SS Legacy巡游游船, 阿拉斯加州
- 9.3 高超
- $ 361/天 起
- 现在预订
独一无二的SS Legacy游轮每年4月-9月在阿拉斯加提供令人兴奋的行程。 S.S Legacy有45间舒适的客舱,可容纳90位客人。 每个客舱均设有连接浴室,电视/ DVD播放器,浴袍,洗浴用品,吹风机和双筒望远镜。 有多种客舱可供选择,从主甲板上的主客舱到日光浴平台上宽敞的主人套房,套房设有独立的起居室,湿吧,冰箱,按摩浴缸和全景窗户。
社交区包括一间大餐厅,主甲板上配有雕刻精美的木制橱柜。 上方的一层休息室带有DVD和书籍库,酒吧和钢琴,并可通向船头观赏区。 桥甲板包括热水浴池,遮阳区域和同时也有皮划艇,健身器材,瑜伽垫等。
SS Legacy上的阿拉斯加巡游行程为7或14晚,探索一些最佳地区。 根据您的行程,您的冒险活动包括冰川湾国家公园,芝加哥湾岛,查塔姆海峡,恩迪科特武器和福特恐怖荒野。 与阿拉斯加令人印象深刻的冰川近距离接触,观赏座头鲸,寻找黑熊和棕熊,海獭,海豹,海狮和鹰。 活动包括皮划艇,划桨板,海滩梳理,灌木丛砍伐和小艇探险,其中包括海滩和甲板瑜伽,营养讲习班以及有针对性的力量和健身训练课程。
S.S. Legacy的机长和船员已整装待发,准备带您踏上阿拉斯加的冒险之旅。 立即致电我们或在线预订以保留您的空间。
包括: 增值税, 国家公园费用, 燃油附加费, 签证费用, 晚餐葡萄酒, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 特别晚餐, 零食, Stand Up Paddleboard, 博物学者指南, 皮艇, 陆上远足, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 沙滩毛巾, 甲板毛巾, 瑜伽.
必选费用: 港口费 (375-750 USD 每次行程).
可选费用: 旅行保险, 小费, 机场接送, 酒店接送.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人
SS Legacy 评论标题
- 9.3 高超
- 8.4 很好
- Carol M
- 美国
Alaska beauty and wildlife.
I loved the nature excursions. The knowlegable guides were very enthusiastic and fun to be out with. The capitain fantastic in pointing out wildlife and maneuvering the boat for good, close views.
- 推荐使用
- The guides. Skiff excursions. Food.
- 9.2 高超
- John A
- 美国
This is the only way to experience and see Alaska! Fantastic!
The Highlights? It was almost all highlights! The other guests onboard were all very friendly and personable, the Staff was fantastic, Food was excellent and the wine selections were great.
- 推荐使用
- The enthusiasm of the crew, remembering all the names and always going beyond what I expected. The Food! Wow, this is 4-Star cooking. The outdoor experiences of Alaska! I don't think anyone else could match the kayaks, hiking on islands discovering wildlife.
- 10 优秀
- Brenda B
- 美国
We had such an incredible all around experience from start to finish, with a wonderful captain and crew, stunning views and wildlife experiences, and amazing food.
We loved the skiff tours. They gave us great opportunities to see more wildlife and the guides were very knowledgeable and they truly wanted to make our adventures memorable. Every time a passenger pointed something out (If we saw and eagle or whale), our guide and skiff driver went in that direction so we could get a better view.
- 推荐使用
- The adventures were all terrific. The crew was fun, informative, and so helpful. The meals and drinks were delicious.
- 8.8 极好
- Gary E
- 美国
A great adventure without the crowds found on. Raise liners.
Kayaking in Glacier Bay National Park.
- 推荐使用
- The guides, the scenery, the adventure activities.
- 9.6 优秀
- Elsa S
- 美国
Fun, challenging, educational, excellant staff and opportunities to engage with other guests.
Challenging my abilities kayaking and bushwacking. The dinging room could use a lot of sound absorption material
- 推荐使用
- Activities, staff, lectures
- 9.6 优秀
- Rosmarie Z
- 瑞士
Reise durch die Natur Alaskas
Die Begegnung mit der Natur, Ausflüge mit Zodiac, Kajaks und Wanderungen Mitarbeiter reagieren sehr flexibel auf Unvorhergesehenes und geben alles für die Zufriedenheit der Reisenden Mahlzeiten auf hohem Niveau, gute und individuelle Auswahl
- 推荐使用
- Naturbegegnung, Einsatz der Mitarbeiter, tolles Essen