
Sea World 1 Дайвинг-сафари, Таиланд

  • Rating 9,4 out of 10 9,4 Превосходно
    • Бесплатный интернет
    • Найтрокс
  • от $ 127/день
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“Дайвинг был лучшим, что я когда-либо испытывал, невероятное количество дикой природы под водой было шокирующим, поездка была фанта…”

Mei Fan Connie H, Флаг Гонконг Гонконг

Базируясь в Ранонге, судно Sea World 1 осуществляет фантастические дайвинг-сафари в Таиланд и Бирму. Судно строилось специально для дайверов и может разместить на борту 18 пассажиров в 9 каютах. Пассажиры могут выбрать обычную двухместную каюту с кондиционером и общей душевой или VIP-каюту с удобствами и кондиционером. Все каюты расположены на главной палубе и имеют вид на море. Общие зоны включают салон с телевизором, DVD и стереосистемой и частично крытые палубы для загара. Гордость судна – кухня, где пассажиры могут наблюдать за тем, как шеф-повар готовит вкуснейшие блюда тайской, бирманской, индийской и китайской кухни. Отведать блюда можно за огромным столом рядом с зоной барбекю на верхней палубе.

Выберите дату отправления


Включено: НДС, Безалкогольные напитки, Питьевая вода, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Памятный ужин, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Полупансион, Night Dives, Дайвинг-пакет, Наземные экскурсии, снаряжение для снорклинга, Бесплатные банные принадлежности, Интернет WIFI, Полотенца для кают.

Обязательные дополнительные расходы: Плата за вход в национальные парки (700 THB в сутки).

Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Трансфер в/из аэропорта, Трансфер в/из отеля, Алкогольные напитки, Аренда снаряжения (700 THB в сутки), Курсы дайвинга с найтроксом (5,000 THB за дополнительные экскурсии и активный отдых), Курсы подводного плавания с аквалангом (9,500 THB за дополнительные экскурсии и активный отдых), найтрокс (2,500 THB за поездку), Персональный дайв-инструктор (2,000 THB в сутки).

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* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя

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Sea World 1 Отзывы

  • Rating 9,4 out of 10
  • 9,4 Превосходно
  1. Судно
  2. Команда
  3. Питание
  4. Дайвинг
  5. Цена
  • Rating 8,4 out of 10
  • 8,4 Отлично
  • Irina S
  • Флаг США США

Decent first liveaboard with some kinks to work out

First things first: Sea World 1 is a budget vessel and it's priced as such. From that perspective, it met our expectations with some caveats. PROS: 1. The food was good and it kept getting better each day. Hats off to the chef! 2. The boat boys were super efficient, attentive and friendly. 3. Our daily itinerary was very dynamic and well-paced. 4. There was always hot water in our cabin. 5. Our dive master, Audrey, was friendly and fun outside of the water. CONS: 1. The dives were not always well-planned. On three different occasions when the current was too strong for us to dive the intended route, we ended up just floating around without a back-up plan. Unfortunately, those were supposed to be some of the most exciting dives of the trip so it was a disappointing that they were not fully thought through. 2. Even though there was a secondary dive master, he did not dive with us which meant that the consistent ratio was 1 dive master for 5 divers. It would have been a much better experience if the secondary dive master had participated in our dives. 3. Audrey seemed like a relatively new instructor on this liveaboard so she may not have known the dive sites as well as the secondary dive master. It would have been a much better experience to change up lead dive masters every once in a while to take advantage of his local knowledge. 4. The secondary dive master dove exclusively with 4 other professional divers who did not make much of an attempt to socialize with the rest of the divers so there were always two distinct groups on the boat during meals and breaks. 5. There were not actual mattresses in the rooms. The "mattresses" are made of the same rubbery, hard material that is used for the outdoor mats and cushions on the eating benches. This made a good night sleep virtually impossible for 4 nights. They absolutely need to buy real mattresses for the rooms.

The food, Reshilieu Rock, the fast-paced daily itinerary
  • Rating 8,8 out of 10
  • 8,8 Невероятно
  • Kendra R
  • Флаг США США

Good diving, food and support!

Diving was fabulous, food and Thai support service was excellent.

Food was good Thai food, special vegetarian options, Thai crew was fabulous, super friendly and helpful.
  • Rating 9,2 out of 10
  • 9,2 Превосходно
  • Thomas G
  • Флаг США США

Pleasant dive trip in Myanmar

The boat and crew were excellent. The diving is pleasant but I was disappointed that the marine park is basically unprotected. There were fishing boats and squid boats everywhere. Not what one would expect after paying an expensive marine park fee. Obviously, this affects the number and size of fish that divers will encounter. A travel tip if you are interested in extending your trip in Myanmar. The boat leaves from Ranong, Thailand and immediately stops in Kawthoung, Myanmar to pass Myanmar immigration. You can obtain a Myanmar visa on your own and disembark in Kawthoung and stay in southern Myanmar.

Three best things; the boat, the crew and the food. The diving was good but not great

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