
Seawolf Dominator 船宿, 埃及

  • Rating 9.3 out of 10 9.3 高超
    • 免费上网
    • 免费高氧
  • $ 133/天 起
  • 现在预订


Christin A, 国旗 德国 德国


  • 探索红海的卓越舒适性
  • 船上提供富氧气(Nitrox)
  • 船上提供免费Wi-Fi

42米长的MY Seawolf Dominator游艇在2015年3月进行了全面翻新,为潜水员在探索红海和苏丹水域时提供了更佳的舒适体验。游艇设有9间客舱和3间套房,每间房间都配备了私人浴室、迷你吧、音响系统以及独立控制的空调。M/Y Seawolf Dominator可以容纳多达24名潜水员。带空调的起居区配有娱乐系统,是放松的理想场所,每天提供3顿餐点于带空调的餐厅内享用。宽敞的阳光甲板为喜欢户外放松的人们提供了一个很好的放松区域。



包括: 增值税, 机场接送, 酒店接送, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 高氧, WiFi网络, 客舱毛巾.

必选费用: Park, Port and Fuel Fees (180-235 EUR).

可选费用: 潜水保险 (10 EUR 每次行程), 小费, 酒精饮料, 水肺深潜课程 (190 EUR), 私人深潜指导 (400 EUR 每次行程), 租赁设备 (130 EUR 每次行程), 高氧课程 (130 EUR).

立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。

* 额外费用是每人


  1. Visa 支付
  2. 万事达卡支付
  3. 支付宝付款
  4. 美国运通支付
  5. 支付宝付款
  6. Apple Pay 支付




Seawolf Dominator 评论标题

  • Rating 9.3 out of 10
  • 9.3 高超
  1. 船只
  2. 船员
  3. 食物
  4. 深潜
  5. 价格
  • Rating 10 out of 10
  • 10 优秀
  • Robert K
  • 国旗 美国 美国

First Class!

A first class trip to the Southern Red Sea in November, 2023. Every aspect was professional and comfortable. Thanks to all including Mo and Kero our guides, the kitchen staff and the entire crew. The diving was mostly uncrowded by other boats, with interesting swim throughs and lots of colorful fish (no sharks unfortunately). Honestly, the coral was not as colorful or healthy as was hoped, but that is a problem happening around the world.

Guides, food and boat
  • Rating 9.2 out of 10
  • 9.2 高超
  • adam K
  • 国旗 美国 美国

very nice trip

All of the boat staff and dive guides were excellent - we couldn't have asked for better. we stayed in an upper deck room. i thought it could have used a little updating. we booked the brother islands tour, but i personally think 3 days at brothers is way too long especially since it was so crowded with other liveaboards (we counted 16 including us at big brother). i would have like to see other dive sites rather than so many repeat ones. the food was good - there were several excellent meals such as the bbq and turkey dinner. i would have liked to see a couple more healthier options from time to time. all in all, we enjoyed this trip. being Egypt is so reasonably priced, we surely got our money's worth on this adventure. thank you to all the staff for making this a memorable experience.

staf & service
  • Rating 9.2 out of 10
  • 9.2 高超
  • Frances D
  • 国旗 美国 美国

Completely Surprised

Dive briefings were given in German and also done in English for me and my dive buddy -even though we were the only ones who weren't speaking German. Dive guides took care and if I wanted a guide they made sure I had one.

excellent dive guides Jamal and Akram, Super tasty food and Professional/Friendly Crew



  • Ester Canali
  • Laura Babahekian
  • Andrea Martinez
  • Nicole Laughlin
  • Josue Zarco
  • Juliane Ball
  • Oksana Kovaleva