Azalea, Filippine
8,6 Favoloso
- da $ 255/ giorno
- Prenota Ora
“Il cibo era glorioso (sono vegano) e la barca era piccola ma perfetta per quello di cui avevamo bisogno. ”
La MY Azalea da 21m è una crociera semplice e confortevole che offre safari subacquei della durata di una settimana in alcune delle migliori destinazioni nelle Filippine, tra cui Tubbataha Reef, Apo Reef e Coron. Le barriere coralline di Tubbataha sono conosciute in tutto il mondo per essere tra i siti di immersioni incontaminati più belli al mondo proprio perché fanno parte di parchi naturali protetti situati nel mezzo del mare di Sulu e accessibili solo tramite crociera. Rimarrai a bocca aperta per i fantastici incontri di vita marina, tra cui mante, diverse specie di squali, tartarughe, delfini, balene e centinaia di specie di pesci e coralli. I mesi ottimali per tuffarsi a Tubbataha vanno solo da marzo a giugno e i posti si riempiono velocemente, quindi assicurati di prenotare in anticipo!
La Azalea offre anche itinerari per El Nido, Coron e Apo Reefs. Questo tour subacqueo offre qualcosa per tutti i tipi di sub. Dai grandi relitti della seconda guerra mondiale che si trovano a Coron Bay, alla ricchezza di vita marina di Apo Reef, si tratta sempre di imperdibili destinazioni per le immersioni nelle Filippine.
La M/Y Azalea accoglie solo 10 ospiti in 4 cabine con letti a castello e 1 cabina master. Costruita da subacquei per i subacquei, ogni cabina dispone di comfort moderni quali bagno privato, aria condizionata e prese elettriche. Situata sul ponte principale c'è una sala da pranzo al coperto dove vengono serviti piatti gustosi preparati al momento. Sul ponte di immersione troverai ampio spazio per riporre gli attrezzi e una toilette. Il solarium è il luogo di ritrovo perfetto per rilassarsi con una birra fresca a fine giornata, godendosi il tramonto e condividendo gli emozionanti avvistamenti della giornata.
L'equipaggio a bordo dello yacht MY Azalea non vedono l'ora di mostrarti la bellezza del mondo sottomarino delle Filippine. Chiamaci o prenota online subito per iniziare a pianificare la tua avventura nelle Filippine.
Scegli la data di partenza
Inclusi: IVA, Trasferimento aeroportuale, Trasferimento dall'hotel, Acqua minerale, Bevande analcoliche, Bevande analcoliche durante i pasti, Cocktail di benvenuto, Tè e caffè, BBQ sulla spiaggia, Pensione intera, Snack / Spuntini, Pacchetti immersioni, Pesca, Asciugamani da bagno, Telo mare.
Extra necessari: Biglietto Parco Nazionale (75-110 USD per viaggio).
Extra opzionali: Assicurazione subacquea (100 USD per articolo), Bevande alcoliche, Corsi di immersione, Guida privata per le immersioni, Immersioni extra, Noleggio attrezzatura subacquea.
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* I costi aggiuntivi sono indicati a persona.
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Mappa schematica della barca

Tipi di cabine
Azalea Recensioni
- 8,6 Favoloso
- 8,8 Favoloso
- Giancarlo S
Crociera stupenda, paesaggi fantastici con personale altamente professionale!
Le immersioni ad Apo reef, escursione a Black Island.
- Suggerito a:
- Immersioni, paesaggi, cordialità dell’equipaggio
- 6,8 Voto recensione
- Ronnie B
Stati Uniti
The trip was excellent but …
The highlight of the trip was the different atolls at Tubataha. The crew were friendly and hospitable. Our dive guide, Edu was the best. The lowlights was the constantly smoking of the crew everywhere. No designated smoking area. The food needs to have theme daily. Sometimes they don’t make sense. Nitrox wasn’t provided . Overall it’s ok.
- Suggerito a:
- The staff, Tubataha only 2 for me!
- 8,0 Molto buono
- James H
Stati Uniti
It was an adapt & adjust satisfactory experience.
The sighting of a swimming yellow-spotted manta & an albino manta stingray. Seeing an octopus was another highlight. Always like to view sea turtles. Schools of jackfish & snappers were appreciated. Variety of coral & fish was impressive. Many sightings of sharks were seen on most dives.
- Suggerito a:
- Exploring the Tubbataha Reef. The crew on the boat & the diving crew.
- 9,2 Magnifico
- douglas W
Stati Uniti
Great crew and good eats
So much marine life, truly mind boggling.
- Suggerito a:
- Crew, food and dive guide
- 8,8 Favoloso
- Ralph C
Stati Uniti
Slow boat to Tubbataha
This is a small boat with a correspondingly small number of divers (10). On this trip we had 7, and dove in 2 groups. All were competent and neither group experienced any diver related issues. The boat appeared ready to leave port at about sundown, but the tender suffered an engine issue sometime before we were to leave Puerto Princesa, and finding a replacement and receiving coast guard clearance delayed our departure until 2 am. A storm passing to our South further delayed our arrival at Tubbataha and we missed one day of diving as a result. The Azelea promptly refunded the value of our lost dive day when we returned to port. I was berthed on the upper deck and have no complaints about the quarters. Air con was available all night, and would be switched on during the day if the crew was asked. But it wasn't necessary. The food was good, and always plentiful. The crew was awesome, and would do anything for you. The diving, as expected, was terrific, and the guides were capable, friendly, and familiar with the area. 4 dives were offered each day except departure day (2 at Jessie Beazley). Nitrox is not available, if that's your thing. This is not a luxurious boat, and not for everyone. But for my dive buddy and me, it was what we were looking for and we were not disappointed at all, except for what was mentioned at the top, and that, though unfortunate, was not the fault of this dive op. We would, and in fact might, go again with Azelea.
- Suggerito a:
- The diving, the number of divers, the price
- 8,4 Molto buono
- Matt F
Stati Uniti
Better than expected
Diving at Apo Reef was the highlight; especially the ‘shark airport’ dive site...there were probably 18-20 whitetip sharks hanging out. We had some rough/windy conditions the first night and had to take an alternate route to Apo, and ended up only doing 7, instead of 8 dives, but it was understandably the right thing to do for safety. The crew is great, and the owner was on the trip with us. Overall, an enjoyable trip and worth the money.
- Suggerito a:
- Diving, smaller number of guests, friendly vibe
- 9,6 Eccezionale
Parfait ! Notre premier voyage plongée en bateau et sûrement pas le dernier :D
Tout a été parfait. L'équipage est incroyable : un chef au top du top qui nous a préparé des petits repas excellents (merci Martin), Edu notre dive master une vraie perle, les cabines sont petites mais hyper bien agencées et pratiques, les plongées justes magiques : tellement de requins, des raies, des poissons de toutes sortes. On a adoré ! Une chose est sûre ce n'est pas notre dernier voyage sur l 'Azalea. Et pour ceux qui doute encore : foncez ! Alors oui ce n'est pas le plus luxueux des bateaux mais la convivialité est tellement forte qu'on s'en fiche de ne pas avoir de douches chaudes ou de cabines grand luxe ! Le confort de ce bateau suffit largement et en plus niveau qualité prix vous ne trouverez pas mieux :D
- Suggerito a:
- Qualité des plongées, peu de plongeurs, repas au top
- 8,4 Molto buono
- Tudy L
Une semaine incroyable avec une équipe formidable
De superbes épave et récifs de corail
- Suggerito a:
- Les plongée la nourriture et l'équipe
- 8,4 Molto buono
- Vivek V
Great diving and famous wreck dives
The crew and owner of the boat was extremely happy people who did their best. Me being vegetarian, my options were limited on the dining table but for the non vegetarians, it's a foodies paradise. Divemasters we're experienced and knew the sites well. A week passed by in great company!
- Suggerito a:
- People, food, bed
- 9,2 Magnifico
Corea del Sud
a reasonable choice to explore the far reaching coral reefs of philippines
To be honest, there are some downsides such as small cabins and not providing nitrox, But considering the price, it is not a problem. Even though visibility was not so good during our trip, coron always offers diverse range of style of diving, which never fails me. What i liked the most is that comparing to other boats, the manager is very willing to be helpful and tries to reflect our opinions in many decisions. Yes, i would love to sail with them again.
- Suggerito a:
- friendliness of the crew, food exceeded my expectations, very supportive manager