
Infinity巡游游船, 加拉帕戈斯

“We had a wonderful experience- the food was top knotch and the menus accommodated the varying dietary needs of our group. The gro…”

Sarah T, 国旗 美国 美国

如您想进行加拉帕戈斯群岛豪华小型游轮之旅,新建的Infinity号游艇是一个绝佳的选择。 Infinity号拥有10间现代化的客舱,仅可容纳20位客人,提供时尚而优雅的生活空间。 8间船舱和2间套房均设有私人阳台,空调,卫浴和充足的存储空间。 主甲板上设有休息室,用餐区和酒吧区,全景窗户可让您享受加拉帕戈斯群岛的壮丽景色。 顶层甲板是在躺椅上进行岛屿游览或在一天结束时在热水浴缸中放松的理想场所。


探险巡游 | 仅浮潜

包括: 增值税, 机场接送, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 租赁设备, Stand Up Paddleboard, 博物学者指南, 浮潜装备, 皮艇, 客舱毛巾.

必选费用: 国家公园费用 (100-200 USD), 签证费用 (20 USD), 自主预定国内航班附加费 (50 USD).

可选费用: 小费, 本地航班 (525 USD), 软饮料, 酒精饮料.

立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。

* 额外费用是每人


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  2. 万事达卡支付
  3. 支付宝付款
  4. 美国运通支付
  5. 支付宝付款
  6. Apple Pay 支付




Infinity 评论标题

  • Rating 9.5 out of 10
  • 9.5 优秀
  1. 船只
  2. 船员
  3. 食物
  4. 活动
  5. 价格
  • Rating 9.6 out of 10
  • 9.6 优秀
  • Sarah T
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Family Friendly Fun

We had a wonderful experience- the food was top knotch and the menus accommodated the varying dietary needs of our group. The group excursions were great and the guides were fun and knowledgeable. We were a group of 11 and it was a fun way to have a group adventure and to let others worry about the logistics! We should have stayed longer.

The crew were all amazing friendly and knowledgeable!. The rooms were super comfortable and had everything we needed.. The cruise was super family friendly- our kids had a blast..
  • Rating 9.6 out of 10
  • 9.6 优秀
  • William W
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Luxury and Adventure in the Galapagos

The staff was exceptional. Guides Juan and Daniel were nothing short of amazing. Their range of knowledge was exemplary, and one always felt like they had more to share if only there was more time. The food was exceptional, also, other staff, such as Carlos, the bartender, Dennis, the boat driver, Ava and Pamela, who assisted us in everything from sizing and getting us fitted for our wetsuits to handing out life vests were always friendly and smiling.'s were so yummy! The room and furnishings in the cabins were top-notch, and having my own private balcony was nothing short of luxury. activities were plentiful, and we were busier than I expected, certainly making you feel like even if you were taking a four day cruise, eight days of activities were packed into it! I highly recommend the infinity and board cruises for putting together this package, I just wish it were cheaper so I could afford to take my children with us next time!

Guides. Private Balcony. Ship ambience
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 优秀
  • Don A
  • 国旗 美国 美国

All around awesome

The 4 day, 3 night cruise on the Infinity was excellent all around. We visited 3 islands and observed a wide breadth of ecology and geology. The highlights included snorkeling with penguins, sea lions and white tail sharks; hiking the red sand island observing the flamingos; a dingy ride around black turtle cove observing ray and turtles; and observing many birds including boobies, finches, & hawks. The guides were very knowledgeable. The cruise was action packed with activities from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm and well coordinated. There were land, sea and snorkeling activities that guests from 11 years old to 75 years old were able to do. The food was excellent and the staff was pleasant and accommodating. The cabins and common space were wonderful. Overall the boat was spacious and comfortably accommodated the 18 guests and 15 crew. This is a bucket list trip and we definitely recommend the Infinity.

1) Activities were well coordinated; 2) Food was excellent; 3) Staff was very knowledgeable and accommodating



  • Josue Zarco
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Ester Canali
  • Juliane Ball
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Oksana Kovaleva