
Galaxy Diver II, Galápagos

  • Rating 9,9 out of 10 9,9 Excepcional
    • Internet Gratis
    • Nitrox gratis
  • desde $ 507 / día
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“The following is a letter I wrote to a passenger (also a travel agent) I traveled with the week before: Dearest Marianne, It is …”

Robert N, Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Aspectos destacados

    • Itinerarios tanto de buceo como naturalistas
    • Salidas naturalistas en kayaks y paddle boards
    • Equipo de snorkel en las salidas sin buceo

El Galaxy Diver II es un crucero que lleva a 16 pasajeros en viajes de buceo y naturalismo por los Galápagos. Hay 8 camarotes dobles a bordo. Los itinerarios de buceo a bordo del Galaxy Diver II incluyen visitas a lugares de buceo mundialmente conocidos como Punta Carrión e Isla Lobo, Bahía Tiburón, El Arenal, Arco de Darwin y Roca Primo. Entre las especies que suelen verse en estos viajes se incluyen tiburones martillo, tiburones ballena, rayas, tiburones de las Galápagos, tiburones tigre y Orcas. Los itinerarios naturalistas a bordo del Galaxy Diver II llevan a los pasajeros a excursiones únicas en tierra para avistar fauna y conocer distintos paisajes.

Escoja su fecha de salida


Incluido: IVA, Recargo de combustible, Tarifas del puerto, Agua para beber, Cocteles de bienvenida, Té y café, Plan de pensión completa de alimentación (todas las comidas), Refrigerios, Nitrox, Paquete de buceo, Equipo de Esnórquel, Excursiones en tierra, Guía de Naturalista, Kayaks, Artículos de aseo de cortesía, Internet WiFi, Toallas de cabina, Toallas de playa, Toallas para la plataforma.

Extras Obligatorios: Gastos adicionales por no reservar vuelos domésticos con el operador (60 USD por viaje), Tarifas de Parque Nacional (100-200 USD por viaje), Visas y tarifas (20 USD por viaje).

Extras Opcionales: Propinas, Traslado al aeropuerto, Bebidas alcohólicas, Bebidas no alcohólicas, Alquiler de equipo, Curso de Nitrox (250 USD), Cursos de buceo, Guía privado de buceo (2,000 USD).

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* Las tarifas adicionales se muestran por persona y están sujetas a cambios.

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Diseño y Planos de la Embarcación


Tipos de Cabina

Galaxy Diver II Reseñas

  • Rating 9,9 out of 10
  • 9,9 Excepcional
  1. Embarcación
  2. Tripulacion
  3. Comida
  4. Buceo
  5. Valor
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Excepcional
  • Robert N
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos

Diving the Galapagos

The following is a letter I wrote to a passenger (also a travel agent) I traveled with the week before: Dearest Marianne, It is so nice to hear from you. First, of the 14 guests we had on board, not one was a drama queen, everybody acted their age. Ha ha. (Note: I was senior to all by about 25 years and I was the only American). They were from Australia (transplants from England), Germany, Spain, and France. Most spoke their native tongue, and Spanish and English. I thoroughly enjoyed their company while observing the minute cultural differences. Second, I would rate the trip an 8 or 9 when compared to the “naturalist” trip we took. As you know, the “naturalist” trip was chaulk full of minitrips, hiking, snorkeling and touring, and most educational about the environment and all. Most of the diving in the Galapagos can be found better elsewhere in the world. We did have some special moments with sea turtles and sea lions in and around the main islands. However, we did dive at Wolf and Darwin Islands, Darwin Arch specifically, both of which were spectacular, Darwin Island much more so though. Darwin Arch (now Pillars because the arch collapsed) is the flagship diving spot of the Galapagos. Besides seeing sea turtles and hundreds of hammerhead sharks, as well as other sharks, we encountered not one, not two, but six whale sharks. Most other places in the world, you are allowed to snorkel with the whale shark after chasing them a bit. But the whale shark always just swims away and you cannot keep up with it, then the chase begins again. Here though, we would dive to about 70 feet (about 21 meters) and lay on a ledge and wait for the whale shark to slowly swim by. This is what divers dream about. I shot video and posted the best on my Facebook page ( ) if you care to see. All in all, I am totally happy with making both voyages on the Galaxy Diver II. Usually, when I travel to go diving I am glad I did it, but also happy to be heading home. While I still had these emotions when this trip ended, I was for the first time, actually tearfully sad because I had exceptionally good experiences and wouldn’t trade it for any other trip. These two weeks have been the flagship trip of my 70 years and I doubt any other trip can beat it. Thank you for getting back to me, I was sincerely surprised. I enjoyed our time together. Yours truly, Robert

Recomendado para
the crew. the food. the diving.
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 Excepcional
  • Vincent G
  • Bandera de Francia Francia


Les plongées avec les requins baleine. Les centaines voir milliers de requins marteaux. La gentillesse de l'équipage et des guides Le confort du bateau

Recomendado para
Qualité du bateau, quantité d'espèces visibles, requin baleines
  • Rating 9,6 out of 10
  • 9,6 Excepcional
  • Ben W
  • Bandera de Alemania Alemania

Just an absolute magical experience to discover the Galapagos on board of the Galaxy Diver II

It was just overall superb. The diving and underwater life, but also the fantastic crew and dive guides Jorge and William! Also we were lucky with our fellow divers and the food was just delicious. The boat was just newly renowated and in top shape and beginning of july was a great month to chose for a liveaboard in the Galapagos. At Wolf and Darwin there was unbelievable action, literally there wasnt a single moment without hammerheads or huge galapagos sharks in your sight!

Recomendado para
Walesharks at Darwin, Mola Mola at Carrion Point and the close up penguin encounter near Marshall Cape!

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  • Ester Canali
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Oksana Kovaleva
  • Mylene Issartial
  • Josue Zarco
  • Laura Babahekian
  • Andrea Martinez