Grand Majestic巡游游船, 加拉帕戈斯
9.3 高超
- $ 538/天 起
- 现在预订
Grand Majestic是一艘长35米的高速游艇,于2018年建造,拥有8间客房,可容纳多达16名游客。全年旅客可以选择4天、5天或8天的行程。Grand Majestic现代化且配备宽敞的生活空间。这里有带按摩浴缸的日光甲板供宾客放松,以及一个露天用餐区,友好的船员会在这里提供美味的餐点。客房配有空调、宽敞且带独立浴室。此外,还有空调沙龙、户外用餐区以及带舒适座椅的休闲甲板。任何特定的饮食需求都可以作为特殊要求提出,船员会尽力满足。
Majestic航游经过圣克里斯托瓦尔岛、巴托洛梅岛、埃加斯港、塔古斯湾和乌尔比纳湾。行程包括浮潜、徒步旅行(如在巴托洛梅岛)、橡皮艇游览、划皮艇、沙滩漫步等活动。此次旅行的一些亮点包括参观埃斯皮诺萨角的活火山La Combre、近距离接触加拉帕戈斯独特的水下野生生物、观赏鲸鱼和海豚(在一年中的特定时间进行)、发现一些罕见而奇特的鸟类等等。加拉帕戈斯群岛是每位潜水爱好者的梦想目的地,这片少有人涉足的地区拥有丰富的生物多样性。游客将有机会看到企鹅、蓝脚鲣鸟、燕鸥、纳斯卡鲣鸟和加拉帕戈斯鹰等动物。他们还将参观繁殖中心,看到巨龟。这里还有一位资深认证的自然向导,帮助客人探索这些神奇的岛屿。
立即预订您的加拉帕戈斯豪华度假之旅,登上Grand Majestic游艇吧。
适宜于浮潜员包括: 增值税, 机场接送, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 租赁设备, 博物学者指南, 浮潜导游, 浮潜装备, 皮艇, 陆上远足, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 沙滩毛巾.
必选费用: 国家公园费用 (100-200 USD 每次行程), 签证费用 (20 USD), 自主预定国内航班附加费 (50 USD).
可选费用: 旅行保险, 小费, 本地航班 (430-510 USD), 软饮料, 酒精饮料.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人

Grand Majestic 评论标题
- 9.3 高超
- 9.6 优秀
- Michael R
Wonderful Boat with Delicious Food & Great Excursions
We were upgraded to the master suite of the boat and couldn't have had a better experience all around. The cabin was large, clean and stylish. The excursions were well organized & suitable for all experience levels of hiking & swimming. The staff were all kind & available throughout the trip. We couldn't have had a better experience all around!
- 推荐使用
- 1. Meals; 2. Excursions; 3. Cabins
- 10 优秀
- Yilin Z
Amazing once in a lifetime experience!
Getting upclose and personal with the wild life, swimming with sea lions, sea turtles and sharks were an amazing experience!
- 推荐使用
- Wildlife, activities, meeting new friends!
- 10 优秀
- thomas B
Snorkeling Hiking The guide and crew Great meals
- 推荐使用
- Swimming with sea turtles, sea lions and sharks
- 10 优秀
- Meng Y
Truly an experience of a lifetime
Oh boy, where do I start?! Snorkeling was definitely out of this world. We saw tons of sea turtles, sea lions, marine iguanas, quite a few penguins, several sharks and a couple of stingrays. I'm sure luckier groups have seen hammerheads and whales, but we're quite happy with the variety of sea life. The most fun part of snorkeling is swimming with these wonderful majestic creatures! Our Naturalist Guide, Hanzel, is truly the other highlight of this trip. I couldn't imagine a guide with more experiences in life - Navy Seal, Master Diver, Paratrooper, Story-teller. His presentations each night about Galapagos is nothing short of amazing. A 60-something that's as fit and passionate about the Galapagos as a 30-something. Count your fortunes if you get Hanzel as your guide.
- 推荐使用
- Snorkeling, Presentations by the Guide, Food and Drink onboard
- 10 优秀
- Michael R
Beyond my expectations.
Snorkeling, particularly Kicker Rock, a great finale to a great experience
- 推荐使用
- 1. Variety of land and snorkeling activities. 2. Comfort of the yacht, attention to detail, attentiveness of the crew, variety of delicious food. 3. Knowledge and personability of the guide.
- 10 优秀
- Richard F
What a trip!
This was such a great trip that myself and my partner went on. Our guide Danny was awesome and so enthusiastic about the islands and its inhabitants. All of the crew were absolutely excellent, the captain pedro, barman Polo, the panga operators - Verny and Hector, the engineers Jonathan, the chef Wilmur and all the other crew (I can't remember everyone's names sorry!) really made everyone feel welcome and they did everything so well. The boat itself is amazing with great rooms and so much food served up at various points throughout the day
- 推荐使用
- The excursions. The quality of the staff and the boat itself. The animals.
- 8.0 很好
happy people after this trip
Very nice experience.
- 推荐使用
- very well organised. food was good. our suite was very good!.
- 8.4 很好
- Véronique Q
Tres beau voyage, attention a la surconsommation a bord.
Très beau voyage. Snorkeling au top. Balades/ découverte parfaites. Aucun temps de repos, tout est minuté. Repas trop copieux et en cas trop nombreux. Il doit y avoir un grand gâchis alimentaire. Les repas sont pris en intérieur avec climatisation à fond, sauf une fois sur le pont supérieur. Bref beau séjour ds un environnement naturel préservé mais pas assez écologique sur le bateau.
- 推荐使用
- Confort. Accueil. Snorkeling.
- 9.2 高超
- Michael S
The Galapagos lived up to all our expectations.
Everything from hotel pick up to airport transfer at the end of to cruise was very well organised. Boat needs a little more maintenance for a relatively young vessel. Anchor and rubber transfer boat both failed in the 10 days we were on the boat.
- 推荐使用
- Cabin number 8 for 10 days. Animals and Food.
- 10 优秀
- Robert M
Fabulous yacht, crew, itinerary and weather.
The incredible array of marine and land life that was seen on each and every outing.
- 推荐使用
- Activities - 2 Snorkeling and 2 hiking every day, comfort of yacht and quality of food.