Carpe Novo 船宿, 马尔代夫
9.1 高超
- 互联网
- 免费高氧
- $ 239/天 起
- 现在预订
Carpe Novo 是 Carpe Diem 船队中最大的游艇,全年在马尔代夫提供潜水服务。 分布在三层甲板上的 12 间舒适客舱可容纳 22 位客人。位于上甲板的初级套房设有双人床或双床,并享有海景。下甲板的6间标准客舱设有一张大号床和一张单人床,或两张单人床。主甲板上还有两个单人套房,非常适合单独旅行者入住。主甲板上还有带全景窗、平面电视、娱乐系统和图书馆的大型空调沙龙。上甲板设有露天餐桌,提供新鲜准备的菜肴,客人可以一边享受美妙的景色和海风一边用餐。日光甲板设有大量带软垫的躺椅和部分遮阳的休息区,供客人在潜水间隙晒太阳或享用日落鸡尾酒。
Carpe Novo 的行程涵盖了马尔代夫的一些顶级潜水点。经典路线为期 7-10 夜,探索马累、阿里、瓦武和拉斯杜环礁等几个地方。南端深潜适合经验丰富的潜水员,他们将有机会遇见锤头鲨,并体验刺激的水道潜水。潜水活动在专用潜水多尼(船)上进行,配备齐全,为潜水员提供了所有必要的装备准备、设备存储和冲洗空间。此外,还设有一个专门的摄影器材间,提供充电端口和电池与存储卡更换的干燥区,确保您不会错过任何精彩瞬间。
今天就在线轻松预订您的 Carpe Novo 马尔代夫游船吧。
包括: 增值税, 小费, 燃油附加费, 机场接送, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 沙滩烧烤, 零食, 潜水套餐, 高氧, 浮潜导游, 客舱毛巾, 甲板毛巾.
必选费用: 环境税 (12 USD 每天).
可选费用: 本地航班, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 水肺深潜课程 (130-700 USD), 租赁设备, 高氧课程 (200 USD), Stand Up Paddleboard (25 USD 每天), WiFi网络 (40 USD).
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人

Carpe Novo 评论标题
- 9.1 高超
- 10 优秀
- chiyuan M
潜水员以欧美潜水员为主。潜水氛围很好,下水前的潜水简报很详细,上水后大家都会记log,不记log的我显得格格不入。潜店每天记录大家的最大深度和潜水时间,行程结束还给了个汇总的log,带潜导签章。 船比较新,船宿餐食也不错,每天有海鲜水果冰淇淋,还有付费的啤酒。船上服务也很棒,认识了很多新朋友。看到了manta和各种鲨鱼,除了没有看到mobula和鲸鲨,是完美的船宿体验。
- 推荐使用
- 潜水. 食物. 服务.
- 9.2 高超
- John D
FABULOUS Experience! My first of this caliber - definitely not my last.
Highlights: Mantas over cleaning station, Mantas and Nurse sharks night dive. Sharks and Rays in Male Harbor. We were BLESSED with no real rain event during Dives. MAXIMUM sea state was maybe 2 while running between Atoll's. While I personally missed on the Whale Shark - several people were fortunate. My first surprise was being greeted at the Airport by the Boat team and escorted with the group to the Dhony. First afternoon aboard the Carpe Novo was relaxed, evidently no 'check dive' required. The Beach BBQ was very nice, the food very tasty. Nice Island sunset. While the Dive schedule was 'aggressive', it was well planned and I didn't feel rushed. Return day and dives relaxing, plenty of time for a 24hr pre-flight down-day. The Carpe Novo seemed to have it all. Plenty of Fresh Water dispensers, and they give you a Bottle on arrival. Coffee/Tea available 24hrs. Alcohol/Beer (on Tap) available for evening meals. TOP SUN DECK underutilized....a nice quiet place to nap/read. PLENTY of space to hang out wet clothes (foredeck) and 2x hand showers on stern of Dhony post-dive.
- 推荐使用
- The Crew, from the Captain to the Cabin attendant. Even the Chief Engineer came out to greet me on occasion. Kudos to whomever plans the Logistics....everyone has a job and clearly back-fil for one another as needed. Probably the BEST "Team" effort I have experienced in a long while.. The Meals, always something tasty to choose from. Creative and flavorful. Pleasant presentation. Stopping to thank the Kitchen staff and Chef was always a pleasure, everyone makes you feel 'included' in their day.. The Dive experience overall. While I consider myself an 'experienced' Diver - I learned so much during this trip. EVERYONE was helpful with tidbits of new information. From the Divemaster, through his team of Dive-guides (some clearly very highly experienced on their own). Communication is always Key..
- 8.0 很好
- Devante P
Great trip despite navigated during poor weather.
I had a fantastic time on the Carpe Novo liveaboard. The onboard amenities were top-notch, the food was delicious, and the lounges were exceptionally comfortable. While the weather was poor early on and a bit washed out in the final days, it didn’t detract from the overall experience. The crew's hospitality and the boat's excellent facilities made the trip enjoyable despite the challenges.
- 推荐使用
- Aside from diving - Best boat bathroom I've been in.. Comfortable lounges. Impeccable lunches..
- 10 优秀
- Renato J
Absolute excellent!
School of mantas, bull sharks near Male, whale shark
- 推荐使用
- Great space onboard, clean, additional large boat for diving
- 8.8 极好
- David P
Great Boat that needs Leadership
(1) This was my ninth LiveAboard dive trip... and this boat was different because it had no cruise director. The Carpe Novo is led by the 4 Maldivian Dive Guides. Maldivians are (by nature) a very quiet people that, in this case, lack energy and leadership skills. I didn't even know who was in charge after my first 5 hours on the boat. I don't think a head count was taken at the beginning... because I was in my room and missed the initial Boat Safety/ Familiarization/ Welcome Brief. When everybody was leaving at the end... the Guides were nowhere to be found. After a guest asked about them to say goodbye, a crew member found them in their room and brought them out. (2). The first couple of dives were chaotic because the dive guides insisted on keeping 22 divers in the water at the same location! We scared away potential sharks and swam on top of each other! TOTAL frustration! After A LOT of complaining... the guides finally did a better job a separating the groups. (3). This was a great trip overall... We saw Tiger Sharks, Whale sharks, Manta Rays, Sting Rays, Dolphins, Eagle Rays, Nurse Sharks, and White-tip Sharks. (4). The food was awesome! (5). Will I come to Maldives again? Definitely! Will I cruise Carpe Novo? Probably not.
- 推荐使用
- Comfortable Boat, Great Food, Good Dive Sites - A Cruise Director is Needed!
- 9.6 优秀
- Danya C
Fantastic vessel and diving!
The carpe novo is an exceptional liveaboard vessel. It is well kept, comfortable, and the rooms are spacious. The crew was extremely helpful and friendly. they did a great job with explaining each dive site and briefing, and they were very thorough with terrain and dive planning. The food was not as diverse as I would've liked, but I also assume its difficult to get things there and we went during covid, so that wouldn't really stop me from recommending this ship! I would return to the maldives and the carpe novo in a heartbeat. Wonderful experience all around, even during challenging times.
- 推荐使用
- dive spots, accommodations, helpfulness of crew
- 8.8 极好
- Seth G
Great trip despite rough conditions and no Whale Sharks
We had a great time on our trip - the wildlife on the reefs were fantastic. Conditions were a bit rough, which made for some interesting diving conditions, but overall the crew tried to make the best of what was available. Only issue was with communication underwater with our guides, as we had a minor incident where another guest blew their Deco limit. Overall a great trip.
- 推荐使用
- Boat was beautiful. Lots of Sharks, Good company
- 9.6 优秀
- Sue S
Awesome boat! The largest Live aboard cabins ever!
Whale sharks. Manta Rays. Shark festival.
- 推荐使用
- Big bathrooms/shower. Dhoni kept the dive operation organized. Great pelagic life.
- 10 优秀
- Chris P
Great dive boat
Manta rays and nurse sharks feeding behind the boat for hours
- 推荐使用
- Roomy stateroom, huge bathroom, great food
- 9.6 优秀
Excellent crew and Dive Masters. Staff is so friendly, helpful, happy, hard working.
Whale Shark! Night dive with nurse sharks and rays. The entire experience was fantastic.
- 推荐使用
- Ease and convenience of being able to dive 3x day, staff & divemasters, gathering together at meals with old and new friends.