let you know the whalesharks just came and make sure you can saw those massive gentle creatures. It was so amazing! The crew was slso very helpful and nice!
- 推荐使用
- Dive guides. Crew Service. Valuable.
- 8.0 很好
- Ángel L
Hizo muy mal tiempo y no pudimos disfrutar de cielo azules y mar tranquilo. La comida un poco repetitiva. Quizás algo más occidental no hubiera estado mal y algo más de variedad.
- 推荐使用
- La amplitud de la cabina y el gran baño. La estructura del Barco. El viaje.
- 7.2 好
- Wybe K
Great crew and well-maintained boat
Seeing endless amounts of sharks and wildlife underwater. The dive sites were relatively quiet. The staff on the boat were amazing but the food was very boring and samey.
- 推荐使用
- Staff, Sharks & Quiet