Solaris巡游游船, 加拉帕戈斯
9.3 高超
- $ 518/天 起
- 现在预订
作为2019年的新成员,MY Solaris游艇为加拉帕戈斯群岛的头等舱巡游打造了完美的设计。凭借先进的设施和现代化的舒适环境,Solaris Galapagos能够容纳最多16名客人,提供11间带独立浴室的客舱。上层甲板设有3间配有一张大床和一张单人床的客舱,以及2间配有一张大床和一张双人沙发床的客舱。主甲板则有1间双人客舱和5间单人客舱,使得Solaris成为加拉帕戈斯少数几艘为单人旅客提供无单房差的游艇之一。所有客舱都配备衣柜、书写台、充电端口、阅读灯和全景海景窗。
M/Y Solaris游艇提供贯穿加拉帕戈斯群岛的独特行程,尽可能优化您在群岛中的时间,每日参观两个景点。船上的专家级自然导游将大自然栩栩如生地呈现出来,让您在旅途中享受与加拉帕戈斯奇特野生动物的意外邂逅。两艘小型充气艇使上下船更加轻松快捷,同时增加了途中发现野生动物的机会。巡航时间为4天起,可通过组合行程延长,以充分利用您在加拉帕戈斯的时间。
适宜于浮潜员包括: 增值税, 机场接送, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 博物学者指南, 浮潜装备, 皮艇, 陆上远足.
必选费用: 国家公园费用 (100-200 USD 每次行程), 签证费用 (20 USD).
可选费用: 旅行保险, 小费 (30 USD 每天), 本地航班 (470-510 USD 每次行程), 软饮料, 酒精饮料.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人

Solaris 评论标题
- 9.3 高超
- 10 优秀
- Richard D
A trip of my lifetime.
The snorkeling The food
- 推荐使用
- Th activities The food. The staff
- 8.8 极好
- Kelly B
The trip was wonderful and the crew was amazing.
- 推荐使用
- Helpful crew, relaxing,clean
- 7.6 好
- steven G
Galapagos are wonderful; food and guide need to be improved
Instead of highlights, how about problems? The food is not good. One night the "beef" was virtually inedible. I have been on a number of small boat cruises and the food was much better on each of them. Guide is a problem. He is very knowledgeable, but talks too much and repeats himself constantly. Also don't appreciate all of the celebrity name dropping and the interjection of his political views. He needs to be replaced. The toilets on the ship are also a problem, backing up frequently. The islands are a treasure, and the crew is fantastic, but I would not take another cruise from this company.
- 推荐使用
- Viewing wildlife, natural beauty of islands, itinerary
- 10 优秀
- Abba K
Solaris Galopogos
This was the best trip. The crew was super attentive and Alexis, our guide, was knowledgeable and friendly. I VERY highly recommend the Solaris if you want to visit the Galopogos.
- 推荐使用
- Crew to passenger ratio was great, food was delicious, excursions were very organized
- 9.6 优秀
- Susan D
Wonderful way to explore the Galapagos
Snorkeling Scenery Friendly atmosphere Knowledge staff
- 推荐使用
- Plenty of snorkeling. Great staff. Nice accommodations
- 8.4 很好
- Lora N
So much wildlife; an amazing crew and boat
The snorkeling was amazing we saw so much wildlife. The crew was very friendly and helpful
- 推荐使用
- Activities, boat, location
- 9.6 优秀
- Elizabeth H
Amazing crew and fantastic activities and sights for such a quick trip!
Seeing lots of amazing wildlife both on land and in the water during all points of the trip! Fantastic food and drink throughout and great service from the crew. A really great group of fellow passengers to share the experience with!
- 推荐使用
- The crew, the different animals we encountered, and the helpfulness of everyone on board.
- 8.8 极好
- Katherine D
Trip of a Lifetime
I learned so many new things to teach my students. This trip was a dream in the making for 20 years m.
- 推荐使用
- Learning about the natural phenomena, the trip atmosphere, and snorkeling
- 9.6 优秀
- Carly C
Solaris for the win!
The animals and being so close to nature
- 推荐使用
- Guide was fantastic, room was spacious and had great windows, crew was friendly and helpful.
- 8.0 很好
- Douglas S
Wonderful short naturalist trip
Snorkeling with sea lions, learning the natural history of the islands and seeing giant tortoises
- 推荐使用
- The very nice accommodations, the helpful staff and the itinerary