
Cayman Aggressor IV, Islas Caimán

  • Rating 9,1 out of 10 9,1 Magnífico
    • Nitrox disponible
  • desde $ 287 / día
  • Reserve Ahora

“While I absolutely loved the warm water and almost every dive site, the food that Mar cooked for us was delicious beyond my wildes…”

Donald O, Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Aspectos destacados

  • Buceo durante todo el año en las asombrosas aguas de las Caimán
  • Buceo en las 3 Islas Caimán: Gran Caimán, Caimán Pequeño y Cayo Caimán
  • Jacuzzi en la cubierta de sol

El M/V Cayman Aggressor IV es un crucero de lujo de 33m que ofrece cruceros de buceo de 7 noches y 8 días durante todo el año. El Cayman incluye algunas de las inmersiones en paredes y naufragios más espectaculares del Caribe.

Escoja su fecha de salida


Incluido: IVA, Agua para beber, Bebidas no alcohólicas, Té y café, Vino con la cena, Plan de pensión completa de alimentación (todas las comidas), Refrigerios, Paquete de buceo, Artículos de aseo de cortesía, Toallas de cabina.

Extras Obligatorios: Tarifas del puerto (95-135 USD por viaje).

Extras Opcionales: Seguro de buceo, Seguro de viaje, Propinas, Traslado al aeropuerto, Traslado al hotel, Bebidas alcohólicas, Alquiler de equipo, Curso de Nitrox, Cursos de buceo, Inmersiones adicionales.

Reserve ahora, pague después: Puede hacer su reserva en línea con facilidad. Guardaremos sus espacios para que más tarde pueda confirmar con el pago.

* Las tarifas adicionales se muestran por persona y están sujetas a cambios.

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  2. Pagos MasterCard
  3. Pagos con Paypal
  4. Pagos con American Express
  5. Pagos con Apple Pay
Mejor precio garantizado

Diseño y Planos de la Embarcación


Tipos de Cabina

Cayman Aggressor IV Reseñas

  • Rating 9,1 out of 10
  • 9,1 Magnífico
  1. Embarcación
  2. Tripulacion
  3. Comida
  4. Buceo
  5. Valor
  • Rating 8,0 out of 10
  • 8,0 Muy bueno
  • Donald O
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

The crew, the food, and the diving were fantastic!

While I absolutely loved the warm water and almost every dive site, the food that Mar cooked for us was delicious beyond my wildest dreams. Putting it another way, Mar's cooking was so delicious that the food she cooked was a highlight of the trip. The first mate/second captain Javier's enthusiasm and willingness to give us the very excellent underwater photographs that he took of each of us was another highlight, well actually, just getting to interact with Javier was a highlight. He has a wealth of underwater photography and diving knowledge that he freely shares. Talking with Captain Billy, the very charismatic leader who clearly makes the safety and comfort of the passengers his top priority, was another highlight. Working with Sarah who was always there and willing to help with whatever one needed was another highlight. Doing the night dives with Danny was yet another highlight. Almost every dive was excellent. The waters were warm. The dive sites were well selected. The food was amazing. The crew were incredible. This was my first liveaboard experience. I can only hope that my next one, yes, I will definitely do another Agressor Liveaboard, will be as excellent as this one was.

Recomendado para
The best three things about the trip were 1) the fantastic crew, 2) the amazing food, 3) warm water diving.
  • Rating 8,8 out of 10
  • 8,8 Fabuloso
  • David D
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Second time on board

Great crew. Good diving. Crossing to Little Cayman and brac.

Recomendado para
good weather, crossing to Little Cayman and Brac
  • Rating 9,6 out of 10
  • 9,6 Excepcional
  • Mark R
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Fantastic crew, great food, Caymans never disappoint

The sunrises and sunsets, and I love all the swim througs

Recomendado para
The crew, the food, the diving

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Contacte a nuestros consultores expertos en viaje cuando esté planeando un viaje.

  • Ester Canali
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Oksana Kovaleva
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Josue Zarco
  • Laura Babahekian
  • Andrea Martinez