
Palau Aggressor II 船宿, 密克罗尼西亚

  • Rating 9.3 out of 10 9.3 高超
    • 提供高氧
  • $ 254/天 起
  • 现在预订

“Seeing Guam and Palau for the first time and experiencing the people there. ”

PAUL G, 国旗 美国 美国


  • 探索二战沉船
  • 船上提供富氧空气

M/V Palau Aggressor II 是一艘32米长的浮潜船,共有9间客舱,可载18名乘客,前往密克罗尼西亚探索二战沉船、蓝洞和深不见底的墙壁。使用 Palau Aggressor II 进行的潜水每天最多可以进行5次潜水,包括夜潜。所有舱房都配有私人浴室、淋浴、储物空间和独立空调。全天供应餐点和小吃,可以在餐厅或户外休息区享用,包括美式选择和当地美食。免费软饮、冰茶、啤酒和葡萄酒可以在船上的多个休息区享用。客人可以在有空调的休息室放松,也可以在阳光甲板上享受躺椅或吊床、甲板椅、活跃的酒吧服务和音乐播放器。在潜水甲板上,有一个专门用于大型相机设备的相机桌,甲板也非常宽敞,可以存放所有的潜水和安全设备。



包括: 增值税, 晚餐葡萄酒, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 甲板毛巾.

必选费用: 港口费 (270 USD 每次行程).

可选费用: 旅行保险, 潜水保险, 小费, 机场接送 (22 USD 每次行程), 酒店接送 (5-22 USD 单次活动), 水肺深潜课程, 租赁设备, 额外深潜, 高氧, 高氧课程, 浮潜装备.

立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。

* 额外费用是每人


  1. Visa 支付
  2. 万事达卡支付
  3. 支付宝付款
  4. 美国运通支付
  5. 支付宝付款
  6. Apple Pay 支付




Palau Aggressor II 评论标题

  • Rating 9.3 out of 10
  • 9.3 高超
  1. 船只
  2. 船员
  3. 食物
  4. 深潜
  5. 价格
  • Rating 9.6 out of 10
  • 9.6 优秀
  • PAUL G
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Great all around experience. I hope to do it again!

Seeing Guam and Palau for the first time and experiencing the people there.

The staff friendliness, amazing dive sites, really good food
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 优秀
  • Jonathan G
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Outstanding diving, service, and accommodations!

This was the best liveaboard experience I have had to date. Highlights were the staff: Johnny: Amazing meals every day Ana: Hardworking, friendly, and always on top of keeping the rooms clean and tidy. Ike: Experienced and knowledgeable captain and great dive master / critter spotter. IB: Excellent dive guide, nice relaxed pace, great, thorough briefings. Daniel: As cruise director and divemaster, he demonstrated his commitment to making sure we all had a great trip. Very friendly, fun, and professional. Jay-R: Great backup dive guide, always with a warm smile. (Can't speak to his engineering skills, but everything worked with no issues). Jake: Skilled skiff driver, always helpful with a lively smile. Full throttle through the archway in Rock Islands was very impressive! Ronnie: Excellent DM and critter spotter. Always on top of making my sure our cameras were on board the skiff.

Food was excellent. Staff was friendly, helpful, and very professional. Diving was amazing.
  • Rating 8.8 out of 10
  • 8.8 极好
  • Heidi B
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Very enjoyable trip.

Blue corner, oolong channel w the lettuce coral, sandy paradise w long nose filefish.

Great dive sites. Organized crew, large camera table.



  • Josue Zarco
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Ester Canali
  • Juliane Ball
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Oksana Kovaleva