Narayana 船宿, 菲律宾


“The staff was amazing. Overly helpful. Did stuff I could easily handle, but went out of their way to go above and beyond to make i…”

Steven D, 美国 美国

Narayana游艇专为图巴塔哈(Tubbataha)船宿深潜而设计,共有8间舒适的客舱,容纳多达14位客人。 每间客舱均设有私人室内浴室,独立控制的空调和储物空间,并提供大号双人床或双人双层床。 位于中间甲板的6间双人客舱还设有私人阳台,非常适合在潜水之间放松身心。 在室内用餐室供应自助式餐点,包括西餐和当地菜肴。 社交区域包括户外用餐和休息区以及阳光甲板。

菲律宾Narayana号船宿游船带您游览三月至六月的图巴塔哈(Tubbataha)国家公园和十月至十二月爱妮岛(El Nido),Coron 阿波礁。 在图巴塔哈(Tubbataha)礁潜水只能通过船宿进入,这里迅速成为菲律宾最好的潜水地之一。 有600多种鱼类,11种鲨鱼和13种海豚和鲸鱼,很容易理解为什么这里可以迅速成为潜水胜地。行程名额有限,因此建议提前预订。 阿波礁国家公园是菲律宾最大的珊瑚礁系统的所在地,充满了大大小小的海洋生物,可为您提供绝佳的深潜体验。 再加上Coron的沉船和爱妮岛原始水域,您将拥有一次梦幻般的潜水之旅。

经验丰富的潜水向导和工作人员正等着向您展示菲律宾的水下美景。 请致电我们或在线预订以预留空间。



包括: 增值税, 茶&咖啡, 酒精饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾.

必选费用: 国家公园费用 (5,000 PHP 每次行程).

可选费用: 小费, 软饮料, 租赁设备, 洗衣熨烫.


* 额外费用是每人

  • Visa payments
  • MasterCard payments
  • American Express payments
  • Paypal payments
  • Alipay payments
  • ApplePay payments

通过银行转账或在线支付 最优惠的价格


  • 每日整理房间
  • 影音娱乐
  • 图书馆
  • 客舱内电视
  • 冷气客舱
  • 日光浴甲板
  • 适宜于非深潜员(浮潜者)
  • 户外用餐
  • 充电站
  • 独立卫浴
  • 经济巡游
  • 租船特许


  • 西式美食
  • 当地美食
  • 素食选项
  • 自助餐
  • 啤酒供应
  • 素食选项
  • 葡萄酒供应

如果您有特定的饮食要求,您可以在预订表格的第2步中将此添加到您的特殊要求中。 我们建议,这些要求仅限于宗教信仰或食物过敏。


  • DIN适配器
  • 呼吸机支持
  • 冲洗龙头
  • 深潜甲板

工作人员讲话 English, German, Chinese, Japanese, 和 Korean.


船上提供深潜设备租赁服务,请在订购表格中填写您的租赁需求。 详细设备及价格信息请参照下文。 显示价格.


  • 建成年份 2014
  • 翻修年份 2018
  • 长度 26 meters
  • 最大船宽 5.2
  • 最大载客量 14
  • 客舱数量 8
  • 浴室数量 8


  • 雷达
  • 测深仪
  • 全球定位系统
  • 无线电VHF / DSC / SSB
  • 救生艇
  • 救生背心
  • 火警和灭火器
  • 氧气
  • 急救箱
  • 探鱼器
  • 卫星和移动电话
  • 舱底泵预警
  • 搜索灯
  • 引擎室闭路电视

Narayana 评论标题

  • 8.5 极好
  1. 船只
  2. 船员
  3. 食物
  4. 深潜
  5. 价格
  • 8.4 很好
  • Steven D
  • 美国 美国
Great liveaboard for the money!

The staff was amazing. Overly helpful. Did stuff I could easily handle, but went out of their way to go above and beyond to make it as great a trip as they could. The dive guides were amazing.

The staff, the diving, the location
  • 8.8 极好
  • Andrei B
  • 美国 美国
Tubbataha is nice and Narayana is a safe and economical way to explore it

Narayana exceeded my expectations. Although the dive deck is pretty crowded, the crew tried their best to make diving convenient to everyone. The rooms have huge panoramic windows, the A/C at night works great, the food is mostly Philippine, which is perfect, as it gives an opportunity to explore new flavors. And the diving was very nice: beautiful corals, plenty of fishes, great visibility…

Crew attentiveness and flexibility, varied itinerary, rooms with huge windows
  • 10 优秀
  • Geoff G
  • 英国 英国
Good value, everything was to a very decent standard for price

Diving with hammerheads! Really liked dive gude Don!

Staff couldn't help enough, super friendly and social crew, food plentiful and quality
  • 8.0 很好
  • charlie D
  • 法国 法国
Des plongées avec des coraux splendides

Le fait que l’on soit en petit groupe permet de pouvoir profiter encore plus sous l’eau et de faire connaissance plus rapidement. Le staff est sympathique et les repas copieux. Les plongées sont magnifiques en termes de corail bien que nous n’ayons pas vu de mantas / requin baleine.

Les guides de plongée, les coraux qui sont tous plus beaux les uns que les autres et enfin les couchers de soleil depuis le sundeck qui sont extraordinaires
  • 8.0 很好
  • Iu C
  • 西班牙 西班牙
Narayana great experience!

Ya por si solo sabes que vas a ir a una de las mejores zonas de buceo del país (y de Sud Asia), además de tener la suerte si te toca un grupo de buceo genial, y los propietarios y staff (incluyo instructores de buceo) se lo curran para que estés lo más cómodo posible y disfrutes el máximo posible, pues tienes un destino que no cabe otra resultado que es, ÉXITO ABSOLUTO. Muy recomendable para los amantes de tiburones (y todo tipo de multicolores de coral y peces, no te los acabas), nivel de dificultad medi-bajo. Piden 50 inmersiones, no por la dificultad de buceo, si no por el destrozo que puedes causar si no tienes suficiente experiencia y te cargas corales y demás, lo cual está super protegido, y me parece esencial este nivel para respetar una joya como Tubbataha Reefs. Go go Dive!

Dive&divers, staff, food
  • 8.4 很好
  • Carlos C
  • 巴西 巴西

The entire experience. It was amazing

The crew, the divers, the people are very friendly
  • 8.0 很好
  • Catherine O
  • 菲律宾 菲律宾
Would book again just for the lovely staff. Cabins left something to be desired.

The staff was really very friendly and helpful, though most were shy to speak in English so the foreign divers didn’t feel that as much as I did. I would book again though just to spend time with the staff again cause they really were very lovely. The cook clearly put a lot of love into his dishes, and I think the food would really shine with higher quality ingredients. I appreciated the small group (14 divers max). We had two dive groups and getting into the water was quick and efficient. The cabins were alright, but could be better designed and maintained. Some simple improvements can make a world of difference (thicker mattress, better pillows, doorknob instead of latches, cleaning stains from the windows and switches, etc). The bathroom has a “stale water” smell in my opinion – perhaps some coffee grounds would help neutralize that. But I really appreciated that the bathroom had a bidet! Staff would fix up our cabins every day which I also appreciated. Towels provided would shed like crazy — another easy but big improvement to make. I mostly avoided the cabins and stayed in the common area when I could, which was nice. If there were more space, some lounge chairs would be great. The biggest problems for me were: - The staff didn’t have their own beds or cabins. They had to sleep in the common area when the divers weren’t there. It isn’t comfortable, and it meant that the staff couldn’t rest at all during the day as the divers would be out and about then. I think small renovations to the captain’s area and a reserved cabin with an additional bunk bed for the crew would be great. It would mean 2 less divers could join, but the staff really made the trip for me. I imagine they’d make an even better impression on guests if they were properly rested. - The smoke coming from the engine. I could smell it when we were moving in the common area, and in the cabins as our AC was broken so we kept the windows open. Overall, I had a good time. I may go for a different liveaboard the next time around, but I don’t regret this trip. I loved the staff and the people I met on the group. I got to know them all quite well too since we were only a few people on board. My only recommendation if you join this boat, bring your own towel and a good amount of extra cash to tip the staff!

Staff, small group, toilets had bidets