
Mari Crociera Subacquea, Indonesia

  • Rating 8,7 out of 10 8,7 Favoloso
    • Internet gratis
    • Nitrox disponibile
  • da $ 242/ giorno
  • Prenota Ora

“Food was great, the bad was the bug issue and the ugly was the safety. Not one person on the boat check our nitrox cards and i kno…”

Trudy W, Bandiera di Stati Uniti Stati Uniti

La bellissima Mari è un'imbarcazione tradizionale indonesiana phinisi che offre escursioni subacquee tutto l'anno a Raja Ampat, nel Mare di Banda e nel Parco Nazionale di Komodo. Costruita interamente in legno di teak e ferro, i 30m della Mari sono stati completamente rinnovati nel 2016 per offrire arredi moderni e ampio spazio a bordo. A bordo accoglie solo un massimo di 14 ospiti in 7 cabine, garantendo un'esperienza più personale e un sacco di spazio in più per rilassarsi. Ci sono 3 cabine Deluxe e 4 Superior, ognuna con aria condizionata regolabile autonomamente, spazio per riporre i propri bagagli e bagno privato. Tutte le cabine si trovano sul ponte principale, quindi sono luminose e ben ventilate. Le aree comuni includono la sala all'aperto e il bar, nonché 2 solarium con lettini. La recente aggiunta di uno chef altamente qualificato a bordo significa che un'ampia varietà di piatti freschi, sani e deliziosi soddisferà anche i subacquei affamati più esigenti. Il tavolo da pranzo all'aperto è il luogo perfetto per gustare un pasto abbondante mentre si è circondati dallo splendido paesaggio indonesiano.

Scegli la data di partenza


Inclusi: IVA, Tassa ambientale, Trasferimento aeroportuale, Trasferimento dall'hotel, Acqua minerale, Cocktail di benvenuto, Tè e caffè, Pensione intera, Snack / Spuntini, Pacchetti immersioni, Attrezzatura snorkeling, Escursioni su terraferma, Guida naturalistica, Guida per lo snorkeling, Articoli da toeletta in omaggio, Asciugamani da bagno, Asciugamani da spiaggia, Internet Wi-fi, Telo mare.

Extra necessari: Biglietto Parco Nazionale (140 EUR per viaggio), Supplemento carburante (75-230 EUR).

Extra opzionali: Mancia, Bevande alcoliche, Bevande analcoliche, Nitrox (5 EUR per attività), Noleggio attrezzatura subacquea.

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Mari Recensioni

  • Rating 8,7 out of 10
  • 8,7 Favoloso
  1. Imbarcazione
  2. Equipaggio
  3. Cibo
  4. Subacquea
  5. Valore
  • Rating 7,6 out of 10
  • 7,6 Buono
  • Trudy W
  • Bandiera di Stati Uniti Stati Uniti

The good the bad and the ugly

Food was great, the bad was the bug issue and the ugly was the safety. Not one person on the boat check our nitrox cards and i know for sure there were people diving who weren’t certified to dive on nitrox. Big problem was we were told everyone has tanks at 31% (should have known right there that’s not right) one person in our group and 5 other people got bad air, some tanks had to get filled from another boat, we were told the compressor wasn’t working ….also turned out i held 3 tanks until they could be analyzed myself and to come find out after throwing a fit that also two tanks had regular on top of nitrox, to give a 26% mixture. O2 was given 30 after the dive when they could locate the o2 tank…and had to pass on the next dive. Extremely dangerous. They apologized to me but i can tell you what somebody is going to get seriously hurt. This was the first time nobody checked our certification. Also because of the lack of maintenance we lost 2 days of diving in Misool. After the tank issue the staff started analyzing tanks with 1 person from each group.

Suggerito a:
Our dive guide, food for sure, itinerary
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Eccezionale
  • Michael C
  • Bandiera di Stati Uniti Stati Uniti


The crew was extremely welcoming and really goes out of their way to make your trip the best experience. The dive sites and guide knowledge was top class, the chef was phenomenal and the underwater life was fantastic. Couldn’t have been more pleased with The Mari.

Suggerito a:
The amazing boat crew, the device guides and the dives sites,
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Eccezionale
  • Lynn M
  • Bandiera di Stati Uniti Stati Uniti

Absolutely Great

Of course the diving was the highlight. We saw lots of Wobbegon and reef sharks and spent 2 dives at the manta cleaning station with friendly mantas. We swam with swirling schools of a thousand plus fish. I highly recommend the Mari!

Suggerito a:
The staff took care of our every need. We didn’t lift or carry any tanks. The Tender Boats were set up with all our gear and we were helped putting it on and off. The food was great and more than we could eat. The Indonesian boat was homey and comfortable.

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